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Accidentally ingested Johnsons Klear


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  • RMweb Premium

Always refer to the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) unless the casualty is in extreme need and to delay might prove fatal.  This link appears to be for the current formulation of the product under its current name.




And for anyone anywhere using or storing anything which might be even remotely noxious:




Several sources cite "Pledge Multi-surface Wax" as being the current name for Johnson's Klear.  If that is the case then the formulation is here:



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Don't let the Government hear that, they will close down more A&E units to save money.


We could probably do politics better than that lot too! :mosking:


Hope you are still feeling Ok, Martin.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, RMWeb will provide free advice, 24 hours a day. Worth every penny.

This is essential now with the demise of the local model shop. Even in their heyday the model shop never provided a 24 hr medical advice service. lol

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  • RMweb Premium

Moral of the story is, don't keep your Cider NEXT TO a Johnsons Klear bottle.


What really happened


My 2x2E TSOs look OK, just waiting on more transfers

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  • RMweb Premium

The real moral of the story is seek *MEDICAL* advice, quickly, rather than asking a bunch of railway modellers.



Well I picked up bottle, nothing, looked on internet, nothing, so thought other RMWEB people use it, they may have ideas.


Found the safety guidelines, with the help of a clinitian we found the toxic limit. Who full bottle is about it, I had tipped enough into the cap to prod some out around a couple of window frames.

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  • RMweb Premium

If it's any help Father jack once drank a bottle of floor polish and survived so you should be ok


It just slowed his metabolism down and bought about all the Simpsons of death such as rigamortis and decay but the effects wore off after a couple of days

The Simpsons of Death? Sounds like a heavy metal band.


(Over-zealous automatic spelling correction?)

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i love MSDSes. Not only do they provide the definitive answers to questions like this one, but they also frequently provide enough information to determine what cheapo generic product cn be used in place of expensive magic formulae. :D

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  • RMweb Gold

We could probably do politics better than that lot too! :mosking:


Hope you are still feeling Ok, Martin.

Probably because we aren't allowed to do politics lol. On the other hand can you imagine how the scale/gauge debate might go in the House of Commons!

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