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Announcing the RMweb déjà vu debating society (well, not really)

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Are hesitation and deviation allowed?



Rule 2 is simply that we do not speak of Rule 2. Let alone the horror which is Rule 3.

Remember that there is no rule 6 (Monty Python Bruces sketch).

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  • RMweb Gold

How about any topic that ends up as a slanging match, or where a tiny point point is debated so much that common sense and the bigger conversation, which could have been useful and interesting goes out of the window?

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Frequent mention of 'Rule 1'


Argument for - It's handy shorthand for 'I'll do what I like on my layout'


Argument against - If that's Rule 1 what are Rule 2 et seq and how come nobody ever mentions them?

I thought Rule 2 was "See Rule 1". No others are required.

Rule 2 is simply that we do not speak of Rule 2. Let alone the horror which is Rule 3.

Rule 1 is congruent with Starfleet General Order 1: "No starship may interfere with the normal development of any alien life or society."  (Also the Prime Directive.)


Let's hope that we don't get to Rule .303Order 66 or worse yet, Starfleet General Order 24. (Don't tell AndyY about General Order 24. Some days he'd be sorely tempted.)


Remember that there is no rule 6

Thankfully our rule 1 has nothing to do with the Philosophy Department of the University of Wooloomooloo.

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  • RMweb Gold

Topic. X exhibition was poor.




It didn't have what I like, so therefore it was poor.


… Trade was poor as I couldn't find exactly what I wanted, the whole day was a waste of my £5/6/7/8/9.


'nuff said really.... :D

… except that the catering was even worse - and don't get me started about those overpriced slops from the bar.



Repetitive topic exhaustion - soldering for a starter.


In the media section it seems to be compulsory that every few months a

"BRM/Railway modeller/Model rail/Hornby magazine has lost its way" topic reappears.

Also every new release must be greeted with,"nothing here for me" before the 2nd page is reached.


… especially if said mag comes / does not come in a bag.



Frequent mention of 'Rule 1'


Argument for - It's handy shorthand for 'I'll do what I like on my layout'


Argument against - If that's Rule 1 what are Rule 2 et seq and how come nobody ever mentions them?

I thought Rule 2 was "See Rule 1". No others are required.

Just as long as "Rule 3" doesn't offer a "full and frank exchange of opinions" to anyone who dares to suggest otherwise, I guess we shouldn't get too worried.



Are hesitation and deviation allowed?

Just for a minute.



Rule 2 is simply that we do not speak of Rule 2. Let alone the horror which is Rule 3.

I dread to think …



As a related, but still off topic, issue- am I the only one who watches One Foot In The Grave and AGREES with Victor?

From reading this and some other threads lately I suspect I am not the only one.

Would this be the nice, cheerful, guy who always seems to believe what he's seeing and hearing?


Joking aside, I've never been able to sit through a full episode of any sitcom - I'm not taking a pop at anyone else's choice of viewing - it's just never been something I much care for, I'm afraid.




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  • RMweb Gold

Lets just face it, Forums are like everyone's first Hornby railway set - they just go round and round and round and round ad nauseam.


With the ocassional derailment.

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We all know that seven foot and a quarter inch is the best gauge. No argument so cannot be number one!

The only true gauge is  5' 1/2" or 1537 in new money.

London and Blackwall Railway.

Seeing as this line served one of the best known stations in model railway history (Minories) it has to be number one.

Now if I used 16.5mm to represent standard gauge track I could just about get away with using 18.83mm for the proper gauge parts.

That still leaves me with the problem of finding 4mm scale hemp rope to pull the trains.


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Think my hot, hot, hot, favourite was missed out (Guilty as charged, M'lud):


Thesis: It is blindingly obvious that Bacdaphehoixoxlica should prioritise introduction of a class 856 Pummeller (or whatever).

Subtext "What I want will be universally welcomed by all proper participants in this hobby"

Argument for: This is the signature item of the Stony Brokeford to Droitbach route, right at the centre of the current railway network, lacking which item contemplating modelling this key location is impossible.

Argument against: Just possibly the retailers and manufacturers between them have some insight into just how many purchasers have previously been found for products fairly specific to this particular route/location.



