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The Mayoral limo in Barnsley used to have the registration THE 1 

I dont know if they have kept it or sold it on. 


One of the old Pontefract bus companies had a bus registration TWY 7 their successor West Riding retained the number then Arriva did the same when they took over

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36 minutes ago, BSW01 said:

I’ve spent most of the last few days either in bed, dozing on the sofa, but more often in the bathroom. Sleep for me during the last few nights has been terrible

 I'd get that checked if i were you!:o


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5 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

At least the events which may or may not have taken place over six days to create Life, The Universe and Everything are described in the correct order.

Except of course where they are not. Upon a close reading you might note that the sequences in Chapter one and two are quite different and suggest two different traditional origin stories being blended together. The sequences are:


Genesis Chapter 1

  • Beginning: Heavens and earth, darkness and waters (1:2)
  • 'Day' 1: Light! night and day (1:3)
  • 'Day' 2: Sky / atmosphere (1:7)
  • 'Day' 3: Dry land (1:9), plants (1:12)
  • 'Day' 4: Sun, moon and stars (1:14)
  • 'Day' 5: Sea creatures, birds (1:20)
  • 'Day' 6: Land animals (1:24), Humans (male and female) (1:27)

Plants should not appear before the sun to be in the 'correct order'.


Genesis Chapter 2

  • Water (2:6)
  • Man (2:7)
  • Plants, and a garden (2:8)
  • Animals and birds (2:19)
  • Woman (2:22)
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4 hours ago, jamie92208 said:

the forum software removed a whole word from my post

Ironic, given recent discussion and a little annoying, but easily fixed.


3 hours ago, Tony_S said:

There seem to be two net censor systems running.  One replaces the word with ###### and the other just removes the word. 

I wonder if the function switched from #### to removal? I noticed yesterday that the offending words were simply removed, where before, whenever that was, they would have been substituted with ####.


Edited by Ozexpatriate
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Mooring Awl , Inner Temple Hare,

4hours sleep 1.5 hours sleep I could do with more. Ben the I want out Collie had other ideas..


'Tis breezy dull overcast and a hint of drizzle.


Cockwomble of yesterday, stopped to allow pedestrians cross the road.. at a pedestrian light controlled crossing.. while the lights were at green for cars.. by the time the pedestrians had crossed.. the lights were at red for the cars...


Leaving the sofa to head for the MRC last night I tweaked my back, which steadily increased reminding me over the evening.. it seems to have eased this morning.


The fencing contractor was busy last night , he would have done more but seems to have left the mesh in the shed down the garden. Also a plastic tub that held diabetic test strips is now standing vertically painted black..


Plans for today shelving, going vertical today from around 3.5 ft to 8ft 6inches. Today the easy bit, just straight shelving, the following time they have to be tapered.


But first muggacoffee.. them breakfast.


Time to... Cautiously arise from the sofa.





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Ey up!


A combination of fresh air and a few laps of the ground meant an early night for me yesterday.


Today is umpiring day for me at Roberts Park in Saltaire. If you have never been to Saltaire I would suggest you visit the Model Village and works there, complete with the David Hockney display.


The cricket ground is in a large park.. this has one or two problems.. like spectators wandering across the outfield and its close proximity to the river means they have a coracle and net handy to retrieve balls when deposited in the river.


Time to...drink my mugatea!

Hope you continue to see improvements @BSW01 in your lurgy. 

Stay safe!



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7 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Essex County Council once held the registration F 1 used for the county sheriffs official limousine. A few years ago they decided to sell it and they got a few thousand pounds......


And I wonder which Council Employee purchased it?

(How's that for cynical Puppers?)

I recall an article in a newspaper many moons ago about the owner of the registration number "5 EXY".  It suited her...


50 minutes ago, chrisf said:

As some will know, my heart is elsewhere again today.  The Pride Cymru march through Cardiff city centre is yet another Covid casualty.  Some may deem it unfair that a straggle of about 15,000 people is prohibited when some much larger open air gatherings are allowed. 


See "Carfest21", sorry, Covid Super spreader Event above.....


50 minutes ago, chrisf said:

Never mind, said he gritting his teeth: other ways to spend the day are available.  They are just as capable as the march of generating or aggravating aches and pains.  The G word is a case in point.  I doubt that the weeds are likely to engulf the house just yet but it is better to be safe than sorry.



Bear feels your pain, having committed the mass murder of numerous unknown green things in the front garden yesterday.


26 minutes ago, TheQ said:

'Tis breezy dull overcast and a hint of drizzle.


