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  • RMweb Gold

Oh dear. Who is looking after the children tonight?

Fortunately there is a volunteer worker staying there. Gio is Dutch, mid-20s, not the brightest but solid. He's been there a couple of months now. But he has no money, can't drive. Has not been encouraged to cook! And despite doing a daily online course, seems to speak very little French. Until we have a diagnosis from the medics we're unable to see forward, but if it's not good Alison's world will come tumbling down. At 51, and rather overweight, with an awful lot of stress, she is a bit of a candidate for ticker trouble, really.


Let's hope it's all much simpler and sweeter!

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Morning all. I don't think that my body has got used to the clocks going forward yet so another coffee is required before heading off to work.


Ian (OD) - I hope that Alison isn't as unwell as she thinks.


Jock - Here's hoping that you get chance to look in and post today.


Have a good day everyone

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Good morning one and all


Today I might find out who my GP is when I collect my prescription this afternoon.  Fortunately the pharmacy is but a short walk from the surgery as a return trip will almost certainly be required.  This is because one prescribed item has to be ordered specially and it takes a few days to arrive.  Before that I will have done a fodder run.  This time some strange items are on the list in advance of Thursday's visit to Poorly Pal, for whom I will be cooking another selection from the Ken Hom collection.  With any luck a book will arrive from Amazon but at what time and by what means are both unknown.  Ooh, the suspense.  There will also be ironing.  This could coincide with another of the delightful Rumpole plays on Radio 4.  No longer is Benedict Cumberbatch available to take the lead role but Julian Rhind-Tutt fills his shoes well.


It might just have been warm enough to go into the garden yesterday but I will never know as I let the opportunity pass.  Instead, following an impulse purchase at Pendon on Friday, I assembled a Wills privy which will go nicely with the signal box on the layout once decked out in light and dark stone and toned down.  Oh dear, I have mentioned m*d*ll*ng in these hallowed portals again.  I'm sorry.  Please forgive me.


Between now and Monday of next week I need to prepare [which came out as 'perspire' for some reason] for a special visit.  It's a research trip of which more anon.


There have been a few alarming posts of late concerning illness among loved ones.  Only when someone tells us do we know how much there is about.  Do not suffer in silence, mes braves, for you are among friends.  Best wishes to the ailing, recovering and supporting.



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Morning All,


Well - I wonder where the Easter Weekend went?!?


The weather wasn't the best to be honest.  Saturday was quite reasonable, and we got out into the garden to do some pulling of weeds and I dug out an old tree stump.


I am back in the Office this morning, and it appears to be quite a nice morning.  We currently have blue sky and sunshine.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Fingers crossed that Alison will be fine, Ian. Not the kind of scare anyone needs, I guess...


Yesterday started out with splendid sunshine but clouded over by the afternoon. Blowy and looking like rain right now, but not cold at least.


Have a good one, folks...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning from a sunny Surrey.


Yesterday we were aboutv80 minutes later getting home than planned with the East coast mainline in chaos. Trains were either cancelled or up to three hours late due to the overhead wire problem near Peterborough. So our quick change of plans to use Virgin out of Manchester looked the best solution. With Victoria shut on the central side we went via London Bridge. The Brighton service before ours was delayed Rita train fault but luckily ours was only a few minutes late into Redhill and bus home.


Got back at dusk so I was able to inspect for any damage which luckily there wasn't but I a, sure that the cracks in the coving in the landing weren't there before.


Various problems on Southern thei morning but our service running OK so far.


A nice short week and meeting our friends from Cumbria again this Friday but on our turf rather than theirs this time for a pub crawl around London.

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  • RMweb Gold

There is something very 2016 about a patient in A&E texting while awaiting a specialist to arrive from Le Mans, but so it is this morning. Alison is bored and very thirsty, being nil by mouth right now. Feels much better. Is wired up, apparently. Has texted both the skools to explain that the boys will not be in, too. At least I don't have to contact the vile ex to tell him the kids are all his now. But I do have strict instructions about contacting the French amour!


Sherry and I got a couple of hours more sleep, so will be somewhat zombified today.


Hope your working week sets sail in a more dignified fashion!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment and sunny spells forecast but some heavy rain. hail and thunder possible later.

Lazy day yesterday although I did eventually get "persuaded" to take The Boss shopping.  Today she should find out whether or not she'll still have a job in a few weeks time due to the company wanting to make a ridiculous change to her hours of work. She has refused their initial "suggestion" but has offered to make a compromise. I wouldn't have done but it is her decision. 

Today's task will be to order some new fence panels to replace the one blown out and a couple others that are past their sell by date.

