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Star Wars Andor


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  • RMweb Premium

Has anyone else been watching Andor? I really enjoyed it, along with Rogue One it's the only really good Star Wars wince the Empire Strikes Back in my opinion. I love the first movie, and the Empire Strikes Back is still the high point of the series for me. Return of the Jedi wasn't awful but things were already slipping. The prequels weren't great, I thought they got better as they went along. The first one was dire, the second OK-ish and the final one pretty decent. When Rogue One was released I had really high hopes for Disney Star Wars as I loved it, the first genuinely good Star Wars movie since Empire Strikes Back. Solo wasn't a particularly great film, but it was an enjoyable heist caper set in the Star Wars universe. The problem was Alden Ehrenreich felt wodden and heavy and just didn't capture the character as created by Harrison Ford, however that was offset by Woody Harrelson's terrific performance and a typically strong show from Paul Bettany. I know there was a lot written about Donald Glover as Lando, I was neutral on him, there was nothing memorable about his contribution, but neither was it bad. Then we get to the sequels and it all goes horribly wrong, just awful. Star Wars is a fantasy universe, essentially re-imagining twentieth century guerrilla uprisings and WW2 naval warfare as a space opera, you have to buy into that whole fantasy world and immerse yourself in it, but for all that it needs a certain consistency and rational construction to maintain that immersion. If you end up sitting in a movie thinking 'that's nonsense' then the writers and director have failed. That's before getting onto the dire character development. It turned me off Star Wars. The Mandalorian was OK, many raved about it but if it hadn't followed the dire sequels, I don't think it would have been received anything like as positively. It seemed to be lauded because it wasn't awful. Similarly, I thought the Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi were decent but average. Andor, however, I properly enjoyed. They captured the same atmosphere as Rogue One, the character of Andor develops, the Imperials feel credible and threatening in a way they don't in the sequels (and indeed they were already becoming cartoonish buffoons in the Return of the Jedi) and the slow burn character driven story was superbly done. The cast is very strong, especially Stellan Skarsgard, Andy Serkis and Denise Gough. If Disney make more Star Wars like this I'll be on-board all the way.

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Don't have Disney any more so cannot comment on Andor, I did watch the Mandalorian it was slickly made but basically a story about a cute baby being delivered to somewhere safe.


I think Star Wars began going downhill by the middle of Empire Strikes back and JaJa Binks should have been played as the Sith he was and not left as an idiot.


But to me the stand out movie was Rogue One - I think it worked best because actually the main characters died, it didn't have the lucky shot down an air vent and escape to victory element, there was an actual cost to getting the Deathstar plans to people other than the Empire cannon fodder or extras on the Rebels side.


Also had the best robot



Although this guy was also quite good in Mandalorian


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  • RMweb Gold


Hi there,


I loved Star Wars as a kid and tbh I have enjoyed - to different levels - pretty much everything that has been produced bar the cartoons which I've never watched.


I agree that the original film, Empire Strikes back and Rogue One are at the top of the pile.   Andor is there too.


I did think that the 'prequels' missed a trick with Count Dooku, played by the wonderful Christopher Lee.  There is a scene in which he captures Obi Wan and attempts to explain why the Republic was rotting from within and the Jedi Council couldn't see it.   As it was they just made him a Sith in league with Sidious and it all got fairly predictable; the story could've been far more interesting if he hadn't been; that Obi-Wan had realised he was right and then Anakin had sided with Palpatine.  I think the denoument in Revenge of the Sith and Obi-Wan's exile would've made more sense.




Ben A.

Edited by Revolution Ben
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I have thoroughly enjoyed all the spin off mini series. Was surprised to see John Favreau aka Happy Hogan in the Marvel films was heavily involved in a couple of them.

The original Star Wars film is my firm favourite. Ground breaking in every way and set the scene for the likes of Close Encounters, ET and Jurassic Park in terms of special effects. There is a series called Light and Magic on Disney + that is worth watching. 

The prequels were a real let down, although episode 3 wasn't too bad. I already knew the story of how Obi Wan and Darth Vader fought each other in a "volcano" from my original Star Wars annual. 

Rogue One is really good and coupled with Andor fills in the blanks as it were. I also enjoyed the later sequels. Visually much better than the prequels and match the original trilogy. You could say the stories mirror the original trilogy somewhat, but they wrap things up well I think. My boys also have the same love of Star Wars. Although both of them were scared when they saw Bobba Fett in the foyer of Cineworld for The Force Awakens.

