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I will be looking out for that Simon, that is right up my street.


I really enjoyed the Engineers wagon guide, finding it informative, detailed but easy to read.

Mind you as my dad was in the WR civil engineers when I was young I think I knew the difference 

between a dogfish and a catfish before I knew about mk1 and mk2 coaches!


I have always been interested in freight traffic, we could hear the shunting at Exmouth Junction from our house when I was little, that probably started the path that lead to my railway career and joining Bristol TOPS.


I believe creating realistic wagonload freight formations is somewhere between an art and a science,

and done well can really enhance an already excellent layout. Blueball Summit by Andy Stroud is right up there, and the freight trains he runs are typical of that part of the WR he is trying to recreate.

From my time working in the Bristol Area Freight Centre, and after, I observed train formations daily, and saw how from day to day some varied, while others stayed almost the same. I think the secret is to get the right blend between regular traffic that passes almost daily in varying numbers, and random events where some regular traffic is missing or something special turns up,



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4 hours ago, D9020 Nimbus said:

Do you know if this will be available in digital format? (I like "physical" books, but there's only so much room…)

The first vol. was, so probably.

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3 hours ago, Enterprisingwestern said:


You've done better than me Phil!, can't find it on the site, "wagonload" search throws up zero results.



Having the same experience. Used a variety of search terms as well as trawling through the lists and can’t find any trace.

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This looks great, just what I've been looking for.  I'm planning a BR Speedlink era timber unloading siding, for my next small layout project.


I hope I can pick up a copy in my local WH Smiths before they, sadly, close down for good!

Edited by Alcanman
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23 hours ago, Phil Bullock said:

That looks good Simon .... copy ordered, thanks for the heads up. 


10 hours ago, Enterprisingwestern said:


You've done better than me Phil!, can't find it on the site, "wagonload" search throws up zero results.




6 hours ago, walrus said:

Having the same experience. Used a variety of search terms as well as trawling through the lists and can’t find any trace.


It would seem Dr Bullock is special!



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2 hours ago, walrus said:


Note that the title shown on the website is misleading; The word 'Engineers' is incorrect (and does not appear on the bookazine cover).  


BTW there is another interesting recently-published Key bookazine on Britain's Railways in the 70s, so while ordering one I ordered both !


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4 hours ago, caradoc said:


Note that the title shown on the website is misleading; The word 'Engineers' is incorrect (and does not appear on the bookazine cover).  


Probably an accidental carryover from Vol 1. Has been changed to ‘Wagonload’ now  anyway.

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  • RMweb Gold
9 hours ago, Enterprisingwestern said:

From the above link;


Modelling British Railways - Wagonload Formations Volume 2


Did I miss volume 1?




8 hours ago, Alcanman said:

Volume 1 was 'Engineers Wagons'


Just badly worded then, another attempt at the suffocation of the English language!

I'm glad Si doesn't drop so low.



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