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NEW OO gauge Crowdfunded Class 92 initiative

DJM Dave

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On 12/08/2016 at 16:55, DJM Dave said:




 OO Gauge Class 92, Driven on all wheels on both bogies, heavy chassis, correct lighting, including night setting, underside switches for cab and directional. Next22 DCC socket, 2 scale pantographs (sprung) EM, P4 and OO compatible, Coreless motor, Fully DCC sound compatible with room for a huge base reflex speaker (cant you just hear those traction motor fans already?), NEM coupling pocket, soft Sprung buffers, separate bogie steps, handrails, etched 'parked' windscreen wipers, etched grilles all round and on top, fully painted and detailed cab interior including painting of cab window blinds and mechanism, etched nameplates and tunnel logos where necessary, etched arrows and depot plaques where necessary, Ultra flush glazing, fully detailed bogies and underside equipment, Customer fitted 3rd rail shoes for closeness to third rail fitting, Removable close coupling mechanism, Replacement front 'valance' for no coupling pocket hole, Etched cab roof light surround, Fine detail panel join lines around the lower cab front, fully modeled coupling hook reinforcement plate and detail.



Crowdfunding price TBC but approximately £150.00 per model    







On 14/08/2016 at 09:00, DJM Dave said:


Whether you are kick starting or crowdfunding, once the money is spent, it's spent!

The company or individual can, however, try to mitigate against subsequent customer loss, but I would imagine it would be difficult as the funds are used for paying various stages of development of said project.


What I'm doing is only taking credit card payments as that protects you, plus only asking for smaller 'chunks' of monies to fund these projects in 3 stages.


On 24/08/2016 at 21:39, DJM Dave said:


It appears they may be a glitch on confirmations to customers.

For now, if you get to,a screen saying you've successfully placed an 'interest' please just take a screen cap for future reference just in case you don't get an automated mail.



On 25/08/2016 at 09:14, DJM Dave said:

In the last 2 days i have received orders through the system from the following people (for the crowdfunded N and OO models.....please excuse the not putting the surname just a letter as it keeps people anonymity.


Richard P., Paul T, Paul B, Christopher Mc, James C, Roger C, Gordon C, Mark D, Simon M, Stuart M, Jonathan R, Andrew Mac, Kevin W, Steve N, Ben H, Andy P, Joseph B, Chris Sc, John B, Christopher A, David F, Matt D, Lachlan, Jack T, Ferdinand, Markus, Nile, Raymond C, Andy G, Keith W, Oliver R, 


On 28/08/2016 at 19:43, DJM Dave said:

I had permission from GBRf and DBS 3 years ago. lol


On 28/09/2016 at 16:36, DJM Dave said:



Today i have been granted permission to use the new Caledonian livery of Teal Blue with the white side stag emblem for the N gauge and OO gauge class 92.


Each model will come with a limited edition certificate signed by both myself and David Simpson, Production Director of Caledonian Railways.

and feature a purpose designed sleeve in N and Box in OO gauge designed in collaboration with Caledonian.


As both expressions of interest have proved totally successful I am delighted to announce that work has now gone on to such an extent that the cad/cam for this loco is due around Warley time 2016, with metal cutting soon thereafter on both gauges with a view to fast tracking the models for period 3 of next year


On 01/10/2016 at 12:44, DJM Dave said:

I've not set a date yet, but I'm thinking another 6 weeks will get any customers that are unaware and will probably see the magazine adverts.


One thing I've found out doing this project on and off for the last 3 years is that no one has done a 92 full justice detail wise, and I'm proud to say that everything I've learnt about the loco and from doing the 71 will be incorporated into the OO and N gauge versions, making them, like the Western, definitive models, with no equal.


On 01/10/2016 at 12:54, DJM Dave said:

Unfortunately my lovely I pad upgraded to IOS 10.0.2 and basically locked me out of checking my e-mail file folders so I can't check those while I'm out, but have my laptop at the hotel and will check and contact this evening.


On 03/10/2016 at 18:13, DJM Dave said:

i will be sending paypal invoices for deposits out to all that have 'expressed an interest / ordered' the class 92, tomorrow afternoon / evening.

Sorry for the delay,


On 05/10/2016 at 07:59, DJM Dave said:


Work is , I hear today, resumed in China on the project, after their weeks holiday, and things are now moving on at a pace again.

More subtle info came to light yesterday that I'm currently looking at regarding in house tweeks to the loco. Plus the cab internal detail changes that have happened and will happen this next 12 months.