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I've been a Star Wars fan since watching the original film before it became Episode IV A New Hope.

The Empire Strikes back will always be my favourite as the 'goodies' losing and the 'baddies' winning the day in a film/TV program just didn't happen.

Regarding all the subsequent films Rogue One stands head and shoulders above the rest for reasons already explained further up the thread and for Disney actually allowing the heroes to die unlike any other Disney production.

The prequels were a toughish watch but they did reignite Star Wars and led to all the subsequent output, some great and some even worse. What they did though was create plot holes for the original trilogy which could have been avoided.

The sequels promised so much, The Force Awakens played it safe with the plot then The Last Jedi was a disaster on so many levels and divided the Star Wars fandom. There were so many things wrong that I'd bore you all listing them but in a nutshell all the First Order had to do to stop the slowest ever space pursuit was jump just ahead of the Resistance last remaining ship, turn around and face it head on rather than firing missiles that conveniently fell short and appeared to arc through the gravity free vacuum of space... When JJ Abrahms returned to direct the final film there was little he could do to save the destroyed storyline but IMHO could have done a lot better.

The animated series quality is variable but the Clone Wars was excellent. Moving on to the live action The Mandalorian was good with many nods to the original trilogy whilst The Book of Boba failed and ruined the lore of this much loved character and despite the series being short 2 episodes were Mandalorian episodes!

Obi-Wan was ok (there is a fan edit changing it into a film which makes much more sense and works better but has sadly been taken down).

Andor was also ok, but no more than that. It did show what life was like under the Empire for the ordinary folk but that is the main issue I had with it. Where were the alien species? The population was 99% human for some reason. Budgets restrictions perhaps.

I am an obsessive Star Wars geek and my other hobby is costuming and I am a member of the 501st Legion owning 11 Star Wars costumes which make railway modelling a very cheap hobby.


I'll leave you with this - Caravan of Courage: an Ewok Adventure and Ewoks: The Battle for Endor - aaaaaargh!

Edited by Gareth Collier
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I have enjoyed Andor and I'm watching it again. The quality is generally very good although the sub-plot about stealing the pay-roll was a bit iffy. A galaxy wide civilisation is not going to pay its military in cash by Wells-Fargo starship. Silly that one.

It is a very good, exceptionally good, depiction of a truly nasty militaristic regime and not a jedi in sight.

One of the best, perhaps the best, of the Star Wars films. 

Edited by PenrithBeacon
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  • RMweb Gold

Rogue one and Andor for me as well. Loved the Mandalorian, as well as being Star Wars it was very Space Western.

Now Book of Boba Fett, I had some pretty meh vibes about, until I remembered who Star Wars was originally for and how old I was when I first fell in love with the movie. And 8yr old me would have been super stoked with Boba Fett riding a Rancor beast, trust me!

8yr old me would have stil thought Jar Jar was a bit of a door fitting though.

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My wife and I have been thoroughly hooked by Andor, while we enjoyed The Mandolorian, Andor is properly grown up TV  which would stand upon its own merits even if not a part of the Star Wars universe.  The Book of Boba Fett and Obi Wan kEnobi left us both fairly cold.  It's been a real treat to have grey morality, police procedural drama and cyberpunk all within a familiar framing.

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm surprised.

I'd say I was a Star Wars Fan - I flew to the 'States to see Phanom Menace on its opening day level...


But Andor bored the bits off me, only about three episodes seemed to have any content in them.


I agree with the other posters about Rogue One and how it worked so well, especially as a one-shot; and I've watched the film three times... But that wasn't enough times for me to know who this Andor was they were making a TV program about. Seriously: his face (etc) failed to make an impression.


I feel there was enough content in the series of Andor to have made a very interesting and exciting 3 hour movie. Well acted; good sfx; likeable robot, but the pacing seemed off to me.



AND again, it reinforces the American belief that the Empire ("The badbies") is made up of English people  speaking in English accents (although, as we know, Dave Prouse had a really bad throat when it came to do his dialogue). I know that means that the series was Made In England and all that entails and brings to the economy and obviously a lot of the non-empire people had English Accents too (I say that because I doni't think we've heard a Scottish or Welsh accent on either side to date)


I'll probably watch the second series, but i'll be hoping there isn't a third.

