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Many Happy Returns, Baz!


Btw if anyone needs any speeches written for political events, I’m your man! I have transcripts of Mr. Churchill’s wartime speeches ready to convert for any eventuality..... For your Wife? I can make anyone look good.



Seriously, very tragic story, Ian.



Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold



Has creosote been given the all clear again. I heard that it was banned here a while back (as was the sale of creosoted sleepers) but apparently it's back in the builders merchants again. Academic at the moment as we have large quantities of green fence preserver in the shed. Slightly less now as Steph gave the summerhouse a coat this morning. It will need another one tomorrow.

You cannot buy 'good old fashioned' Creosote anymore due to the fact it is highly carcinogenic.


You can only get 'proper' sleepers from a reclamation yard or  demolition contractor.


Somehow, concrete or steel sleepers are not as popular with the gardening fraternity.


Apart from the last five from my collection, which still serve to hold back soil after 20 years, all the newer stuff is faux sleepering:  8 x 2 pressure treated timber, either soused in coloured cuprinol preservative. or with the aforementioned Creocote for the more rustic approach.


Creocote, (the modern equivalent that I have to use,)  smells similar but does not have the same penetrative or preservative qualities (imho).


The original stuff, mixed with old engine oil and then thinned down again with a touch of paraffin could be applied to the trackbed of your garden railway through a watering can:  This acted as an all round preservative and weed killer.  In fact it killed just about everything it came into contact with.


Istr they used to use creosote to mark out the running track at our primary school.  It just killed the grass, so instead of white lines to delineate the lanes it was more a scorched earth effect!


No need for any form of additive to scorch the earth at present as it is getting pleasantly warm as I write this.

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from Estuary-Land. Happy birthday BAZ :danced: have a good one. ALERT!!! railways are now going to be mentioned, watching the weather forecast this morning which was from Stratford-upon-Avon where Carol was standing on the old Stratford and Moreton Tramway bridge. The bridge dates from the 1820's, the tramway was horse drawn. El scorchio today, too hot to do anything strenuous but a toddle down to the local shops at the end of the street.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday Baz - enjoy.


I always thought that Dd lived in Wales and having read that piece I can only conclude that it is a little part of Ireland - where most restaurants seemed to shut for lunch.   Meanwhile the temperature here is forecast to get into the 30s and herself is wondering about going 'somewhere cooler' - is there anywhere (although the arboretum is a possibility)?  Oh, the car has aircon so we might just go for a drive perhaps.


Have a  good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin' all. It's warming up nicely and I've resorted to shorts, a rare event these days. Not for going out though; don't want to frighten the horses.  


Happy Birthday to Baz.


Sorting stuff continues. The shed I'm mainly working on is shaded, which is nice. It has also had a past rat incursion which has left unpleasant evidence. Lots of disinfectant spray required. I disposed of a wheelie case with a duff zip, but it didn't leave much room in the bin. Solution; open it up and fill it with rubbish.


Have a good day; stay cool.



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  • RMweb Gold

It was very warm today walking on Beacon Hill. There was a bit of a breeze but the air was warm so it didn't cool much. When we crossed a small stream Holly the little terrier laid down in it. Back at the car it was showing 29 deg. I did go out first thing and cut the front hedge by the road while it was still cool enough.


The proper tanalised process is quite good for timber but cannot be redone usually (rather difficult to put a shed into the pressure vessel unless you dismantle it). It is rather difficult to find a product that will kill the moulds, fungi and beasties that attack your wood that would wouldn't also attack you should it get on your skin. It is also beneficial to apply something that protects from the UV in sunlight. Some varnishes do help friends have recommended using Yacht Varnish to protect the track on outdoor railways (including plastic track) and it also can stick the ballast down


OH and Happy Birthday Baz



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Greetings all from a very hot London Bridge


I enjoyed Southeastern's poor attempt at providing a service last night although my journey was not as bad as some. The train I caught had originally been announced as by passing the Sidcup line altogether presumably as a result of the failed train but was so late that it was able to use the correct route albeit 40 minutes late (and very crowded and hot).


Younger Lurker is at the Evelina now. Apparently the challenge is progressing well, 3 portions of tahini downed so far..


Happy Birthday to Baz - pleased to see he is enjoying his cricket again after the trials and tribulations of the close season. I see that young fella Trescothick from Somerset is in the runs again...

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  • RMweb Gold

Just been out to Sainsburys - everyone must be eating sandwiches as there were very few left just after mid day and the chilled cut fruit very low. Way too hot outside for me.


Forest Hill station has just been renamed




Still no trains till at least 20.00 according to Nationalrail.


Cant really do a second night in a pub although the tap take over in the Rake is appealing




Happy birthday Baz

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Happy birthday Baz. Which reminds me to ask what is the recommended method for cricket appeals? When at school we were told to ask "How's that"? in a clear voice and avoid excessive gesturing. In the recent tests there were appeals that reminded me of the time I was walking round the house barefoot and stepped on an upturned plug. Very pleasant here at the moment but I will go easy on the gardening. Stay safe all.

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Afternoon all, and most importantly, Happy Birthday, Barry. 


Apropos nothing in particular I quite enjoyed watching the Public Accounts Committee coverage of the HS2 grilling on Sunday evening.

Riveting and proper Sir Humphrey stuff! 

It seemed to go something like.....  *


PAC: How confident are you with your costs? 

HS2:  60% but we'd like to be at 80%. We've identified risk....fumbled around with cost envelopes....consulted widely....international benchmarked on viaduct costs....and discovered that there is potentially a £9 billion saving.  

PAC: Some might say that if you'd costed it properly to start with the overall cost would have been£9 billion less. But GREAT, we can have that money back and do something else with it. New school anyone?  

HS2: Ahh. A bit tricky as we've identified new risk that is going to cost £9 billion. 

PAC: Somewhat convenient that the money you found directly equates to the money you now need. Truly a happy coincidence! 

PAC: Now, about this standalone spur up to Wigan. It'd be interesting to see a business case for that. Have you got one?

HS2: We call it the Gold plated thorpe standalone Spur.  And no, we haven't done a business case as it's too intertwined with the rest of the business case. 

PAC: I thought you said it was a standalone Spur. Surely.....

HS2: Yes but no but.... 

PAC: We'll look forward to seeing the business case then. 


*Other transcripts are available.... ;) 

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Morning all,


Happy birthday Baz - enjoy.


I always thought that Dd lived in Wales and having read that piece I can only conclude that it is a little part of Ireland - where most restaurants seemed to shut for lunch.   Meanwhile the temperature here is forecast to get into the 30s and herself is wondering about going 'somewhere cooler' - is there anywhere (although the arboretum is a possibility)?  Oh, the car has aircon so we might just go for a drive perhaps.


Have a  good day one & all.

These days restaurants stay open but banks and the post office still close at lunchtime.


Have just given up gardening for the day. 24 deg at 9.00 and currently 27 deg. If it goes on like this I might be forced to take a dip in the sea. This is such a rare occurrence it might well make head line news in the local paper!

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