On 08/10/2016 at 08:46, DJM Dave said:

 both projects are going ahead as totally viable. Thanks to you, the modellers, having faith In the experience I bring as a designer and project leader over the last 10 years.


On 09/10/2016 at 12:12, DJM Dave said:


I can confirm that as of 12.00 today (midday) all invoice requests have been sent out.


On 16/10/2016 at 10:26, DJM Dave said:


While the model is being finalized in cad/cam, i thought i'd give you all an update of sorts.

I'll be announcing a couple of surprises this week that affect both scales which i'm sure you might enjoy reading about, and have 1 quite huge announcement for the N gauge model which should come in time for Warley too that i am in the final stages of negotiating.


On 16/10/2016 at 21:40, DJM Dave said:

I haven't duplicated anyone or anything.


Most of my specification was posted with this thread starter, and I think I've also mentioned that ideally I'm looking for a 1st ep sample around a month or so after cad/cams are approved and that the cad/cams should be unveiled for Warley weekend, if not a few days before if I have my way.


On 06/11/2016 at 19:22, DJM Dave said:

i'm delighted to say chassis testing on both gauges of class 92 is complete and i'm hoping to further surprise people interested in both gauges just before Warley weekend.  


Cad/Cam's on both models is progressing and there is lots of detail that i feel confident will place it among the top models available RTR in both gauges.

It's worth remembering that although i do a lot of the design work here in the UK, and as a UK company doing this full time, not part time, i have access to all the engineers that have aided me to win 16 award winning model of the year awards, either as a stand alone owner or as an employee of my last company.


On 22/11/2016 at 17:15, DJM Dave said:

I'll be announcing some important details on Saturday morning and unveiling some nice drawings of this project.


On 26/11/2016 at 12:27, DJM Dave said:

 I am delighted to announce the RRP 


With a lot of assistance from Brush Traction, GBRF and Caledonian Railways, I have had unfettered access to the locomotives enabling measurements to be double checked against published and in house drawings


The cad/cam designs attached aren’t the finished. These are expected to take another 7-14 days.


The OO version will, despite the N gauge version being pretty good already, have more finesse within the details, and be along at around the same time, give or take a few weeks. (subject to factory slots etc).


On 26/11/2016 at 17:05, DJM Dave said:

Tthere's no profiteering in crowdsourcing projects* and as such I don't have problems with stock holding etc, as each will be pre sold.


This way the crowdsourcers gets a damn good deal, all the monies raised don't get diluted through going through various production / agent chains and as much money as possible stays within the U.K. And that last one cannot be a bad thing, can it?


*My money is made from subsequently owning the tooling, and as I'm not part time in this without an alternate wage, it's important I do make some money, albeit eventually. Lol


On 26/11/2016 at 22:46, DJM Dave said:


I'll be requesting the next batch of monies once the cad cam is completed.


On 19/01/2017 at 11:42, DJM Dave said:


I shall keep the crowdfunding open for about a month after tooling starts to allow from drop out investors and new ones taking up the slack as they see the project turn viable.


On 29/01/2017 at 13:09, DJM Dave said:


The invoice details are then fed into paypal 


Once CNY is over, so about 2 weeks i will invoice the 50% balance deposit invoice to everyone, as i understand metal cutting will start within a few weeks 

The rest of the step is roughly a month to 6 weeks for 2nd EP, then about 4-6 weeks for painted samples and then about 6 weeks production and 6 weeks transportation to the UK, then about a week to get sent out to you all.


On 30/01/2017 at 21:30, DJM Dave said:

I need to finish crossing the t's and dotting the I'd first, and please remember that it's only open to those who have crowdfunded the N and OO gauge 92.


On 02/02/2017 at 20:04, DJM Dave said:


Like you there are many others that are a tad brassic at the moment so I'm keeping the project open for sign ups until the end of the last day in February.

This allows anyone interested to (hopefully) get over Christmas and the 5 week January which I know from experience can be a problem. Why is there always too much month left at the end of the money?


However, please be advised that deposits for tooling will be due in March too, to get the model started in earnest.


On 06/02/2017 at 10:53, DJM Dave said:


I will be extending the cut off date for these models by a month, and the new closing date will be Sunday (midnight) 5th of March.

soon as Chinese New Year is over and I will be authorising tooling immediately after that date.



On 06/02/2017 at 16:26, DJM Dave said:


Be interesting to see what the next 4 weeks brings in the extended deadline.



On 13/02/2017 at 15:46, DJM Dave said:

i needed to go through the cad/cams and check, and recheck.


