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Early Risers.


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19 minutes ago, pH said:

Just seen the first swifts of the year - six of them performing aerobatics over the street outside. I'd thought I'd heard some in a park yesterday, but couldn't see them against the trees. It seems to me that they're a bit later than usual this year, but I could be wrong.

I'm told by a colleague that the annual clutch of goslings has been spotted on campus, but I haven't seen them. I did see a raccoon prowling around a couple of evenings ago and hope that the geese and ganders are on guard. I saw no sign today of the normally present great egret and blue heron around the pond, though a few days ago I did see a spectacular dive and catch by what we guessed to be an osprey into and out of the pond. He disappeared faster than my colleagues and I could identify him.


My television informed me last night that today was supposed to be cloudier and cooler than yesterday. No clouds have made an appearance and the sun feels much warmer than it did at the same time yesterday. The weather is spectacular. My telephone tells me it is around 17°C but it feels warmer.  Assuming the dry weather holds, I have an appointment with my push mower in the morning.


Birthday celebrations for my sons will figure prominently through the weekend. I am looking forward to being done for the day. The bright sunshine on bright green leaves does nothing to motivate me to stay at the office.

Edited by Ozexpatriate
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11 hours ago, Mad McCann said:

This month has seen the arrival on this parish of a new friend so please let me introduce you to a new friend of mine, Scubaidh Dubh (Scooby Doo [Eng.])

Scubaidh is a two year old racer, retired through injury and currently learning with considerable success how to be a pet.




Nice doggy!


My cousin and his wife had a couple of retired older female greyhounds as pets and they were great animals. They also had a young male boxer, which the greyhounds b-u-l-l-i-e-d mercilessly.  He definitely knew his status in the pack!


(Edit - spellchecker actually changed "Bulleid" to "Bulleid" !!! Let's see if it does it again.)

(Further edit - yes, it did. I'll try again.)

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1 hour ago, pH said:


Nice doggy!


My cousin and his wife had a couple of retired older female greyhounds as pets and they were great animals. They also had a young male boxer, which the greyhounds b-u-l-l-i-e-d mercilessly.  He definitely knew his status in the pack!


(Edit - spellchecker actually changed "Bulleid" to "Bulleid" !!! Let's see if it does it again.)

(Further edit - yes, it did. I'll try again.)


Obviously well train-ed! :jester:

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Evening,  I found the half price leg of lamb yesterday,  it didn't make the freezer,  it's been cooked, a bit eaten,  and the rest will be sliced before finding the freezer.. 

Just back from the MRC, much polystyrene snow generated the solid remaining is now weighted down till. Next week. 

There was still some semblance of blue sky to the west at 21:30, the rain and wind are waiting to arrive when I start working on the shed this morning. 

Oh on coming back tonight we've now got full water pressure in fact it seems a bit better than before the latest mains burst. 

Good night to you awl, 

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On 14/03/2019 at 19:31, JohnDMJ said:

Gentlepersons: (one can not be too specific these days!)


I seem to be having a problem with the new format, noticed today for the first time, with my favourite link containing "229-early-risers/?view=getnewpost" deposits me at post 1 in 2009.


Any thoughts?

I am now restored to the new format of RMWeb.


By careful research, I have found that replacing the "?view=getnewpost" bit with "&do=getNewComment" in my bookmark has achieved the goal of taking me straight to the last post without having to resort to "view new content, find thread, hit star or roundel".


Change can be beneficial, but it may take a while to adapt!.


To err is human, to foul things up takes a computer?

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10 minutes ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. Prepared for the Romford show tomorrow, wallet fully stocked.

That’ll be me in four weeks before heading to Stoke Mandeville where I hope to spot plenty of firemen (es)chewing the town. Coat, hat etc.....

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3 hours ago, bbishop said:



I have my doubts.  I think a pukka sign would be "By Order" of some functionary.



