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Evening all, 


Apologies if this has been asked/discussed before. 

I’m looking to build a small end to end layout and ideally would love to use southern region EMUs (EPB, MLV, HAL,etc) but am debating scale. Given my size constraints N gauge would make much more sense however the rolling stock id like to use seems only available in OO. 

Has Bachman ever mooted the idea of scaling down its OO Southern EMU/DEMU offerings into N? Can folks see it as inevitable at some point? If I thought there was a realistic chance they might I’d be tempted to wait appreciating this still could be years. The situation isn’t helped by the Class 411 seeming to be pretty rare at present and the forthcoming Class 319 being too modern for my tastes. 

thanks in advance. 


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Sometime long, long ago, Bachmann expected to offer all the 00 scale stuff in N scale and I therefore bought all three of the N scale 4 Ceps in anticipation of completing a fleet of 3rd rail emus.  Since then, nothing.........


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Hi there,


TPM used to offer a range of conversion kits to turn Farish Mk1s into a variety of SR units, however these are long out of production and hard to find these days.   I know the range included CIGs, BIGs, and I think VEPs, but I don’t know about EPBs.


Revolution is offering a 313, but this may be a little late for you (from 1976) and in the BR era I believe saw relatively limited use south of the river.




Ben A.





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Thanks for the feedback folks. I think regrettably kit building (esp in N) is beyond me. 

I suspect other manufacturers are wary of producing anything Bachman have done in OO EMU wise for fear of eventual duplication. 

hopefully we’ll see something one day but for now I suspect I’ll have to try and fit in OO. 


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Personally have been looking at those offered at Recreation21, have just had a go at motorising one of them using a Tomytec TM-18 and with enough filing, more filing and hoping nothing breaks, you can just about squeeze the chassis into the body.

Recreation21's page for coaches/multiple units, older Southern would be under the SR section, newer stuff (like EPB and Thumpers) would be in the BR Section.

Hope that helps!

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8 hours ago, JimSan said:

Personally have been looking at those offered at Recreation21, have just had a go at motorising one of them using a Tomytec TM-18 and with enough filing, more filing and hoping nothing breaks, you can just about squeeze the chassis into the body.

Recreation21's page for coaches/multiple units, older Southern would be under the SR section, newer stuff (like EPB and Thumpers) would be in the BR Section.

Hope that helps!


Just looked at the website. Is the quality of the print of a high standard? Simon offers an AM10/310 which interests me

Thanks in advance for Info


es grüßt 


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50 minutes ago, Padishar Creel said:


Just looked at the website. Is the quality of the print of a high standard? Simon offers an AM10/310 which interests me

Thanks in advance for Info


es grüßt 


They are printed by Shapeways so quality is as per their normal. I do have a GWR coach, the finish of  which I feel is acceptable.

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I think many years ago I bought some whitemetal cab ends that could be grafted on to the ends of the Graham Farish N-gauge suburban coaches, probably generic but sort of 2-Nol. The reference "Spencer" comes to mind. Plenty of the Farish coaches around to have a few goes. But the Worsley sides do also provide a simple approach, and again help develop and maintain skills.

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The TPM cab ends were originally white metal then resin (or the other way around) and are nicely moulded. They are designed to fit the older Farish Mk1 coaches profile along with the TPM inlay window strips to make Mk1 based EMUs. BH Enterprises do (or did) complete kits for Mk1 EMUs that included cast ends and underframe equipment, their own plastic extruded body shells and etched brass overlays. The Poole Farish Mk1 coach profile is not quite correct so the BHE and TPM cab ends are not a direct swap fit although they can be bashed to fit.


I've made a few versions of Mk1 EMUs, many years ago now, using a mixture of TPM cabs, inlay strips and/or etched sides, Farish Mk1 coach bodies, BHE cast underframe equipment and Ultima etched truss rods. Motorising is the thorny issue and I've used the original Farish Class 158/170 motor chassis which can easily have the bogie centres adjusted to the correct 46'6" distance and have the right bogie wheel base and more appropriate wheel size. The Japanese motor chassis are not recommended as the bogies are invariably incorrectly spaced, the bogie wheel base is wrong and the wheels are far too small as well as having incorrect underframe equipment and bogie side frames.


Here's a 2HAP and 2EPB of mine, they're a little fanciful and crude by todays standards, but when needs must :





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Are the Ayjay kits any good? I have seen some finished models which to my admittedly untrained eye (as far as EMUs go) looked nice to me.