I must say it's looking good......except for 1 area of concern that's reared it's head, and makes the cad/cam look, in my eyes, awful.


I beg your patience for a couple of more days while it gets ironed out, and i'll post an update to both gauges by Friday PM when i'm hoping to formally announce tooling to commence in both gauges.



On 23/02/2017 at 10:03, DJM Dave said:

Still awaiting the engineers revision.

Literally any moment now (don't throw this back at me when it's appearing late next week though eh? Lol)


On 08/03/2017 at 13:47, DJM Dave said:


No news yet.



On 09/03/2017 at 16:43, DJM Dave said:


I am literally playing a waiting game for the finished cads 



On 11/03/2017 at 14:23, DJM Dave said:

OO gauge Class 92 crowdfunding 'order book' closes at Midnight Sunday 12th March!


Due to an error, i have extended the closing date


On 24/03/2017 at 11:35, DJM Dave said:

Currently on Skype to China, going over the revised cad/cam and asking for a couple of changes I spotted the other day, plus 3 additions that add even more detail.


If I get it finished with the engineer in the next 90 minutes I'll publish, but I cannot guarantee that so please don't hold me to it.



On 24/05/2017 at 19:05, DJM Dave said:

Cad complete and will be shown this weekend on here and my web site.

I'll be invoicing all who have paid their initial deposit for their next instalment over the Sunday / Monday. (Surprisingly there are a lot of sign ups that I sent invoices to that have never paid a penny,


On 30/05/2017 at 09:16, DJM Dave said:


Due to the upping of specification on both the N and OO gauge 92, and projected rising prices in China (yes again), both N and OO class 92 projects fall just short of enough to make them 100% viable.


With this in mind i have offered both gauge models to DJM stockists for retail sales.


On 31/05/2017 at 15:38, DJM Dave said:

  yes i kept the N and OO class 92 order process open for those that want extra at the better crowdfunded price, and to help numbers pick up somewhat, just in case.


On 31/05/2017 at 16:42, DJM Dave said:

£30.00 deposit for each crowdfunded model.


Then 50% of the balance once tooling starts, which will i think, be very soon now.


On 05/06/2017 at 21:32, DJM Dave said:

Why would I break the law?


On 05/06/2017 at 21:34, DJM Dave said:

Oh there is an incentive, you just don't know it yet.


On 05/06/2017 at 21:53, DJM Dave said:

Project in crisis? Lacking confidence?


On 09/06/2017 at 18:43, DJM Dave said:

Home today to , let me say, interesting comments, some accurate, some not so accurate and some quite upsetting.



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On 09/06/2017 at 18:57, DJM Dave said:

Let me assure you all, monies paid for deposit are held in trust, until needed. If any project I've asked for a deposit for fails, as some would have you think will happen, ALL, repeat, ALL monies paid will be returned immediately, if not even sooner.


On 10/06/2017 at 10:44, DJM Dave said:

Why is it taking so long? Well this wasn't the plan. the tree plan was rather easy to go with, until i decided that the J94 needed alternate versions pushing tooling up by double, then costs started to go up in China, (and still do), and cash flow gets thinner and thinner, so i cut back on the tree, and produce one branch at a time.

Add to this the collapse of the pound last year, and it's mullered things even more. Profit on projects has been decimated, and i am constantly watching the exchange rate as even 5 cents change in my favour makes a difference when transferring £100,000.00 to HK or China!


On 10/06/2017 at 15:19, DJM Dave said:


If all goes well I will be invoicing shortly after the shoe crowdfunding this closes at the end of this month.


On 13/07/2017 at 08:09, DJM Dave said:


I am currently talking to the factory about slots, which is not easy this time of year, for tooling and model manufacture unless you've booked well in advance.


I'm hoping to have all the 'T's and 'I's crossed and dotted soon so that i can send invoices out to you all for the tooling to commence.


Negotiations with railway companies about proposed new liveries and exclusivity etc are still on going,


On 03/08/2017 at 21:33, DJM Dave said:


I have a meeting with 2 rail companies in the next 2 weeks. If all goes to plan, announcements wil be made


On 08/09/2017 at 17:22, DJM Dave said:


However when dealing with companies of size, its a process that takes time, and sometimes holidays, illness etc gets in the way.


On 28/11/2017 at 17:22, DJM Dave said:

Attached are the photographs i took of the bodyshell with the chassis moulded in place for your viewing pleasure, or not.





On 28/11/2017 at 19:30, DJM Dave said:


I'll be sending out invoices for the 2nd deposit at the end of January for the Tooling to start on both the N and OO versions.



