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Query re locked topics (Andy?)

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  • RMweb Gold

I understand that, but there is already a thread for jokes.

There is humour in everything. Some of it may be inappropriate, non-PC, or just plain, good old-fashioned wicked. Think of pallbearers dropping the coffin. But it is there. So not everyone takes life seriously. The jokes thread is for recited jokes.

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But this is exactly the point made in the Monty Python thread.


If every relatively serious thread is destined to be disrupted by what some people regard as a joke, then eventually the whole forum becomes a joke.

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  • RMweb Gold

But this is exactly the point made in the Monty Python thread.


If every relatively serious thread is destined to be disrupted by what some people regard as a joke, then eventually the whole forum becomes a joke.

Humour does not disrupt threads. It is just a side-show. See it for what it is, move on, continue with the real debate.
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  • RMweb Gold

But this is exactly the point made in the Monty Python thread.


If every relatively serious thread is destined to be disrupted by what some people regard as a joke, then eventually the whole forum becomes a joke.

Call it disruption or call it OT. Either way it is the forum reflecting normal conversation. E.G the Ebay madness thread currently has a serious discussion about electric wiring but I don't consider that thread "disrupted"


Now what we're we talking about? Oh yes locked topics.

:) :)

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Call it disruption or call it OT. Either way it is the forum reflecting normal conversation. E.G the Ebay madness thread currently has a serious discussion about electric wiring but I don't consider that thread "disrupted"


Now what we're we talking about? Oh yes locked topics.

:) :)

 But this one isn't locked - so why are you talking about it? :punish: :jester:

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Humour does not disrupt threads. It is just a side-show. See it for what it is, move on, continue with the real debate.


I will have to agree to disagree on this. Humour does disrupt threads IMO.


It is similar to the attention seeking child at school, who falls off his chair because the lesson has gone over his head and therefore now considered boring

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  • RMweb Gold

I also have to say that injected humour in a difficult real-world meeting can defuse a situation, making everyone step back a pace and see the issue in a more rational perspective. Suddenly entrenched positions ease and an accommodation may be reached. My attempts, and those by many others, to do the same on RMweb inevitably have mixed success. I have not put my spoke into gauge wars, for example.


My whole point is that humour is not intended to diminish the importance of the subject in hand. But it may poke a little derision in the direction of some of the more pompous - as distinct from earnest and informative - posters.

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The best threads are those that resemble a discussion amongst friends. The serious points will be peppered with a bit of banter, a bit of good humoured mickey taking, and some deflation of rising egos.


If I wanted a dry, academic, treatise on a topic I'd buy a book.


Without a bit of humour as an occaisional lubricant, many 'serious' threads would wither.



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Can't believe this is on two pages now. A secondary question has occurred to me - is there a way to request a locked topic be reopened? It's fine if not.


Also Olddudder's reference to Gauge Wars made me smile. There's got to be scope for some kind of Star Wars parody comedy in there.

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  • RMweb Gold

Can't believe this is on two pages now. A secondary question has occurred to me - is there a way to request a locked topic be reopened? It's fine if not.


Also Olddudder's reference to Gauge Wars made me smile. There's got to be scope for some kind of Star Wars parody comedy in there.


A long time ago, on a layout far, far, away ...

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As a very occasional moderator of a smallish sub forum I can tell you all that being a Mod on this forum has got steadily easier to the point ( almost ) of redundancy.


The atmosphere on here has changed a lot since the early days with far less arguing and sniping. Contention is still there and that can spill over into venom which, if left unchecked, could do damage to the forum, let alone the contributors.


Sometimes, offence can be caused by posters being humorous about a subject that is anything but humorous to other readers. I think this is the only time that humour is not well received. I think we who have been on this forum for ages are very grown up now and probably thicker skinned than we were. Certainly, some trolls have been silenced along the way and some miscreants have gone off in high dudgeon to other forums or groups and then returned because in essence this forum is very valuable as a resource for almost anything you wish to name.


Sometimes one is faced with a dilemma. You know that this topic you are reading does not fit the forum it is posted on and, although informative, is or could be construed as misleading. Frequently, allowing the thread to run but making constructive or critical points along the way goes a long way to defusing the situation and time is a great healer.


Yes a thread can be unlocked by the Mod who did it or Andy. It is rare though as once locked there is very little reason to unlock it. In this one the Mods are wise enough to know which thread needs to be locked. I agree that deleting posts is counter productive to the thread and it is rare for Mods to do it but quite common for posters to do it where, on re-reading the post, it is slightly embarrassing to leave it there.


This is a great forum. I still say even now that it was the first Internet based social/hobby forum that actually got us face to face with each other and allowed us to put faces to handles and become firm friends. it has both informed and corrected me ( yes I have had the odd run in with moderators but an apology works wonders ) and survived me changing names to reflect my wishes.

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I will have to agree to disagree on this. Humour does disrupt threads IMO.



So we all have to be "Po-faced" because YOU don't like it ?

I can only suggest you join a monastery where "fun" is at a premium.

I think I'll take a rain check on any of your party invites.

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But this is exactly the point made in the Monty Python thread.


If every relatively serious thread is destined to be disrupted by what some people regard as a joke, then eventually the whole forum becomes a joke.

Well I for one, was not expecting the Spanish Inquisition over just a light quip. For some reason I am also reminded of the Hitch-hiker's Guide Philosophers, who demanded "rigidly defined areas of doubt & uncertainty"... :rolleyes: :D
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