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Thanks gents for your kind comments, they are greatly appreciated  :sungum:


So my quick win the other Friday afternoon was a troublesome point I'd been putting off doing anything with as my ballast was down, however sound decoders not liking it won the day..........


The point in question....




Attacked with a dremel and boiling water




3 minutes later and the chisel is out




Cleaned the area all up




New weathered point down and ready for some testing........that may have to wait.............I have my daughter for Easter




Thanks for popping by  ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well I'm not sure if any of you remember but I had a concern with how to disguise those horrible flat root tree bases. Having been concerned in the first place about getting static grass around them I decided to static grass first then glue in the tree base and then sprinkle ground cover around that, that left me with this not very nice condition





So yesterday I was convinced I'd be able to angle my applicator and get some grass back in there.............well could I hell!!!! The glue was down and the grass blended, so in my usual style I panicked and then thought I've got to get some grass under them, so I applied it by hand, pushing quite reasonable sized clumps into the glue. Then hoping for a result, about 5 minutes later I attacked it all with a hoover...............what do you think?








Then I felt it was about time to move forward by about 10 years so here is 50027 entering the sidings for the last time for a while





Cheers for popping by  :)

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So I haven't really been doing too much really but I have had a go with some water products. Yes the pond is a bit elaborate by the side of the railway and it certainly needs some reeds around the edges and some more bushes but it was just another feature that I fancied having a go at.





Then like I said 10 years plus later and I couldn't resist this little beauty..........don't worry Phil I've been drifting back to my 50's this evening  ;) Although I think I need to get on with some loco detailing.........where's my peak  :laugh:




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Plain Blue 50's are a bit early for me, I'm not as old as you !! :mosking:

That 47 might just be my holiday treat when we go to Cornwall in August !

You can't have lost the peak, you can hear it miles away ......!




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Hi Adrian,


The pond works well! The plants are ace.


I like the ratty looking spoon too.Ideal post Scotland migration look too. They ran into Devon on the mule from Waterloo from memory.


Trev :)

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Good God gents, spoon weathering is nothing to do with me. I could never attempt or even try to recreate something like that. It is actually a Kernow Model Rail Centre Ltd Edition that came out about a month ago. I remember I kept getting bowled by them in the later days on the mule when I was trying to build up some 50 mileage before they all went. Didn't like them at the time but when I saw the model it kinda brought back quite a few happy memories and thought it would fit in quite well.


Thanks for popping by.......must try and get some more modelling done for next update!!!!!!

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So I ended up with some time this weekend and having spent a fair bit of time this year tinkering with my peak, dirty grills, Biff sound decoder, detailing pipes, etc I thought it was about time to have go at getting it weathered.


So Friday afternoon and the varnish went well all I had to do on Saturday was weather it.........................so what did I do first.........drop it obviously. There it was on top of my box of paints as I walked downstairs and then with 3 stairs to go it decided to jump off. It must have fell 4 foot onto my foot and then down the remaining three stairs to rest languishing on the carpet looking very forlorn............Obliviously this was Karma........I called them 16 wheeled wagons for long enough when I was bashing the 50's......lol!!!!!!!


So a quick check and a sand box was off, easily remedied....then I found it was missing a lamp bracket at both ends....back to the carpet and I found 2 yellow bits of plastic......superglue and I think that was roughly sorted. I checked to see if it still moved which it did so I thought I may as well still have a go at weathering it and here is the result, any comments welcome











I painted the wheels tonight and then gave them a final clean. Did a bit of a running test, not perfect but after a large fall I think I have been lucky but have also learnt a very important lesson. Hopefully a bit of fettling and it will be OK again.


Had a bit of paint left over and thought I'd get some on the ferryvan that I showed the other week in Marcus37's amazing thread.....





A bit of an improvement I think over this





Thanks for looking  :sungum:

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  • 1 month later...

I'm enjoying reading your layout topic Adrian, a great piece of modelling - naturally your palm trees on the platform are a fine touch. I do agree with the Bachmann factory weathering especially on the Rat model, it's not the best, I completely removed it on my one until it was pristine including removing the windows and de-weathering in my usual way... I can't imagine why spayed with a matt black can is considered 'weathered' the driver can't even see where he's going, although it certainly made the models cheap to buy!

I do admire your fleet of blue traction and a most inspirational layout.
I'm still reading your topic the moment and I look forward to seeing more of your developments.

All the best
Cheers, Reece

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Very kind words Reece, thank you. I do believe I owe a lot to you for my station building, it was yours that taught me that you don't just have to follow the instructions and then stop  ;)


Things have been progressing albeit a little slow of late but I am going down to Cornwall to celebrate my 50th tomorrow........I think I maybe calling into a local model shop.....that could be fun  :sungum:


There will be more updates soon...........

