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The trouble is that we treat the earth as some sort of never ending source of material but it just isn't. We are in fact cr..........g in our own backyard and haven't had the sense to clean it up.


For example we burn coal in enormous amounts but once its gone that's it there's no more. Similarly oil and so on.


One of the reasons Musk, Bonzo and the rest of the 'billionaires club' want to get to space is that they know there business model is going to bankrupt the earth and that the sooner they get out there the more likely that there business with still be around after they are dead and gone.

Edited by Winslow Boy
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We went to the vaccination site and were allowed in to see a nurse who booked us in for next Monday. Dayle was in the system but I apparently wasn't. Home again, Dayle had an eMail about her booking; I didn't. We went back. I talked to the fellow at the front. He said he'll be on duty next Monday and make sure we get in.


While posting this, I received an note that I am now eligible to schedule my appaointment!


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10 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

One for the Q.


That's I think a series 1 , if you were at least 62 years old that's how your gear change would be..it's certainly how I feel...

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Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare, 620/388

Not such a good nights sleep, 2.5 hours + 2 hours followed, by indeterminate not very dozing. Left elbow still painful and forepaws saying a change in the weather is about to happen.


Ben the snoring Collie, also kept me awake.. he was very tired, SWMBO met someone out on the long patrol, who kept throwing Ben's tennis balls for him, when I got home a  very tired Doggy walked, not ran out to meet me..


Chris F will be getting more Rubbish in his Bedfordshire's bin. As of next month none of Norfolk's rubbish will be land filled, anything from the black bin will go to Marston Moretaine, to the incinerator power station.  Thanks to the nimbys the Norfolk incinerator got blocked 6 years ago, so now there will be a parade of trucks running up and down the A11 / A428 / A421. Seemingly that's cheaper than using landfill.


More thoughts on the rudder, when I was looking at aircraft, I discovered  the 777ER ( Extended Range), was offered with folding wings to bring them below the maximum width allowed on International airports. No one took up the offer, so Boeing spent a fortune developing a new wing tip that gives a similar effect without the length penalty.. This is exactly the problem I have with the rudder on Blue Moon, a longer rudder would run aground. So I'm very interested in this one..


This weeks major system was finished, I'm not entirely happy with the results, but this is a known problem with one of our bits of test equipment, that the Boss has been investigating.. I'll be passing the problem on to him later he's been off skiving for 2 days.


So today will be current shunts, as will part of tomorrow, as there's 15 of them ..


Time to... get on with it..

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Well what a simply glorious morning down here near the Souf Coast. 


Now time to do my Blood pressure and Ablutions, and then a nice walk before heading back home for breakfast.


I do have to say, the Sunshine does brighten the spirits somewhat.


Have a good, NO GREAT day one and all, stay safe and well.

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9 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Evening all from Estuary-Land. I try to recycle as much as I can and despite my local council having a long list of things that can be recycled if I have any doubts it goes in to the landfill. 


Bear recycles as much as possible too, though I will confess to not doing what little food waste I have - basically banana skins, satsuma peelings and occasional veg peelings etc.  However, it is very, very rare that I will use the local recycling/waste disposal centre - simply because every one I know of is a puncture waiting to happen (I had a double once, but of course proving the nails were picked up there is impossible).  There's always screws and nails lying around during those times I have been there in the past.  The wheelie bin *may* receive items not technically classed as "household waste" on occasion...


8 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

Exactly. Kerb side recycling Is to put it simply built on a massive con. It makes the individual believe that they can do some good when in actual fact it does nothing to address the basic problem that is to reduce the amount of materials we use. The other thing it does is to shift the cost from the manufacturer onto the consumer. An interesting point is that manufactures/retailers in the UK pay less than 30 % of the cost of 'clearing' up the waste they create.


Asda has just ditched free plastic bags from it's fruit and veg - bring your own now, or pay 30p for re-usable one


7 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:

That idea (of trying a clean) had struck me thanks - although not in the form of a company that can do it so that is a big help thanks.  And they have a company locally who do it so that'll be worth a try.


This may be useful:



14 minutes ago, Barry O said:


Feeling good this morning  as we can all see a light in the tunnel ahead!

Won a whole £3.10 on the Euromillions last nigtt as well..now who can I donate that to?




Three quid would get Bear a very nice LDC, leaving Baz with some change - if that's any help.... :yahoo:


In other news:

If you have yet to claim a tax refund if you've worked from home for even just one day since 6th April 2020 then now is a very good time to do it, as it may disappear at the end of this tax year (5th April 2021) - very easy to claim, and worth £60 or £125 depending on whether you are a basic or higher rate tax payer. Worked for Bear, as I technically retired at the end of April last year:



Right, time to get fluffy ar5e in gear.....