Generally speaking the tone of RMweb is quite genteel and polite* compared with much of the internet. Places like YouTube and Reddit comments (and anywhere discussing politics and religion) can be downright nasty. Reddit had a user 'revolt' over moderation. 


* As it should be. Gentlemen (and women) may differ without being disagreeable.


Specifically regarding 'hobby' pursuits, RMweb is a place of tranquil gentitility compared to what went on in the world of high fidelity sound reproduction. Without benefit of anything more than print as a communication medium, accusations of being in league with Satan were small change in one time 'discussions' typical of this interest. (Those in any doubt should try issues of 'The Abso!ute Sound' in the early eighties.)  I am waiting with bated breath for the emergence of cable sexing into DCC sound...

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Specifically regarding 'hobby' pursuits, RMweb is a place of tranquil gentitility compared to what went on in the world of high fidelity sound reproduction. Without benefit of anything more than print as a communication medium, accusations of being in league with Satan were small change in one time 'discussions' typical of this interest. (Those in any doubt should try issues of 'The Abso!ute Sound' in the early eighties.)  I am waiting with bated breath for the emergence of cable sexing into DCC sound...

I remember those days, I never quite got over the shame of not owning a Linn Sondek.

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I admit i only read topics on that subject to see how long before the inevitable arguments occur and it gets locked and i have to wait for the next unwilling victim to start a thread asking what it's all about. (is there an alarm built into the servers yet that alerts the mods as soon as those characters are typed?)

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... I never quite got over the shame of not owning a Linn Sondek.

 Just reposition yourself in the aggressively aspirational lane; it was sonically inadequate over-priced trash. Anyone with ears and half a brain would dismiss it without a second thought and rather have no replay equipment at all than such mid-fi gear, while working on mortgaging their grandmother in the hope of financing an Oracle, SOTA, Goldmund, or whatever!


Yes, that was still at the polite level of hi-fi discourse.

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 Deja vu .No one saw this coming I bet .

    To cut down on web space we could have a please delete as appropriate  as per catch 22, like

Hornby ...crap... heaven .....loosers...tossers .sublime. my  3 shares are down...who cares about the handrails.... the handrails   will stop me ever buying Hornby  and  neither will my  mum etc

please add .



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Actually I do think this forum tends to be quite polite.


However, I have noticed that on some threads:


A says something to the effect that 'I have a different approach to modelling which is (blah blah)'

B then says something very close to 'How dare you attack my way of modelling you elitist snob/box-opening pleb' (delete as applicable.)


Which is why it's better not to contribute to some threads, as the wrong word will trigger just such a mine.

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As a related, but still off topic, issue- am I the only one who watches One Foot In The Grave and AGREES with Victor?


From reading this and some other threads lately I suspect I am not the only one.


I don't BELIEVE it!


Oh, hang on... :O


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  • RMweb Premium

A couple from me -


1. "XXXX manufacturer should make this locomotive, because at a stretch I'll buy two of it"


As your double purchase will definitely push the business case into a positive ROI...   :P


2.  "DRS"

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  • RMweb Gold

Agree, refer Post 28, final line and compare with the picture below which shows the correct spelling  ( I wonder who else on RMweb has actually been there?)



Me. When the last Ashes Test finished early in January 1999 so I had a day to spare on the planned itinery.


PS Can't stand "Me Too" postings.

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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't there an apostrophe missing?  :jester:


Questioning of spelling and punctuation (we'll exclude grammar - that's really dangerous ground)


Argument for - It is probably sensible to correct errors even if some people do not welcome it


Argument against - some people do not welcome it (In addition it is worthwhile checking local language usage, e.g 'Surfers Paradise' is the name of a coastal area in QLD Australia; there is no apostrophe in the name ;) ). :jester:  :jester: 

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  • RMweb Premium

Actually I do think this forum tends to be quite polite.   Absolutely...it reflects behaviour in the real world (mostly)


However, I have noticed that on some threads:


A says something to the effect that 'I have a different approach to modelling which is (blah blah)'

B then says something very close to 'How dare you attack my way of modelling you elitist snob/box-opening pleb' (delete as applicable.)


Which is why it's better not to contribute to some threads, as the wrong word will trigger just such a mine.

I quite like contributing to some threads such as this just to get a reaction; that is because I am an ar$e.

Good evening.


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