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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all from red dragon land.


I got up to a misty moisty morning which was no brighter after opening the blinds.  It has lifted now but everything is still wet including all the bags of garden waste we filled when the sun shone which are to go to the recycling yard.  They will have to dry out before they go in the back of the car!  Next week, then?



"her in the box" - we have "the voice" but she often leaves it a bit late with directions and she's so old now we often drive through fields or former roundabouts or sends us down a short bumpety bump bumpety bump, and the like.  We keep saying we will replace it...Hmm, think I have heard that one before...


Time for a cuppa so I'm told!


Take care.

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It certainly has in terms of car fridges. Went back to local stockist here in Ealing to discover that the last one had been sold, and I will have to go to another branch if I want the same model.

Unless it turns out to be like the summer 41 years ago you might save your money until next year. '76 really was a scorcher.

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Did someone mention the nights are drawing in?





I'm getting heartburn just looking at it but it wouldn't stop me eating it.


EDIT: I believe it's officially:


"Aye. The nights are fair drawin' in."

Edited by AndyID
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  • RMweb Gold

Already? ? ?

Are you in the same space time continuum as the rest of us, Tony?

I got muddled by the Queens tournament. I am not particularly knowledgeable about sporty matters.


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The cough I imported from Switzerland seems to be easing . However I have had a couple days of severe side effects from my immunosuppressive medication. I have finally managed to eat something and retain it, three scoops of ice cream. Things can only get better.


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Unless it turns out to be like the summer 41 years ago you might save your money until next year. '76 really was a scorcher.

I still need a wine fridge for the car.


....Just for Horsetan a little cameo on Chapel en le Frith....

It's a foal's paradise:



Edited by Horsetan
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I still need a wine fridge for the car.



Presumably it's ok to transport wine in a vehicle if the bottles are sealed, but what happens if they have been opened previously and the cork has been replaced. In the US I think that might earn a ticket under "open container" laws but I've never put it to the test.


When we moved to Arizona it was actually still legal to drink and drive, simultaneously :O and automobile insurance wasn't mandatory either!

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Presumably it's ok to transport wine in a vehicle if the bottles are sealed, ....


The bottles are always sealed until I get to the stables. Then they are unsealed.


The bottles are generally empty by the time I get back to the car.


Problem solved, I think.

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Just returned from second trip to B&Q in Boston and the temperature is 23 deg all the way.


Yes, SWMBO will remember Summer 1976 as she was pregnant with our Daughter - born in the October just after the Minister for Rain, sorry Drought, Denis Howell. had taken charge of the weather and the heavens opened for many, many days afterwards...

Edited by RhBBob
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  • RMweb Premium

Good evening everyone


It's been a funny old day today. It started off drizzling and that lasted until just before lunch. After that it started to brighten up and by teatime the sun was shining and we've blue skies too!


However, as far as work was concerned it was a bit of a mixed bag. I found most of the customers quite easily, but the final one, which I guessed would be a problem, as I all I had was a post code and the name plot 2, I couldn't find. Needless to say, after 30 minutes driving round trying to locate it I gave up and went home. I then had a late lunch with Sheila, then after sending the information off to the department concerned I completed a bit of eyelid inspection. They both passed!

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Today didn't go quite as planned but at least the job is ready for handover in the morning. At least it was cooler than yesterday but it didn't feel like it as the humidity was higher. A couple of rumbles of thunder were heard but none of the wet stuff arrived.


Far too many cockwombles were spotted throughout the day with the usual culprits believing that they own every bit of the road.


A fair bit to do tonight as I'm going away for the weekend when I finish work tomorrow and then three days of travelling around north midlands seeing new clients. At least I'll have the comfort of the car for 5 days instead of the van.


Time to have a quick wander around the world of RMweb.


Back later

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Evening all. An update with due apologies for having missed a couple of days' worth of posts.


The dreaded gout has, for the first time, spread to affect both feet simultaneously. That has basically rendered me immobile and in excruciating pain for which the NHS and the internet both suggest water and prescribed NSAIDS are the go. I am officially bored with consuming water in industrial quantities. The pills do very little if anything. All that water has to go somewhere and an urgent call of nature is mighty troubling when it can take five agonising minutes to reach the facilities. I live in hope that it spreads no farther; it was going away until it struck the other side then came right back.


Pain notwithstanding I made the trip to mother's yesterday. My sister did 99% of dad's final-year care and has done most of mum's to date. I found her exhausted and only too pleased to hand over to me for 12 hours. Mum isn't doing well. She is just able, on a good day, to wash, dress and feed herself but most days are not that good. Sister had been making five visits daily while holding down a job and managing a grown family. We intend that in future I shall visit mum one day a week and stay over if she is not sufficiently well to manage things herself. No-one knows how long is given to them but I sense, and am not surprised by, a loss of will to continue since father passed in March. If she sees the year out I shall be surprised.