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So just a little tease before I go away for a few days, I have had the T-Cut out, something I never thought I'd get to grips with  :sungum:







Edit: 2nd pic added with Blade warnings removed.....they need to go in a different location

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You'll be catching me up with the Hoover fleet !!

I've got the last 4 donor loco's (found one under my workbench I'd forgotten about !!)

Just need to order the decals from Railtec. get my a**e into gear, and hopefully I can have the whole fleet finished in time for the real things 60th birthday ! :sungum:

Have a nice break, see you when your back. ;)




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Very kind words Reece, thank you. I do believe I owe a lot to you for my station building, it was yours that taught me that you don't just have to follow the instructions and then stop  ;)


Things have been progressing albeit a little slow of late but I am going down to Cornwall to celebrate my 50th tomorrow........I think I maybe calling into a local model shop.....that could be fun  :sungum:


There will be more updates soon...........

Thanks Adrian, I did enjoy adding those little bits to that station building kit, make every building your own is what I say! Adds life and realism, much like putting a driver/secondman in the cab.

I think you've done a grand job on yours and I do like the 'corporate image', it looks very smart - I wasn't too sure which 'livery' for mine but in the end I decided on a Lostwithiel inspired structure... Something I quite liked about that station having it's 50s chocolate and cream paint until late.


Well that's always a good calling point when in Cornwall I find, I'd often take an hour or so out of my day to hop off the train at Camborne to visit a well known model centre.

Perhaps you'll come home with a new Hoover or three. :sungum:

In a somewhat tradition, here's wishing you a happy birthday.

Cheers, Reece

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Many thanks to you both for your kind words and as for the 50, more on that later. Phil I shall never catch up with your 50's and Reece, I think Kernow saw me coming..........that got expensive.......lol!!!!!!!


So one thing that I've been putting off for ages is the wall at the back, so recently I have put a bit of effort into it to get it finished off. It's not perfect but I'm quite happy with how it's turned out. So a collection of pics during the progress
































I think I can at last start looking at covering the baseboard at the rear :sungum: 


Thanks for looking




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So back to the 50, and there is a bit of a story attached to this one.


Sadly my Mum passed away a few years ago having suffered with MS for many years. But we all have memories don't we? and the story here explains why 50022. When I was a kid and I started bashing the 50's on the Oxford - Paddington services. On this particular day I just remember this loco being ex-works and having it from Paddington to Oxford and telling my mum all about it when I got home. She seemed to listen intently (a clever trick parents develop) and turned and said to me "I like Anson, it's one of my favourite's". Now I'm convinced to this day that's only because she used to cycled past Anson Close every day to go to work, nonetheless this is my railway's tribute to my mum (the best mum in the world). I hope she likes it  :sungum:


Further research including a picture on RMweb has shown it was very ex-works. It was photographed in Tyne Yard on test on Thursday 8th March 1984......I had it on the Saturday and it looked like this





Detailing pics to follow......I seem to have a job to do  ;)

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So first off was to put the number on it (made up by Railtec)





What I didn't realise was how scratched the number had become, even though it had only really been stored in a little plastic bag in my modelling box. Obviously I thought about touching in with paint, but i was never going to get a straight line for the 5 with that, and then Phil suggested patching in with other transfers especially if they were Railtec ones as the white should be a colour match. So with a lot of fiddling and cutting with a headcode number sheet this was the result





Then it was time to add some red spots, not sure it is either good or bad that Hornby don't put the white pipes on the bogie as I'm sure I'd have got white everywhere!!!!!





Then varnish time





And then a very slight weathering..........Yes Phil I know it shouldn't have a cantrail stripe but I'm not confident enough to remove one of them yet  :laugh:




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..........Yes Phil I know it shouldn't have a cantrail stripe but I'm not confident enough to remove one of them yet  :laugh:




I've never removed a cantrail stripe either......

.....I respray all of the Grey roof to cover it !!




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It's been really interesting to follow the development of this layout - it looks great! Loving the selection of 50's too :)
Would you mind telling me where you sourced the palm trees for your platforms from? They look spot on with what you'd find on the platforms of Penzance, Lostwithiel etc and so places it in the West Country really effectively - I'm keen to get some for my layout!

Thanks :)

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Hi Alex


The palm trees come from The Little Tree Company. They have been at quite a few shows and have a great selection that cover a comprehensive price range. They were really helpful too despite being rushed off their feet. You can find them here


Hope this helps and thanks for your comments

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