On 04/02/2018 at 22:29, DJM Dave said:


The Stobart 92 is indeed a Kernow limited model in OO

I’m slightly delayed in sending invoices out, but hope to start doing so next week.



On 10/02/2018 at 17:10, DJM Dave said:

The reason is that how long is a piece of string. Too any variables to give one.

You can guesstimate, but the minute you do your starring in ‘open season’ for anyone that wants a dig.


Variables include.....power cuts during tooling, CNY, shipping, QC failure, getting paint correct and approved by respective companies on the models, oh the list goes on.


Once tooling starts it should be under 12 months, but again the above paragraph could come into play.


Not being evasive, just realistic.


On 08/04/2018 at 11:48, DJM Dave said:


The situation as it stands is that the 92 in both gauges is having a ‘fettle’

In the OO one it’s to reduce potential cavity noise within the body shell for none dcc sound speaker fitted samples.

So no, you have not missed out on the invoicing for the 2nd payment, i’d Rather do that when i’m happy with progress.



On 02/05/2018 at 09:12, DJM Dave said:


Progress on the 92 continues. I’ll have some updates over the coming 10 days on all products so keep an eye out.



On 30/07/2018 at 17:32, DJM Dave said:


The 92 is current;y being designed (not sure you knew, but i had to move factories, and couldnt take the finished design with me for varioys reasons), but i did have the STP files and the EASM ones and it is making the new design much easier than just starting afresh normally would.


However, the 92 will run along side the APT in the tooling, as the aitumn frees up tooling space due to manufacturers coming to an end with pre christmas rush production, so both may just appear at Warley this year with a fair wind.


the change of factory has helped with better sound recordings, better speaker space and the use of better design than previously for the chassis, gears etc.


The delay has been terrible, but things are happening now and quite soon i will be asking for 2nd deposit payments, so please keep a look out on my new web site. This should only be days away now ( i know, ive said it previously, but so much is happening behind the scenes, i'll make a huge missive of it in my annual End Of Year Report).


On 08/09/2018 at 09:48, DJM Dave said:


Just waiting on the new Cad/Cam from the second factory.

Once this is done, and it shouldn't be too long now, i'll be mailing everyone for their 2nd deposits 



I find this all very intriguing. Promises, disappointments....how ever you want to call it, reading through this makes for very interesting reading. 

Edited by 159220
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5 hours ago, 159220 said:















I find this all very intriguing. Promises, disappointments....how ever you want to call it, reading through this makes for very interesting reading. 


"Sorry, but I am genuinely concerned for you if you have firstly, had the time to compile such a list and secondly, worry about it?!"


Now who has too much time on their hands??

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12 minutes ago, WILLIAM said:


"Sorry, but I am genuinely concerned for you if you have firstly, had the time to compile such a list and secondly, worry about it?!"


Now who has too much time on their hands??

Actually I find it quite interesting as an investor and shows the twists/ turns and 'promises' that were given and didn't come to fruition. When was the model originally due was it 2017. Interesting to see if the other 92 keeps to its timescale.


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9 minutes ago, Markwj said:

Actually I find it quite interesting as an investor and shows the twists/ turns and 'promises' that were given and didn't come to fruition. When was the model originally due was it 2017. Interesting to see if the other 92 keeps to its timescale.


So do I but that wasn't my point ;-)

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7 hours ago, 159220 said:
On 14/08/2016 at 09:00, DJM Dave said:


Whether you are kick starting or crowdfunding, once the money is spent, it's spent!

The company or individual can, however, try to mitigate against subsequent customer loss, but I would imagine it would be difficult as the funds are used for paying various stages of development of said project. 


7 hours ago, 159220 said:
On 09/06/2017 at 18:57, DJM Dave said:

Let me assure you all, monies paid for deposit are held in trust, until needed. If any project I've asked for a deposit for fails, as some would have you think will happen, ALL, repeat, ALL monies paid will be returned immediately, if not even sooner.

So which is it?

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I thank 159220 for going through that . In amongst all the other postings I think it paints an interesting picture . I've certainly formed a conclusion . I think what some people don't get, that as well as the models themselves, some people have a genuine interest in the process and business side of things too .   Stating that people have too much time on their hands is just a reflection of what interests some doesn't others . But one thing always to consider is that politeness costs nothing .

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I do read this thread and feel a lot of displeasure and resentment, then read 'that other thread' and everyone is chomping at the bit ....