In other news. Not a lot. Still warm and sticky here with none of the storns other areas have had. I am booked on a tour of the Depot at Acton tomorrow, London's museum store where all the good stuff lives. I shall try my hardest to attend.


Best wishes to all. Enough bleating from here. Others have far worse ordeals to contend with.

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  • RMweb Premium

AndyID. Your comnents about drink-driving resonate here. In the Australian State of Victoria, home for the past 17 years or so, it is not unlawful to be drinking alcohol while driving. Motor insurance is also not mandatory and is held by only around 60% of drivers. It is however unlawful to have an unsealed container of alcohol in your vehicle (even if it is for passengers) and random stop-and-test laws apply. I haven't yet figured how you would drink from a sealed container ...


What happens if you are in an incident with an uninsured driver? If you are fully (comprehensively) insured you won't have a problem. If you have "bomb" insurance - third party cover - it depends on liabilty but you can be out of pocket. If neither is insured I guess you both shake hands and grab a beer while you wait for your mates to turn up and remove the wreckage on trailers. Because you won't be getting a tow truck.


Summer 1976? Yes long and hot though we narrowly avoided standpipes. Spent some of it cycling around Cornwall getting very sunburned and the rest of it getting pebble-rash on various bits of Sussex beach and about which the less said the better!!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I opened my lap-top this evening to RMweb and was pleasantly surprised to have received no less than 43 likes etc. since this morning. I normally have a check to see who likes my posts but if I didn't skimp through them it would take some time to go through the lot. Rick, I suffer mobility problems and I suggest that you get yourself a mobility scooter if your going to visit the LT Museum depot at Acton Town. I used to visit the place every year for the model exhibition (in March/April) but I gave it a miss this year, partly due to mobility issues and in recent years the number of proper layouts has reduced and/or been replaced by 'toy' trains of the Lego type. Another tip, pre book your ticket as the queue to the ticket office on the day can be a couple of hundred metres long.

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  • RMweb Premium

Wow, Rick, that sounds nasty.  Is there nothing to be done for gout?


In other foot news, had a visit tonight from a private sports physio/massage (steadyyyy....) practitioner - fantastic results, although some of the manipulation was rather uncomfortable she was a wizard, and has eased several muscles and nerves in the foot that were causing me issues - not that I knew that, but I do now!  Money very well spent. Rather attractive too, and.... muscular... plays rugby.  Brave lad that takes her on... she is IN CHARGE!  Great lass though, shame her skills aren't available on the NHS, but that's another story.


Work very involved today, big website upgrade behind the scenes this afternoon that was much slower to upload than we hoped.  So if anyone couldn't order today or get through  on the (IP) phones that is why!  Of course our leader is on holiday...good timing.

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The kitten sitting continues.

He's now starting to become more confident around his two new humans (he's yet to meet Junior).


Today's golf went well. My partner and myself finally managed a good win to help the team win 10-3 against the league leaders That should put us up the league about three places.


Tomorrow is a POETS, but it's a work POE, as I drive up to Perth for exhibition duty.

Looking forward to the trip asnd a planned night out with the Scottish DEMU contingent.


It'll be the first public appearance of my "gizmo", which is a demo rig of our ALpha system that;s a bit easier to follow than the previous control panels.


If you happen to be in the Perth area, then I should be around about a well known DCC specialist retailer from Lincoln......



Have a good Friday folks.




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Presumably it's ok to transport wine in a vehicle if the bottles are sealed, but what happens if they have been opened previously and the cork has been replaced. In the US I think that might earn a ticket under "open container" laws but I've never put it to the test.


Here you go - http://www.ncsl.org/research/financial-services-and-commerce/open-container-and-consumption-statutes.aspx


No definitive answer for Idaho. Go on - try it and let us know how you get on.

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PhilJW - This is a private ticket-only tour for just 15 people. The next bun-fight open day is September for which I also have a ticket.


Neil - it's one of those things. Doesn't attract the attention nor the funding of cancer because it's not lethal. It seems so simple but some sort of medication to prevent or alleviate the formation of uric acid crystals on the joints should surely not be beyond science. Many suffer yet there is ni cure. There are "natural" remedies including drinking bicarb dissolved into the water. That tastes revolting, doesn't help me but does refocus the mind briefly. The need to avoid immediate regurgitation momentarily exceeds the need to scream from the pain.

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