Have a good one,


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morning all,been awol for sometime so appoligies,hope Alison is feeling better,and best to jock,im still catching up so itll take me a bit of time,quite cold but bright on the way to work,and quite dark and cold in the workshop as it would seem some of the strip lights have given up and the heating is off,still could be worse....jack is off for a couple of weeks and daisy is now crusing and desperate to follow him everywhere,ive even made a start on the wd again,might get it done in the next few years !! hope everyone has a good day and keep safe,regards 

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  • RMweb Premium

Glad to hear Alison appears to be on the mend, Ian. I think having herself checked out regardless can't be wrong, though – much better than possibly missing something important and having even greater problems later…



Just to prove we did have good weather yesterday:




1112 "Seiferts Oscar" backgrounded by the Double M chimney at the Exhibition Centre. In the early and late hours, Line 16 is booked with NGT8s, some of which then switch to Line 10 which also terminates at Lößnig on the southern end.






Part of my break consisted of riding back to Wittenberger Straße, there to take 1154 "August Bebel" for a couple of rounds on Line 10.





Prior to about noon, Line 10 terminates at Central Station, reversing through the holding area off the west side of the station. 



Robot vacuum cleaner is currently working through the flat and I certainly do need some more coffee. I suppose it's due to the clock change…

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  • RMweb Gold

Only managed a winning line in the quiz. Ate too much free food afterwards so had a little tincture with some friends. Glenfiddich red lable is very nice!



Red Lable?


Is that the French Glenfiddich, or did you have more that you thought?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a slightly grey village.   Ian and Sherry I hope that things work out with Alison.  It's certainly a complicated situation with some tricky potential outcomes.  Bob, I wish you luck with the fence panels but please be careful installing them with your track record, I don't want to see a photo of hands nailed to fence posts.

Hope to hear from Jock today.

Various things to do this morning, 4 parcels to post for Ebay items and have various letters to write and phone calls to make that will probably take most of the morning.  Hopefully this afternoon I will get into the modelling room and discover a bit more of the floor.


Regards to all



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I suspect it would also be a problem on Eurostar as it would show up on the scanner and they would (should) then relieve you of it and hand it back to you at your destination provided it is legal in your destination country.  (That was what happened to a bloke carrying a spear - surely not Pete? - who tried to entrain at Waterloo; the spear was taken away from him to be returned on arrival in Paris.  In a somewhat different case a US citizen whose suitcase was found to contain several rounds of 9mm ammunition not only didn't get it handed back but missed his train while assisting the police with their inquiries - but oddly he wasn't carrying any sort of firearm, just  a few rounds of ammo  :scratchhead: ).


G'night all


I can remember the days  of rifles in the hold and pistols handed to the pilot for the duration with permit arranged to be picked up at Arrivals. I also remember that my last Firearm Certificate warning not to leave my guns in the car which led to me once having to stow a S&W .357 Magnum revolver in a shoulder holster so that I could pick up a six pack of beer to take home from my local Off License (don’t worry I didn’t have a beer until everything was in my Safe). Daft really and I hated shoulder holsters despite James Bond.


I should explain that I’d use a pair of handcuffs to run through the frame and the frame of the  passenger seat, previously. Hidden from view but easy for me to get at.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Fence panels ordered. Jamie, no tools needed as they just slot into concrete posts. They're also only 3ft high as they're in the front garden so quite easy to handle. Even I couldn't possibly come to any harm fitting them..............could I?  :scratchhead:

Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all,

And it's a sunny one here, but due to rain later. 


All this talk of importing knives reminds me of the time a relative was working in Tonga.

On finishing his contract the locals gave him a ceremonial war spear to take home as a "thank you".

He got it as far as NZ, but appreciated it would cause problems taking it onto a UK-bound flight. 

So, adjourning to a RNZAF mess he presented it, in turn, to them; his reasoning was that in his National Service he'd been an RAF armourer and saw this as a natural extension of his former career!  


Designs for my shunting plank have taken root over the weekend with a 5'x1' piece of lining paper being used to move wagons around on. Whether it will come to anything I don't know. But with the weather as it was, planning a layout held more appeal than heading outside and working on one. 


Anyway, have a nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just read in the  Maily Dail that Thomas the Tank engine is to receive 14 new engines in an attempt to revitalize his series.


These include engines from Brazil, India and China, and attempt to introduce diversity and multi culturalism.


Do the cretins who make these programmes realize that some of these locos will be to a different gauge to Thomas and will be unable to run on the Isle of Sodor?


This means they will have to be sidelined unable to run and have to be looked after by the Fat Controller's already overworked staff!


This sends a message to our little ones. Which could be interpreted as :


Coming over here, not working, unable to work and living off the railway company.


I do hope that these locos are all sent to Ian Riley so that they can be re-gauged, and all become really useful engines so as not to foster anti immigrant feelings

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I was going to say 'keep taking the tablets Richard' then realised that it may be 'stop taking so many tablets' that may be appropriate. Then I thought that I was thinking too much for so early in a morning and I may have to go and lle down for an hour...


Best to Jock and others that are not feeliing so well.

Edited by HeeleyBridge
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  • RMweb Gold

Fence panels ordered. Jamie, no tools needed as they just slot into concrete posts. They're also only 3ft high as they're in the front garden so quite easy to handle. Even I couldn't possibly come to any harm fitting them..............could I?  :scratchhead:

Don't forget to wear your P.P.E. to avoid injury. :laugh:

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