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  • RMweb Gold
2 hours ago, PeterStiles said:

I know that means that the series was Made In England and all that entails and brings to the economy and obviously a lot of the non-empire people had English Accents too (I say that because I doni't think we've heard a Scottish or Welsh accent on either side to date)


Mark Lewis Jones (Keeping Faith, Stella, The Tuckers, among many Welsh series) is in Last Jedi as an Imperial officer and says he played the part with a "posh Welsh accent":




I saw the original film on my twelth birthday in 1978. Loved the first trilogy (although not as keen on ROTJ) but fristrated by the prequels and didn't really enjoy the sequels or spin-off films, for all that they had good moments. Haven't seen any of the TV series yet, but only because I don't have subscriptions.



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  • RMweb Gold
3 hours ago, PeterStiles said:



 I know that means that the series was Made In England

The "bank robbery" episodes, at the very least, were filmed in Scotland. Cruachan Reservoir to be precise.


Regarding the second season, it's ending is supposed to lead into Rogue One, and so there shouldn't be a third series, as currently planned.


I thoroughly enjoyed it. I thought it was intelligent, grown-up and much more like what I wish "Star Wars" had been from the start, which is effectively a children's film where everything has to be explained to the viewer.  A good script, very good acting, very little hype and blowing things up for the sake of it.  The tie in with the cruciform devices they were making in the penal colony with the final post-credit scene was a lovely touch as well.  It wasn't smug or knowing, it was just telling a story.


For the record, the gung-ho copper (Alex Ferns) was Scottish and had a Scottish accent. (token Scot, I know).


There were holes, particularly if you sit down after the event and give it some proper thought, but there (just about) always are; and at the time of watching it was (mostly) plausible.


I'm very much looking forward to series 2.





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  • RMweb Premium

Episodes 1-3 are best appreciated after watching the animated Clone Wars (which itself drags on a bit). The Clone Wars spin off Bad Batch is worth a watch.


Episodes 7-9 had so much potential. The main characters (Rey, Finn, Po and Kylo Ren) had much to offer. I think they were let down by stories that were almost a re-hash of the original episodes 4-6. They went down after The Force Awakens.


The first series of the Mandalorian was great - familiar yet different. It lost its edge on the second one.

The Book of Boba Fett had potential but didn't quite work.


Andor's enjoyable but I don't quite see the point of it yet (but have yet to see all episodes). Perhaps it may have been better as a feature film than a mini-series.


Obi-Wan Kenobi and Solo were both good fun, but like others Rogue One is the best of any part of the Star Wars saga since the original three films.


It'll be interesting to see how the Ahsoka series gets on.


Steven B.


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  • RMweb Premium

The sequels had some stunning set pieces and visuals, and lived up to the Star Wars tradition of fantastic music soundtracks. The problem was the big budget and state of the art effects and production couldn't compensate for terrible writing and characters. It started well, The Force Awakens played it safe and was a remake of episode 4 but it was enjoyable and introduced new characters. Then it all went horribly wrong. Even in TFA the film suffered from the same inept bad guys, super weapons with ridiculous vulnerabilities and was over reliant on an appeal to nostalgia. The next one went off the scale of badness on so many levels. I also think they treated some of the actors shoddily, Finn started out being prepared to be a serious lead in the series and rapidly became the amusing idiot, Rose Rico was clearly meant to become a character in the franchise yet was unceremoniously dumped after the second movie and even Poe was made into a bit of a dog butt in the second movie.

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Wonder if someone would be kind enough to help me here.


When the first Star Wars movie hit the screen in 1997 I was totally gobsmacked. Best movie I had ever seen. Was beginning to doubt whether my memory was right, having read in '77 that there were 6 books to the story, as it took so long for the next few movies to be made. Watched all 6 including, I think, Rogue One.


But life, family, work and kids meant Star Wars took a back seat whilst Balamory and Telly Tubbies took precedence for a peaceful night.


I've got Disney+ subscription and saw that the Star Wars franchise is available, but I don't know what order I should watch them.

Would someone kindly be able put them in order so I can sit down some night and enjoy getting back stuck in please? (and although this is subjective, maybe rate the poor ones which I could miss)



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  • RMweb Gold
9 minutes ago, Damo666 said:

Wonder if someone would be kind enough to help me here.


