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Temporary Closure of ABS Models


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I wish to draw attention that ABS Models is to cease trading for 6 weeks starting the 10th of February 2016 due to health problems of the proprietor Adrian Swain. Orders can still be sent but there will be a delay in delivery during this period.


Also Adrian thinks he will not be attending any shows during this period.


I am sure many will wish him a speedy recovery.



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I see Adrian moaning about RTR mistakes, just like hundreds of others here on RMWeb.




 To be honest, if it wasn't for people like Adrian pointing out the mistakes we would still have stuff like Tri-ang/Hornby did in the 70s....

It's because of people like Adrian that we have got to the place we are today with some cracking models, all be it some still have silly un-necessary mistakes. Hornby Magazine's Six wheel Stove R anyone?

Keep on Crusading Adrian I say.


Dave Franks.

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 To be honest, if it wasn't for people like Adrian pointing out the mistakes we would still have stuff like Tri-ang/Hornby did in the 70s....

It's because of people like Adrian that we have got to the place we are today with some cracking models, all be it some still have silly un-necessary mistakes. Hornby Magazine's Six wheel Stove R anyone?

Keep on Crusading Adrian I say.


Dave Franks.


Couldn't agree more Dave!  Adrians depth of knowledge is second to none and as you have said his was a major influence in ensuring the current high standards achieved by many manufacturers.  I do know that he is about to face major surgery and I for one wish him well and a speedy recovery to form - I look forward to seeing him at exhibitions again as soon as possible.  We need you Adrian!



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This quote taken from that link just about sums it up...


65447 wrote:But surely even a tolerant man such as you Ian must wonder why a small nail needs to be hammered so hard and for so long and from so many different directions?



Oh, absolutely so Mike. Adrian knows this, but whilst I fully support the notion of objective appraisal (a much nicer word than 'criticism'), I do feel that his particular style undermines the more moderate efforts of the rest of us.

It isn't so much what Adrian knows, or what faults he finds; it's the way he bangs on relentlessly about it (whilst claiming to do it as a Public Service) that winds people up so much.

I wish him well as a fellow human being, but fortunately this news affects my modelling about as much as if Hornby closed down tomorow.

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  • RMweb Premium

..... but fortunately this news affects my modelling about as much as if Hornby closed down tomorow.


Well - and this is not meant to be derogatory - that tells us quite a bit about your modelling activities.


There are very few projects that I undertake that do not require Adrian's components somewhere; components that are difficult or impossible to source elsewhere. I do a lot of kit-building and scratchbuilding, but even when buying RTR models I can almost always improve them with at least ABS vacuum and steam pipes, plus cosmetic coupling hooks.


I too wish Adrian a speedy recovery to full health, and encourage him in his campaign to up the standard of RTR models.


I strongly suspect that many of Adrian's denigrators are RTR modellers who won't even attempt to renumber their purchases. It would seem that they object strongly to the deficiencies of their puchases being brought in to sharp focus. A case of ignorance is bliss, methinks !!


Yes - I know that Adrian has, over the years, purchased quite a few kit ranges that have not yet been reintroduced - and perhaps they may never be seen again. However, if Adrian had not stumped up his cash it is very unlikely that anyone else would have done so - especially those persons who delight in decrying him for his (in)actions. At least the masters for these ranges still exist - for what they are worth - rather than being at the bottom of several municipal rubbish dumps !!



John Isherwood.

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No one can doubt Adrian's depth of knowledge, his enthusiasm, his efforts within the hobby nor his well intentioned aims to improve things. I think he was frustrated when less than perfect models were announced and this led to his rather unfortunate and unrelenting manner, on forums like this, in 'hammering that nail hard' which lost him some support. He did go a bit over the top on occasion.


In my couple of email exchanges within he was was enthusiastic and helpful.


We can only wish him well and hope for his speedy recovery.

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Having known Adrian for a few years, as an occasional visitor to my old shop, thro' the local EM gauge group, and a few local shows, he's never one to hold back on speaking his mind, and I prefer those that way that will give you an honest opinion, some times not good for those thinner-skinned. No spring chicken, so I hope he takes it easy, and gets better.

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Well - and this is not meant to be derogatory - that tells us quite a bit about your modelling activities.


I don't think ABS makes much stuff for the the 1:48 scale SOO Line modeller....



Anyway, I hope he feels better soon.

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....fortunately this news affects my modelling about as much as if Hornby closed down tomorow.


Well - and this is not meant to be derogatory - that tells us quite a bit about your modelling activities.




I strongly suspect that many of Adrian's denigrators are RTR modellers who won't even attempt to renumber their purchases. It would seem that they object strongly to the deficiencies of their puchases being brought in to sharp focus. A case of ignorance is bliss, methinks !!





John Isherwood.

Your second paragraph would imply that that's what you think my comment tells you about my modelling activities... :rolleyes:


I don't think ABS makes much stuff for the the 1:48 scale SOO Line modeller....




Someone else knows me rather better. ;)

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I see Adrian moaning about RTR mistakes, just like hundreds of others here on RMWeb.



I have never seen or heard Adrian moan about any thing.

He is a very helpful chap to deal with and from my experience has always gone the extra mile to help with any query on his products. In fact he is even willing to give advice on other peoples products.

The hobby would be in a worse state without him. His recent critique of the Oxford LNER cattle van has certainly saved me a few quid.


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  • RMweb Gold

I have never seen or heard Adrian moan about any thing.

He is a very helpful chap to deal with and from my experience has always gone the extra mile to help with any query on his products. In fact he is even willing to give advice on other peoples products.

The hobby would be in a worse state without him. His recent critique of the Oxford LNER cattle van has certainly saved me a few quid.


Where might I find said critique, please?



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