Website below and in the text N kits for "4COR ,2BIL and TIN-HAL kits are now being put into production" - Jan 2021. I can't help but like the 2Bil, maybe it just reminds me of the Triang EMU from the early 60s (Not that I ever had one they were long out of production by the time I was old enough to have a hankering for one!).



If someone were to do a 2BIL RTR in N I would just have to have one as a "Rule 1".




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Could not paste Ajay URL
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20 minutes ago, Roy L S said:

Are the Ayjay kits any good? I have seen some finished models which to my admittedly untrained eye (as far as EMUs go) looked nice to me.


Website below and in the text N kits for "4COR ,2BIL and TIN-HAL kits are now being put into production" - Jan 2021. I can't help but like the 2Bil, maybe it just reminds me of the Triang EMU from the early 60s (Not that I ever had one they were long out of production by the time I was old enough to have a hankering for one!).



If someone were to do a 2BIL RTR in N I would just have to have one as a "Rule 1".




Built one quite expensive required a lot of work to thin and lower the sides enough to accept a motor chassis  ( but that may have been just me )


Nick B

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I only know Ajay kits from their OO Scale stuff. Most of the range is all right, more an aid to scratch building than a complete kit, the exception is the excruciatingly bad PEP unit which was the misshapen lump of the old ElCrappo MTK kit of late 1970's vintage reheated and quite frankly only fit for the bin.

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45 minutes ago, nick_bastable said:

Built one quite expensive required a lot of work to thin and lower the sides enough to accept a motor chassis  ( but that may have been just me )



Yep, a lot of work and effort required. But then I find that with just about all 3D printed models and the extent of the work rather depends on the standard and finish you are happy with. The Tin HAL I had seemed to have quite extensive stratification ridges that were difficult to eradicate. Consequently I never really finished the model and certainly never got to motorising it:







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On 21/02/2021 at 07:45, Padishar Creel said:


Just looked at the website. Is the quality of the print of a high standard? Simon offers an AM10/310 which interests me

Thanks in advance for Info


es grüßt 



Best camera I've got for stills is my phone so apologies if not quite best quality, for smoothest finish one could describe it as at most slightly grainy, personally doesn't bother me too much but it won't be brass kit smooth but does require less work to sort out (which is good for me as not the best in making kits!).




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Those etches look really good, Steve.


Is there a possibility if any Mk2 or Mk3 coach etches? In particular: 


the early Mk2 FK, which has numerous detail differences from the Mk2a FK including a different, more square window shape with 4 part sliding ventilators (Bachmann got the proportions wrong in the 00 version)  and a different level to the horizontal divider on the toilet window


Like this one (Flickr link - not my original photo)


Mk3 HST catering vehicle sides - the TRUB would be most useful but TRSB and TRUK I’m sure would be of interest to some


Just a thought - I’d buy some! If they could be designed to replace the flat area of body side above the tumblehome if might make installation easier.



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Thanks all for the comments - I’m glad they appear to be of interest. I will post a dedicated thread in time. 

15 hours ago, tiger said:


the early Mk2 FK, which has numerous detail differences from the Mk2a FK including a different, more square window shape with 4 part sliding ventilators (Bachmann got the proportions wrong in the 00 version)  and a different level to the horizontal divider on the toilet window


Like this one (Flickr link - not my original photo)


Mk3 HST catering vehicle sides - the TRUB would be most useful but TRSB and TRUK I’m sure would be of interest to some


Hi Tom, 


I’d never given the first back of Mk.2 FKs much attention; I hadn’t realised the windows were different! I don’t really have a use for them myself, but I’d be tempted to do an etch when I get around to doing the Mk.2Bs and Mk.2Cs. I would be inclined to make the etch the size of the grey panel.


Mk.3s are an interesting one; do you base the etch around the Farish or Dapol model? I much prefer the shape of the Farish model but if you go for etched sides (or window strips as I’ve been toying with) you need to find a neat way of going the doors.  I’m currently working on a Prototype (in more than one sense of the word - please excuse the iffy roof fit) with a hybrid of the Dapol chassis and sides and a resin roof and ends based around the Farish model. Assuming one of the RTR companies doesn’t release a bells-and-whistles HST, I think this is probably the way I’ll model some production HSTs which will spawn some etched sides. 



Perhaps we should take this conversation to PM to avoid dragging this further off topic?




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3rd Boxcar Models on Shapeways do a 63 stock cab. This just plugs into the end of a Farish Blue Riband Mk1 once the existing end has been cut out BR 1963 stock cab

Sandy also does the intermediate 63 stock gangways these are a straight replacement for the existing Mk1 gangway.

63 stock gangway


I used these on my 4TC.




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