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Early Risers.


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Morning all. Very seasonal wind and rain here in Derby has darkened the mood this morning, not that the realisation that I have to go back to Asda has not helped. We completely forgot that the bread was nearly out yesterday. This was followed by the bombshell from Sarah that the reindeer will need carrots tonight and we only have a pack of frozen ones. Apparently these will not do for Rudolph and his hairy companions. Perhaps I should balance it out by claiming that we are nearly out of whisky for the bearded one!!


Once I have braved the heaving masses at the superstore I will get some peace and quiet completing the final present wrapping before the inlaws arrive for tea later. This will have to be done in the railway room do I predict some Santa special services on my layout today!


Whatever you are up to today, I hope you have a calm and enjoyable Christmas Eve.

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Morning all.


I woke just after nine and made sure the four sets of eyedrops went in. It must be years since I have slept that late. I guess it was events catching up with me and my body must have needed it. Everything from Sunday afternoon is just one long blurr. Now things are just blurred.


Many thanks for the continued good wishes, they may not aid the physical healing but they help cheer me up. If you are interested in what I am doing today, see yesterday's diary entry. The most exciting thing is, at the end of each fifty minutes, trying to remember if it's a coffe break or a loo break.


I haven't read any posts this morning, I will save that to fill a bit time later.

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Mornin' all. A windy night (outside, mostly) and now the rain. My maternal grandmother was Eva. A musician of Welsh parentage, she would probably sit at the piano and play suitable weather related music.


Another trip out for rations beckons. Festive comestibles we have, but basic rations need topping up. Also something for a festive dinner; Martyn won't eat poultry and isn't keen on a roast, so may get a fancy pizza. I'll take pot luck on Sainsbury's bargains; if no luck I have a steak and some gammon in the freezer. No sprouts will encounter any danger.


Have a good day.



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Eva was in evidence here this morning as well. Heavy rain and high winds, but they have now eased to no rain and a blustery wind. Final shopping completed, as early as I could. Aldi didn't open until 08.00, and there was a queue waiting when I arrived. Even though I whizzed round with a hand basket, there was still a queue at the checkout when I got there. Then it was off to Moreasons, which was heaving, and I had to suffer the usual snail pace checkout speed. It wasn't the queues there, just the checkout man who would struggle to go any slower if he tried.


No 2 son has called to say that Green Flag started his car, and it was down to a flat battery probably caused by a faulty fan switch. he plans to drive here from Leeds without stopping the engine, so doesn't have any repeat problems. I have booked his car into my local back street garage to try to fix the problem on Tuesday, before he drives down to girlfriends parents in Lincoln.


Now feeling knackered! No time for a rest as dumbo is making mince pies, chocolate dessert for tonight and needs my assistance. Such is life!


Enjoy your day.

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Not exactly a white Christmas yet but we do have sleet showers coming in on the wind. Eva was very noisy yesterday evening, we could hardly hear ourselves talk above the roaring in the chimney and the hail hammering on the windows.


Steph is now officially a lady of leisure. There was an amazing turnout at the hospital yesterday afternoon to see her off, over sixty people turned up to wish her well. There were a lot of speeches and a lot of tears and our house now looks more like a flower shop, and where are we going to fit in all those cards at this time of the year! We celebrated at home with close friends and a pizza and champagne supper, so rather a sore head this morning.


One of Steph's colleagues mum died yesterday (not unexpected and in many ways a relief for the family), so the funeral will be tomorrow on Christmas Day. I bet that doesn't happen often on the mainland. 


I hope you all have an enjoyable time over the festive season. Try not to over do it!

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When is your release date, BoD?

I have to do this for a week DD.


50 minutes on one side, 10 minute break then 50 minutes on the other. Sounds a bit like a sun worshipper on the beach in Spain. They have replaced a lot of the gel in the eye (is it aqueous or vitreous humour?) with a gas bubble. This posturing, as it is called, is to make sure the retina is held correctly in place under light pressure by the gas bubble whilst it reattaches. The gas diffuses out over a couple of months.