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Good moaning from a very sunny Charente.  A good day was had yesterday. Hair cropped and the Supermarket  swept. A quick lunch and then off to trainspot for the afternoon with Andy.  Not only did we see quite a few trains and some locos need to be underlined, but Andy produced some LDC to go with the coffee that I took.  No marauding bears or hippos were spotted and the cake was safely disposed of.


When I got home Beth had some interesting news,the GP had rung and we are to get dosed with the AZ chip on Tuesday next week.  So the other appointments have been cancelled.  


Chicken run construction awaits this morning and possibly some grass cutting this afternoon.  


Regards to all.




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2 hours ago, chrisf said:

Greetings one and all


Yesterday my iron caught fire.  Fortunately the T shirt that I was ironing at the time was not singed.  There was sufficient smoke to trigger my newly installed smoke detector.  I have been able to purchase a new iron but do not yet feel inclined to try it out.  I do not recall how long the old, deceased, iron served me faithfully but it has now been withdrawn from service.  It broke into three pieces when I chucked it into the wheelie bin.  No doubt that is not the correct procedure for disposing of a condemned electrical appliance but with flames shooting out of it I didn’t much care at the time.


This morning’s irritation is with the Barclays app on my mobile phone, or perhaps with the phone itself.  When I tried to pen the app a box on the screen told me that it needs updating.  At the time of typing it has taken a good half hour to not complete the process.  Makes your everyday life that little bit less complex, it says.  Yeah, right.


Best wishes to all



,Chris I will not criticise your 'disposal' actions as I do not know what recycling facilities you have access to. However where I reside, within the sprawling metropolis of 'Manucopia' there are collection points to which we can take such items. This does highlight the hotchpotch nature of recycling and the poor recycling rates though.

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Greetings all from sunny Sidcup, which today is living up to its epithet. The weather reminds of the weather during the lockdown this time last year which for the most part was glorious.


Yesterday's call with the people who are determined to look after the personal tax position did at least achieve an admission that it's part of the goal ("staff retention") and that if it can't be achieved, then they would need some other kind of compensation to make it worth their while to stay in the UK. Their boss supports them. Apparently we could not attract alternatives. But seeing as they are in charge of a business that has accumulated more than $100m of tax losses over recent years, maybe we should not bother...


Some people have an enormous sense of self-entitlement.


Oh well, it keeps me busy!


Good to see that Tony is ready for scrambled eggs!


Have a good day all

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Good morning from the House of Fun. The next train at platform 4 will stop at London Waterloo only. Please cross to platform 10 for the next train stopping at Vauxhall. 

The hand mike is not working. All announcements will be made by text message :jester:

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Dear ER's this is just a quick missive to warn you all that I will be calling round later to check on your 'recycling' (bins) woo betide you if I find anything awry. 


Oh and for those ER's who dwell in 'foreign climes' who think that they will be excused such inspections I am in the process of appointing personal representatives to undertake them.


And a second Ooh what about lockdown such inspections have been deemed as 'essential'. 


So no more excuses get out there and recycle. It is your duty to future generations. You have all been warned.

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18 hours ago, The Stationmaster said:



Enjpy the rest of your day folks and stay safe - unlike at least 50% of the local pedestrian population who are clearly brain dead clowns who have not heard of social distancing.  Should we therefore not be surprised that the local rate of Covid infection has shown a slight upturn?


Here is a salutary tale about how Taiwan dealt with the pandemic; and how with a population of 22 million their death toll from Covid stands at 10, and the number of infections has reached 1000 - most of those being tourists in quarantine. 



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11 minutes ago, Winslow Boy said:


Dear ER's this is just a quick missive to warn you all that I will be calling round later to check on your 'recycling' (bins)


Ours were reported weeks ago. The large skip for card and paper seems to have other waste inside. The council have someone looking into it. ;)

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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis was hammering away this morning, Nurofen has been deployed and now he is in retreat. The problem with recycling is that in this country it is such a hotchpot. Each district has its own rules as to what can be or can't be recycled. For example I can put microwavable plastics into recycling but many cannot. Also they insist that such items are thoroughly cleaned but in doing so requires environmental resources (hot water and soap/detergents) in excess of the savings from recycling. Ultimately it will come back to manufacturers to take responsibility for the packaging they use. Sorting it after use is labour intensive and individual householders cannot be relied upon to sort the recycling themselves so its better if there was less to recycle in the first place. 

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15 minutes ago, Gwiwer said:

Ours were reported weeks ago. The large skip for card and paper seems to have other waste inside. The council have someone looking into it. ;)

We need the GROAN button back urgently.:jester:

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9 hours ago, andyram said:

On the subject of parking, the complaint email has been dispatched to the council this evening. I expect no positive response. 



He who expects nothing, is rarely disappointed. 

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