If this were a thread for my work, I'd be asking myself 'what's the point if this is what they think?' ....


I do understand that it has dragged far longer than originally anticipated.

There was a recent response to 'the other company's declaration' and comments made.



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1 hour ago, DavidH said:


So which is it?

Both quoted statements are consistent.


DJM says all money would be refunded. He also states that it would be difficult.  


Even if the earmarked crowd funding money is already spent, there is nothing to stop him mitigating subsequent customer loss by issuing refunds using other resources.


ANYWAY why even discuss this when DJM has said that the class 92 is proceeding and is not cancelled?

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22 minutes ago, Colin_McLeod said:



ANYWAY why even discuss this when DJM has said that the class 92 is proceeding and is not cancelled?

It's a free world so why not or is there something going on that it needs to be shoved under the carpet. 

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48 minutes ago, Legend said:

I thank 159220 for going through that . In amongst all the other postings I think it paints an interesting picture . I've certainly formed a conclusion . I think what some people don't get, that as well as the models themselves, some people have a genuine interest in the process and business side of things too .   Stating that people have too much time on their hands is just a reflection of what interests some doesn't others . But one thing always to consider is that politeness costs nothing .


I am interested in the progress of ALL model manufacturers producing stuff for the UK.  Selfishly this is because there might be something for me to buy from the various manufacturers, and they of course will be wanting to sell their products.  Up until current Dave Jones has only produced one model I have wanted, although the Hudswell Clarke 0-6-0 would be a second if it were to be produced in OO. 


Because of this I pay attention to the various manufacturers and what they are up to, particularly the success of the crowd funding model as a means to produce a model which might not otherwise had been made. I was always under the impression that crowd funding involved a "coordinator" pulling together a team of "investors" who would contribute the monies needed to bring their chosen item to production. 


In my own case I would love an LNWR 2-4-2 radial tank for my collection and live in hope that one day an RTR model will be produced. I do have a partbuilt kit  but I don't think my skills would equal a factory produced model. So turning to the crowdfunding principle i would need to find several hundred people with a similar desire then find a manufacturer who would be prepared to produce the model. I am guessing the manufacturer would need "cast iron" finances in place to fund the development, production and distribution of it, and would not even start work without non refundable deposits from those crowdfunders.     


This leads me to wonder how the DJ method of crowd funding appears  to allow funders to walk away from the project with their deposit refunded. Has this happened, because it sounds like a very "safe" deal for the crowdfunder, but conversely not for Dave Jones ?







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4 minutes ago, Covkid said:

This leads me to wonder how the DJ method of crowd funding appears  to allow funders to walk away from the project with their deposit refunded. Has this happened, because it sounds like a very "safe" deal for the crowdfunder, but conversely not for Dave Jones ?      


Think it's really down to Dave if he wants to or can afford to refund when a project fails. Refunds were issued on the CL17 but as has already been said the DJM 92 is going ahead according to the DJM website. I'm interested to see which one passes the finishing post first and which one is judged the best too!

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4 hours ago, WILLIAM said:


"Sorry, but I am genuinely concerned for you if you have firstly, had the time to compile such a list and secondly, worry about it?!"


Now who has too much time on their hands??


Im more worried about people who have given money over in good faith, and as have been quoted promised refunds if it all goes wrong but are still without a model some three years later!


if you read all that lot and still thought you’d see anything for your money your mad !


Id rather give my bank details to a Nigerian oil Prince !

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39 minutes ago, atom3624 said:

I do read this thread and feel a lot of displeasure and resentment, then read 'that other thread' and everyone is chomping at the bit ....


If this were a thread for my work, I'd be asking myself 'what's the point if this is what they think?' ....


I do understand that it has dragged far longer than originally anticipated.

There was a recent response to 'the other company's declaration' and comments made.




What an excuse that would be “I’ve cancelled the project because you lot aren’t grateful enough” lol 


This Project HAS to produce something or it’ll be the end of what reputation and business the chap has left.

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22 minutes ago, Covkid said:


In my own case I would love an LNWR 2-4-2 radial tank for my collection and live in hope that one day an RTR model will be produced. I do have a partbuilt kit  but I don't think my skills would equal a factory produced model. So turning to the crowdfunding principle i would need to find several hundred people with a similar desire then find a manufacturer who would be prepared to produce the model. I am guessing the manufacturer would need "cast iron" finances in place to fund the development, production and distribution of it, and would not even start work without non refundable deposits from those crowdfunders.     








Lets say 100K development (the figure that seems to be thrown around) then £30 manufacture per unit. With 1000 corwdfunders, you are at £130 each before tax which will bring you close to £160.