The type of posturing depends on where the detachment occurred. Some poor folk have to spend the week or longer face down on their stomach. If that had been me I think I would be to take away. At least I can read or use the iPad to keep me sane. I've already plumbed the depths of some of the hidden places of RMweb. Some people are happy to start an argument in an empty room.


Sadly it also gives me time to think and, inevitably I suppose, occasionally my thoughts wander to the worst case scenario. A lot of my plans for retirement depend on having two good eyes.

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Morning all,


Loins to be duly girded ere long to undertake a 'Mike and the vacuum cleaner' session but obviously more serious things are in mind as I'm being promised 'a cooked breakfast' - albeit a late one; I may be some time.


Have an enjoyable day one & all and definitely don't do too much (unless not given any choice (various of you will know exactly what I mean).

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. The most exciting thing is, at the end of each fifty minutes, trying to remember if it's a coffe break or a loo break.



Just make sure you don't get them mixed up..........




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Morning all from Estuary-Land. As I am going to my sisters for Christmas dinner I have only a little to prepare for, just to make sure that I take anything that I might need with me, I'm supplying the Christmas pudding and a few other things and I must take my slippers. Just had an e-mail from the Dartford crossing people telling me that as I haven't used the crossing for 12 months my account is about to expire. So I duly telephoned them only to get a message that to find their office closure times during the holidays I will have to look on the Dartcharge website, this I did only I could find no mention of the opening times on the website. Cockwombleism is alive and well it seems. Done most of Christmas shopping yesterday so only the papers to get today, be back later.

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BoD, on 24 Dec 2015 - 11:21, said:

Sadly it also gives me time to think and, inevitably I suppose, occasionally my thoughts wander to the worst case scenario. A lot of my plans for retirement depend on having two good eyes.

Don't go there! The week of torture will seem like a year, sure, but at the end there is a huge chance of successful repair and at least adequate vision.


Few things are ever as bad as they initially seem to be. We adapt, we get clever at minimising. Whatever awaits you can be managed somehow.


Retirement will still be fulfilling, and a heap better than the pressures of work in this era.


Keep looking forward.

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I have Dysoned the house from top to bottom and the facilities have been sanitised to the Nth degree. The Boss is in the kitchen and mince pies have been made. The sausage rolls are in the oven as I type and I am just awaiting the call to test these products. This is an annual task and nobody will be allowed to taste them until I have verified that they are fit for human consumption. Just to be on the safe side I usually check them both about 3 times.....ish.   :yes:  :imsohappy:

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A tip for anyone who has the desire is under orders to do last minute food shopping at M&S. My wife has just got back from the madhouse that is M&S food hall. The checkout queues were halfway round the store, so she went to the clothing section and was through the checkout in there with no queueing. Provided you do not have anything to weigh they will happily deal with you in the clothing department. Time to wish you all a very happy Christmas and a healthy new year and stay safe all.

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Raging tonzi tonsul sore throat, totally amazed to get an appointment at the Doctors. Usually you have recovered or died before the next available appointment. So ..


Braved Eva to get to the quack's for 8.30. Soaked to the skin and almost blown away getting there. Ditto coming back. Then on the bus to Mum's, unavoidable unfortunately. Hopefully keeping as far away from her as possible while I was there so as not to pass on the lurgy.  


Back on the next bus to Asda for the bits SWMBO "didn't forget"  and then finally home, where I collapsed in a wet, steaming heap. (Settle down at the back there - I know who you are!)


A large cup of tea and an very large dose of Glenfiddich Special reserve later I don't feel any better but really don't give a damn any more.


Roll on the Test Match on Saturday  :scared:


Merry Crimbo all.

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I popped down to Tesco to get a 'paper, also asked to get a couple of bottles of bleach as we were running short and duly found some long date, but reduced, bacon.  Car park was very busy, shop seemed quite busy but not excessive although it must have been pretty busy unless there are lots of abandoned cars outside.  And after doing my little bit of shopping I simply walked up to a checkout - no queue so quickly dealt with.