When the first Star Wars movie hit the screen in 1997 I was totally gobsmacked. Best movie I had ever seen. Was beginning to doubt whether my memory was right, having read in '77 that there were 6 books to the story, as it took so long for the next few movies to be made. Watched all 6 including, I think, Rogue One.


But life, family, work and kids meant Star Wars took a back seat whilst Balamory and Telly Tubbies took precedence for a peaceful night.


I've got Disney+ subscription and saw that the Star Wars franchise is available, but I don't know what order I should watch them.

Would someone kindly be able put them in order so I can sit down some night and enjoy getting back stuck in please? (and although this is subjective, maybe rate the poor ones which I could miss)



Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated movie)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated series)

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Rebels animated series

Andor season 1

[Andor Season 2]

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

The Mandalorian season 1

The Mandalorian season 2

The Book of Boba Fett

Star Wars Resistance season 1

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Resistance season 2

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker





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  • RMweb Gold
On 01/12/2022 at 09:01, Revolution Ben said:

I did think that the 'prequels' missed a trick with Count Dooku, played by the wonderful Christopher Lee.  There is a scene in which he captures Obi Wan and attempts to explain why the Republic was rotting from within and the Jedi Council couldn't see it.   As it was they just made him a Sith in league with Sidious and it all got fairly predictable; the story could've been far more interesting if he hadn't been; that Obi-Wan had realised he was right and then Anakin had sided with Palpatine.  I think the denoument in Revenge of the Sith and Obi-Wan's exile would've made more sense.

Without spoilers, I think you might really enjoy episodes 2, 3 and 4 of the anthology series Tales Of The Jedi. They are animated but they're only 10-15 mins an episode so not too bad a time investment if you end up hating it.

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1 hour ago, scottystitch said:

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated movie)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated series)

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Rebels animated series

Andor season 1

[Andor Season 2]

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

The Mandalorian season 1

The Mandalorian season 2

The Book of Boba Fett

Star Wars Resistance season 1

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Resistance season 2

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker





You missed the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies🤣

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1 hour ago, scottystitch said:

Star Wars: The Phantom Menace

Star Wars: Attack of the Clones

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated movie)

Star Wars: The Clone Wars (the animated series)

Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: The Bad Batch

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Star Wars Rebels animated series

Andor season 1

[Andor Season 2]

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Star Wars: A New Hope

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

The Mandalorian season 1

The Mandalorian season 2

The Book of Boba Fett

Star Wars Resistance season 1

Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Star Wars Resistance season 2

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker





Thanks Scott.


That's Christmas Day sorted.

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When Luthen first arrives on Fennix, did anyone notice the blood-and-custard livery of the transport ship?



"(I say that because I doni't think we've heard a Scottish or Welsh accent on either side to date)"


Melshi, Cassian's prison-mate who escapes with him, is played by Scottish actor Duncan Pow, and uses his Scottish accent. He also appears in Rogue One in several scenes, most notably the leader of the Rebel team that frees Jyn Erso from the prison transport at the beginning.




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10 hours ago, Steven B said:

Episodes 1-3 are best appreciated after watching the animated Clone Wars (which itself drags on a bit). The Clone Wars spin off Bad Batch is worth a watch.

Steven B.


Ah, now here's my thing with Star Wars. I'm generally happy to let the movies, good, bad or indifferent wash over me. If I was so impassioned I'd be sending in roughs to Ms. Kennedy @ Disney HQ.

But nah, they produce the media, I consume and am satisfied with that relationship (Disney+ subscriber btw) more or less.


However, I'd heard good things about The Bad Batch as a lore lesson on the era Paplatine presided on after Order 52 (?).

The Bad Batch may well do that but unfortunately it's plainly produced to cater to a younger audience. The movies draw a variously fine line between adequating a wide age range but TBB failed dismally in keeping my attention for more than two episodes purely because it contained all the hackneyed tropes all animated series I've seen before. The difference being in a live action movie that the actor brings gravitas by their actions.


That aside, Mandalorian justified my sub', Boba Fatt was ok, similarly Obi Wan and I'm making my way through Andor.


As an aside, Pedro Pascale (excellent in The Mandalorian, less so in the programme break plonk ads on Freeview) plays Joel in HBO's rendition of The Last of Us. As far as I know I can't get HBO in the UK and I ain't paying for Sky...so hopefully box-sets might be available down the road?



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