I assumed it probably wasn’t as it near a Low Line sign (a walk through the arches in the area) - first ones I have spotted- but it made me smile. Flatiron square seems to have a lot of bars and eateries- how the area has changed!

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Good evening everyone 


This morning’s tussle between the dark clouds and the blue skies, was unfortunately won by the dark clouds. Resulting in rain for most of the day, albeit lightly for the most part. 


Our shopping trip to the Trafford Centre this morning was quite costly, Sheila came home with a couple of new blouses. I suppose it could have been worse, she was looking for a bottle of perfume, but luckily unfortunately they hadn’t got the one she wanted, thankfully she refused to buy anything else, despite the best efforts of the sales assistant!


Earlier on this evening, I had a quick look on the Salford Water Sports Centre open water swimming page and was pleased to read that they are opening early this year, on the 7th May, whoopee doo, can’t wait!


Vickie and Ian dropped off Ava, Evie and Max just after 7:00, they stopped for a few minutes and had a quick chat before heading home to drop the off the car. They will then be heading into Manchester for the rest of the evening, having got a table booked somewhere for 9:00. Charlie works in Manchester and will finish work around 12:00 tonight, so they are hoping to meet up with him when he’s finished for a quick drink, before they head for home. However, knowing them, I suspect them, they’ll be having more than one quick drink! 


When they’d gone, they had a quick drink and a bite of supper then it was upstairs for a bath. Just before they went upstairs,  Max asked me “what time they will be going to bed tonight?” 

“What time do you normally go to bed at home”, I asked him.

“About 11:00 or sometimes 12:00” he replied!

“You’ll be in bed here a lot earlier than that here pal!” I said, thinking to myself, nice try sunshine!

They were all in bed before 8:30 and when I looked in on Max, just before 9:00 to say goodnight, he was fast asleep. The girls were asleep about 30 minutes later.


Goodnight all 

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Good morning one and all


A flying visit today and none tomorrow as I am off to Nescot and Staplegrove respectively.  Shall I have breakfast at St Pancras or Victoria?  Tough one, that.  A couple of news items may be of interest.  One is that I’m back in Bylines, but there cannot be much left in the stockpile and I need to get writing again.  When, though?!  The other is that my first ever hoodie has arrived.  I must find out if there is any etiquette involved in wearing such things before I launch it on an unsuspecting world.  That may be on Wednesday, when I will be with understanding friends!


Best wishes to all



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6 hours ago, JohnDMJ said:

I am now restored to the new format of RMWeb.




To err is human, to foul things up takes a computer?

To process takes a computer,  to totally bu****r up the programme takes a human. 


Morning Awl,  6 hours solid  sleep so far.  As far as I know, no rain or high winds yet. 


Snooze button time... 


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Ey up!

Chuckinitdarn  (as it has done for some of the night). If I have to travel to call the game off I get half of the usual expenses. The match today is on a pitch which has a slope from one side to the other. This makes it difficult to stop the water crossing it. Hopefully sense will prevail...but in Yorkshire, with cricket related matters, there is no chance of that. 


Have as good a day as you can everyone.


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Good morning all, 

Today is S(Shed)-Day -3 

Rather a dull, breezy and fresh start and hopefully it will stay dry but there is a chance of showers.

Up at 6.00, don't know why. Perhaps it's the excitement of the impending visit to Nescot later. :yes: Looking forward to seeing some of you there.

Watched a rather poor error strewn game of rugby last night with Sale eventually beating Bath 6-3. The last time they met at least they scored tries in a 7-7 draw!

Two games being televised today but I'll have to record the earlier one as I suspect I'll still be at Nescot when it starts. Not expecting to spend much money there today but I always say that and then something catches my eye. :whistle:

Have a good one,

I.M. Pulsebuyer


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Morning All 

I'm joining GDB for a day of retail therapy I might even look at some layouts and ignore him about not spending he has taken up my mantle on that score.

Steve will be here shortly I better get ready.

                                                                              Enjoy your day :superman: L. M Starvros.:meeting:

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