I did wonder if the way things were working might have had something to do with lots of the shoppers being male, using baskets in stead of trolleys, and very obviously working off the list they had been given and getting no more?


PS Table has been laid - I got the (paper) table cloths on right but was instructed to slightly relocate some of the mats for dishes; I suggested which place mats we should use (agreed!);  (paper) napkins agreed jointly (honest), and I was allowed to lay the cutlery (probably because I managed to get the right size knives out of the drawer).  I was not allowed to place the two 'christmassy table decoration thingummies' so presumably managerial honour was thereby preserved.

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Afternoon from 30,000 feet.


On a Virgin A330 with just 77 passengers plus crew some,where over the s is the least loaded flight I have ever been on. So many complete rows of empty seats to choose but happy with the economy seats we selected a while ago.


turkey and stuffing on the menu aswell.


It's sunny up here aswell unlike back home




Glad I am not trying to get home by train from London as many trains in a row cancelled towards Redhill for some reason

Fatality at East Croydon c.09.00 probably has something to do with it.

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Whyteleafe on the Caterham branch back to Redhill.


Change at Purley of course, so two chances for Southern to screw you there.  What took you to that neck of the woods?:  Takes me back many years, as I lived in Whyteleafe with the branch at the foot of my garden (and the river Bourne in a culvert below it, though we didn't know that when we moved in, and anyway, "The Bourne never flows" according to neighbours).


I never had any pleasant memories of commuting from Whyteleafe to London, as my workplace for the last few years was in the West End, off Tottenham Court Road, and the decision of whether to go to/from LB and on the direct Caterham, or to go to/from Vic, via Upper Warlingham, or to go to either, then make another decision at East Croydon.   Whichever I chose was wrong.  In the end, I started driving to Purley and hoping for the best from there.


Afternoon All


Firstly, Warren - I have been there, done that, etc.  What you need to bear in mind about surgery is that it is a one off for us, but a many times daily event for the surgeon, and he will always give things his best shot.  The partnership becomes a bit more one sided when you get home, but the aftercare regime whilst it may be uncomfortable, difficult, annoying, etc, is your part of the deal, as the surgeon can only go so far.  Stick with it, and with the surgeon's skill in the first instance, and you are virtually certain to get there and get a good result.  I speak from personal experience here, as I had quite a strict regime at home after my hip operation - sleep on your back for six weeks with a wedge between your legs - exercises three times a day, walk only as far as you can, use walking aids, and progressively I got better, and now need no aids, and am leading a normal life - better than I had before the op, as I can now walk with a normal gait.  I met somebody at the clinic who was not progressing as expected, and who needs physio now, but she said that she had "decided" that the prescribed regime was too onerous, and just slept normally, and didn't do the exercises frequently, so that, to me, proved the need to follow the instructions to the letter.  You'll be fine of you do, I'm sure.


John (KB) Hope your other half has the retirement that she deserves.


Geoff - I went from getting a pasty to the Market square yesterday, and as it was raining (again), I decided to take a "short cut" through M&S to stay dry, and of course, had forgotten that the panic buying of M&S party food would be in full swing.  It was manic, and an acquaintance of mine was in the queue, and bemoaning the fact that she only had a half hour lunch break, and had almost used that up.  I suggested that she go through to the tills in ladieswear, as Kath too has sussed that this was the quick option.


I am SO pleased that I didn't need to go out for any of the Christmas comestibles this year, and the prawns are now defrosting, the sausages likewise, and and all the needed veg etc is in the rack, and only needs preparing.  I now see how Margo in "The Good Life" enjoyed Christmas coming in a van - mine had Morreasons on the side - and even the Taylors LBV and the wine were in that lot - AND the white wine was delivered chilled and ready to drink - with that sort of service, this year's shopping was SOOO simple. 


One thing I have noticed is that there seem to be numerous cockwombles out on the road.  On the back road to town to take Lily to the vet's this morning, I had three mear misses with vehicles coming the other way, too fast, and on the wrong side of the road.  That road is notorious for that sort of driving, as some of the curves have an excellent camber, but the line through the corner is close to or just over the cenre line, and some have a wrong camber, and have a nasty habit of throwing vehicles into the fences and walls.  (Geoff, you'll know exacly what I mean here).


