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Jazz 7mm Workbench


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Sorry to resurrect a conversation from a year last Spring!

I'm hoping to build a model of 3265 in early 30's condition, I spoke to Geoff at Gladiator today, and he told me that the kit won't be available this year. He can sell me a 32xx, but I'm interested to know what needs to be modified before I commit.

Do you by any chance still have the list of what's what?

And references to any helpful photos?

Would be grateful for any guidance

Thanks in advance


Have you asked David Andrews? His kit for Tre Pol and Pen, which has now disappeared from his list, was D333 and came with a 3000 gal tender. It might be worth asking the question.



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Have you asked David Andrews? His kit for Tre Pol and Pen, which has now disappeared from his list, was D333 and came with a 3000 gal tender. It might be worth asking the question.



Cheers Dave,


No,I haven't. Good tip. Tomorrow, other obligations (which are numerous and intrusive) notwithstanding!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all. It's been a while, this past month has been hectic. Two weeks touring Switzerland with plenty of various train trips up mountains and valleys, all very spectacular.


Then straight into a week entertaining our daughter & grandson over from the states meant no time at the WB.


However, it's now back to it.  Just finishing off the Pilgrim Models GWR mogul.  This is a old kit and very tarnished with some etches missing and most of the castings, so plenty of challenges in the building of it. Not helped by the fact I started it at the end may and got out of the swing of if and having to play catch up.


Anyway enough of the woes. It's now well under way and should be primed and ready for the next one by the end of the week.



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Hi all. Finished the mogul at long last.  Definitely happy to see the back of this one.


Hoping to get some work done on my HO layout tomorrow for a change, I have more lighting to add and adding the interior detailing of the loco shed planned. (Unless I get carried away actually playing trains, of course.)





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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi All.  I've been very busy lately working on my HO layout,  detailing, sorting out some rewiring to improve running operations. Notwithstanding just plain playing trains for a change.


Anyway back on the WB with a Severn Models GWR 28xx  class. So far as the tender goes, it's the usual standard to be expected from that stable. Parts have fitted well together.


Here it is so far.



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Forward with the 2884 class build.  I'm finding the etches for the frames are too thin, they very easily buckle during the soldering and the first attempt they ended up like a banana with a 2mm bow. 


As the instruction state, one has to dispense with the dummy valve gear to have the motor where intended i.e. on the 3rd axle.


so in doing that arrangement I dispensed with the valve gear and during the 2nd assembly I made beefed up frame spacers and finally got a square and straight set of frames.


This kit has four compensation beams that cover a fair amount of the frames. I am not a fan of compensation beams and definitely not these. You are supplied with super thin shoulders on the axle bushes to compensate for this, that leaves the wheel extremely close to the frames.


Also fitting plunger pick ups is virtually impossible. I will use the tender for these.


Other than that the build is going OK




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I think it looks very nice.


There's a photo in Ian Rice's book on etched loco construction (which is aimed at the 4mm brigade, but wholly applicable to 7mm) which shows just how close the wheels and frames should be.


I'm actually a fan of multiple compensation beams, tho' I sprung my 28'




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Hi Simon.  I realise just how close the wheels should be to frames and some kits do go overboard with excessive gaps. But these are really close and on an  eight coupled loco this length one really needs some side play.  Hence when I made the beefed up spacers I allowed for the said side play and it will now comfortably run through the Peco points. (Which are my datum in a build)


Each to his own on the question of suspension, of course, but I much prefer springing the axles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi all. Not been able to get to the WB for a while but have now caught up with the 2884 class.  Glazing, coal & crew to add and it's off to the new owner here in Llandudno.  At least with this one I can pop round for a play on his rather large layout (And give some of my display locos a run)


It runs very well with the MSC 2 Stage MT unit. (They are the ex Ron Chaplin units are my personal favourites) Although I still don't like the compensation on this particular kit.







Edited by jazz
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Whats next Jazz,

Looks like it will be another mogul, GWR 4321.   This is a Malcolm Mitchell kit I'm attempting without the instruction sheets. Should be interesting I think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Scott.  Thanks for the compliment.  How was the kit to build?  Well that depends on how experienced you personally are.  It was no more difficult than other kit from Scorpio/Seven Models.  The only real issue I had was with the compensation beams. I found them a right pain.  They needed very thin shoulders on the axle bushes (which were supplied like that) That meant the wheels kept touching the beams as they were on the outside of the frames. Which in turn meant fitting plunger pickups were not easy to fit.  Narrowing the frame spacers and beefing them up for extra support as the frames were very thin etches, was a pain as that meant the cylinder and slide bars had to be tweaked as well.


I elected to fit wiper pickups behind the tops of the driving wheel rims.  Had the model been for myself I would have fitted them to tender. Unfortunately the guy I built if for is in his 80's and has to carry up the loft ladder to his layout and wants easy couple of loco and tender.


If I were to build another I would prefer to forget the beams and the thin shouldered bushes, modify the beams to solder them to the frames and use my usual method of springing.


But please do not let me put you off building the kit, just bear in mind what I found as I was working blind on this one. As the say, forewarned is forearmed. 

Edited by jazz
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Hi Ken

Thank you for replying. I would like to build one in the future, i have built a few kits but I'm not as experienced as yourself. Sounds like fitting tender pickups are much easier than if they were on the locomotive. I will hopefully get around to building a kit from seven models soon.



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Scott, are you a member of the 0 Gauge Guild?  The Telford Guildex Show is 5/6th September, £5 for members, £10 non members. Well worth a visit to look before buying.

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Guest Isambarduk

I shall be at Telford on both days, helping out on the HMRS stand (No. 86, opposite Tillynaught Junction) as usual.  I would be pleased to say 'hello' to friends here - especially those who I have not met yet!  If I'm not actually on the stand, I shall not be far away.  See you there? 



G0G 2430

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