Hornby do a typical 10,000 unit run. Which gives £40 for each then add their Margin, then retailer margin and finally VAT for an RRP of about £110.


I would keep pestering the wishlists (or find the 200K needed to run the project from A to Z).



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13 minutes ago, JSpencer said:

Lets say 100K development (the figure that seems to be thrown around) then £30 manufacture per unit. With 1000 corwdfunders, you are at £130 each before tax which will bring you close to £160.


Hornby do a typical 10,000 unit run. Which gives £40 for each then add their Margin, then retailer margin and finally VAT for an RRP of about £110.


I would keep pestering the wishlists (or find the 200K needed to run the project from A to Z).





Thanks "J Spencer".

The point is that 1000 crowdfunders for the all singing, all dancing 92, in each of the liveries advertised would be tricky enough, but you would need the financial commitment of each and everyone to make it work - assuming there would be enough in the kitty to press the "go" button to start with.  Am I right in thinking the N gauge crowd funded pendolino didn't quite have enough orders, but the project went ahead anyway. I guess this worked out and would hope they sold the unordered few to make the project work. 


In the case of the DJM 92, I really hope for the sake of those involved, and Dave Jones, that the project works out and the model appears at the end of it, else DJM would surely be curtains.

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37 minutes ago, Great Western said:


What an excuse that would be “I’ve cancelled the project because you lot aren’t grateful enough” lol 


This Project HAS to produce something or it’ll be the end of what reputation and business the chap has left.


The third possibility and grey area would be to keep the project in limbo status. Reputation would still die, only somewhat slower.


In this project, the factory was lost, whose fault, we will never know. Its back to square one and he seems to be showing progress. If enough people drop out, it's end game for sure unless he can forward the project on his own finances (or he finds a backer).


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5 minutes ago, Covkid said:



Thanks "J Spencer".

The point is that 1000 crowdfunders for the all singing, all dancing 92, in each of the liveries advertised would be tricky enough, but you would need the financial commitment of each and everyone to make it work - assuming there would be enough in the kitty to press the "go" button to start with.  Am I right in thinking the N gauge crowd funded pendolino didn't quite have enough orders, but the project went ahead anyway.


There are about 120,000 UK model railway magazines sold each month so hopefully 1000 crowdfunders can be found. The Pendolino had the backing of Rapido which ensured it happened.

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32 minutes ago, JSpencer said:


There are about 120,000 UK model railway magazines sold each month so hopefully 1000 crowdfunders can be found. The Pendolino had the backing of Rapido which ensured it happened.


Almost.  The pendolino was launched by a kickstarter campaign, for which a fee entails.   It fell short of the numbers, just.  However, when Rapidio realised that if you removed the kickstarter fee, the project was viable.

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But DJ will presumably now have contracts set up to sell via Kernow, Hattons etc, so with that in mind perhaps it would be worth DJ converting from Crowdfunding and taking the risk again?


Basically, I've committed £30 to this - if I can guarantee that if I continue to fund I will get a model at the end I'm fine. However, what I feel uncomfortable with is investing more if it eventually fails and then being out of pocket and out of a model.

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10 minutes ago, James90012 said:

But DJ will presumably now have contracts set up to sell via Kernow, Hattons etc, so with that in mind perhaps it would be worth DJ converting from Crowdfunding and taking the risk again?


Basically, I've committed £30 to this - if I can guarantee that if I continue to fund I will get a model at the end I'm fine. However, what I feel uncomfortable with is investing more if it eventually fails and then being out of pocket and out of a model.

Hattons still have the OO King on pre-order, I don't believe that model is still open to purchase as it's not even on the DJ Models website any longer to order.


So I would take any listing on Kernow and Hattons as being flexible as to how committed they are.

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Hatton's are already a stockist with them on their website (plus others I'm sure). I presume the reason not to convert to a conventional 'manufacturer funded' offer would be quite simply a lack of capital.


We're not at the point that's relevant for now, I can't quite imagine a scenario where Dave says "too many people have dropped out, so I'm cancelling the project, here's your money back, it's now going to be funded through conventional means and still available through all the normal retail channels".  There will remain a market or there won't. I imagine the first to market will be at an advantage, even accounting for the fact most will be 'pre-orders', but 159220's summary is telling. There are a lot of firm deadlines in there which are now literally years ago. Lots of teasers too which seem never to have come to fruition as I'm aware, including one specifically about the N gauge one, due at Warley 2016.

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