Lily's ear infection is proving to be rather more prolonged than we'd hoped, as there is some narrowing of her ear canals, which needs steroid treatment, so stand by PetPlan.


Oh and another problem has now arisen over the water damage in the dining room, as the musty smell has not yet gone, and a check of the curtains shows that they have been water damaged and also have mould on them - so another call to the insurance company, who have authorised replacements. 


However, other than that, all is not too bad here, and I am looking forward to settling by the stove later with a nice glass of something old from Taylor, Fladgate, and Yeatman - a nice LBV port. 


I promise that I have read everybody's posts here, and generic greetings are on offer.  Season's greetings will follow on the morrow, as I hope to have a couple of visits, as last year,ERs was a most pleasant place to spend some time.


Cooking lunch calls, so

Regards to All


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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. Popped out to get my papers this morning having decided to risk Tesco's as I realised I was out of bread. Wasn't as bad as I feared so I was able to circumnavigate the aisles quite comfortably. So much so that when I reached the checkout the basket was well filled. If anythings forgotten now it will have to stay forgotten until after Christmas.

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Now feeling knackered! No time for a rest as dumbo is making mince pies, chocolate dessert for tonight and needs my assistance. Such is life!



Now my earlier post contains an interesting piece of iPad autocorrect.  I typed in SWMBO, and it changed it to dumbo!  If anyone tells her, then I am really for it! :O

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Afternoon all.

Tesco at Pitsea was really quiet. The car park was less full than on a normal weekday. The only thing I couldn't get was cream but as it was only for pouring over pudding I got some cream enhanced with brandy.


I am not planning to go anywhere else that requires driving for a few days now.


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Stewart: I am determined to give myself the best chance and so am following the surgeons instructions meticulously. For however long it takes.


Ian: wise words as ever, thank you. I am generally upbeat but given all the time I have, negative thoughts do occasionally creep in. I will just have to banish them as they do.


My main regret is that, at this time of year, the workload is falling unduly on others, namely dear Mrs BoD.

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Merry Christmas Eve - also BIN day here but haven't heard any of the monster trucks around so not sure they are actually working today!


Last minute shopping for us yesterday, Jemma and I had volunteered to get the booze, at 3PM the parking lots within about 1/2 mile of the big-box and low priced liquor store were jammed, so we decided to put it off until after dinner and watching "The Holiday", one of our Christmas movie staples. At 9PM, parked within 4 parking spots of the door, breezed through the liquor store getting all we needed in minutes. I question WHY some folks don't apply a bit of grey matter and do the same thing, then again, I suppose if they did it'd be a mess that late instead of early?!?! :jester:

My sodding Bude and Okehampton have YET to show up from Hornby - supposed to be two-day air, dispatched last Thursday, what's up with THAT. They are my Christmas pressies :O  :scared:


Working till noon, then on cleaning/cooking patrol. Tonight we will take MiL to the evening church service, then back here for a late Chinese take-out. Odd I know, but a tradition borne out of my singing in the choir, and dinner having to be something quick and painless after we're done. We have MiL and some friends who always join us over.


Tomorrow will be quiet, just the four, "possibly", of us, but maybe only three, then again maybe FIVE!! <arrghhh>

 The "possibly - 3 or 5" is Trevor, as apparently he's not sure when or IF he'll be over. According to Jemma he might also bring the new girlfriend, all up in the air.

This has the Mrs in fits, not knowing etc., etc! He'd win a few points back if he communicated with his mum about what he and the girlfriend would be doing <sigh> especially since this is a new lady we've never met before! I'm staying right out of it as no matter who I talk to, what I do, I know I'll be wrong :(


The snow abated early yesterday, it warmed slightly, then all turned to sheet ice. Been trying to get the path cleared so we don't have casualties later when we come back here :O


Wishing everyone in ER and their friends and families a wonderful Christmas, or whatever else you celebrate tomorrow - cheers from the Abels in Minnesota,

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