Did someone mention Cake?......


In other news:

A "make it up as I go along day", including some sealant work in the kitchen that was postponed from yesterday.  What fun.

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Good moaning from a sunny Charente.  We got back about 3pm yesterday and the car and house are just about sorted.  A good nights sleep has been had and we will shortly be talking to young Emily.  The journey down was long, especially Lincoln to Pompey, whih seemed to be one unending set of road works with traffic jams in between. Anyway despite the various, quarantines and isolations it was worth it. We saw all 3 kids and of course a small pink tornado.


Today we start to settle back into routine with a swimming pool to check and various other tasks. The hens seem to be fine. I just have one fly screen to fit, thevothers just needed pulling down.  As I've now installed fixed ones it's a job that is a lot easier.


Brian, I hope that you feel better soon.





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Bit of a Pantomime here this morning.

Suns out, 

No its not,

Yes it is,

No its not,

Back again,

Gone again,



Short sleeve shirt,

Long sleeve jumper,

Short sleeve shirt,

Long Sl

You get the picture.


Well I'm off to The Mid Hants Railway 50's Weekend for a couple of hours. Not been to the Steam Gala there for about 20 years, since moving up to Midlands in 2005, so really looking forward to it, just need to decide what attire to wear now.

I'll probably put the opposite to what I wear in the Car, just in case.


Have a good day one and all, stay safe and keep well.:dancer:


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Morning all from Estuary-Land. A bit cloudy/breezy this morning and the breeze means a cool weekend.

2 hours ago, TheQ said:

Cockwomble of yesterday, stopped to allow pedestrians cross the road.. at a pedestrian light controlled crossing.. while the lights were at green for cars.. by the time the pedestrians had crossed.. the lights were at red for the cars...

Not only stupid but extremely dangerous. Hopefully the crossing has cameras not that the evidence is used very much, only if there was an accident.

1 hour ago, polybear said:


And I wonder which Council Employee purchased it?

(How's that for cynical Puppers?)

I recall an article in a newspaper many moons ago about the owner of the registration number "5 EXY".  It suited her...

It went to a very wealthy landowner who was a member of the same lodge as a few county councillors. (Rolled up trouser leg.)

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Morning all.

I think I will follow up yesterday’s dusting and polishing with some vacuuming today., while Aditi is off out to Brentwood for a haircut. 
It is slightly overcast but fairly warm here this morning. 
MiL will be visiting tomorrow, assuming she can get out. The lift to her flat has been broken for about 10 days now. Parts are awaited. MiL said she can manage the three flights of stairs but Aditi’s sister is concerned that she may not be able to at the end of the day when is returns home. 

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9 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

The Mayoral limo in Barnsley used to have the registration THE 1 

I dont know if they have kept it or sold it on. 



I think they still have that reg but it’s not on such a prestigious car as it once was. 
At one time ‘Mrs Mayor’ had THE 2 but I think that was sold.

HE used to be the region code Barnsley.

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The USB hard drive, attached to the BT hub has died, luckily not the drive itself, but the driver box. I've got the drive in an adaptor copying to the main pc as a precaution. (It's copied regularly anyway) New usb box on order. 1.5 hours wasted.. now to get on with shelving.




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Neil NHN might like this picture.  Whilst we were in Stalag Luft Bywater, No 1 son Martin plus fiancee Katie called on the way up to the Lake District for a camping holiday on his new Ducatti.  Packing was a science. Of course the small Tornado wanted a sit.


Complete with Tigger of course.


Then Mum waved them off.



Edited by jamie92208
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32 minutes ago, New Haven Neil said:

Moring, sunny an stuff, 17c so far.  Visit later to the opening party of a new garden railway so looking forward to that.


@laurenceb As we have our own law, we can basically do as we wish with registration marks.  So MAN 1234 is fine, it is fairly common to have 4 digits after MAN, these were issued long after the UK went to the ABC 123 A format, which was eventually used here as MAN 123 A format - and the reverse version.  When these ran out we went to XMN 123  then XMN 123 A and so on.  They are not age linked, just issued in order until a letter runs out.  Currently it is PMN 123 L. 


A money raising exercise a couple of years ago resulted in the issue of MANX 1 to MANX ?? these cost a LOT of money!  Plenty folk here with all the money of course.  People tend to keep registrations, and transfer on to replacement vehicles, we have quite a few appropriate to the vehicles they are on, eg MAN 250 H on a Honda 250, these used to be cheap if not in use but they cottoned on and charge royally for them now.


MAN 1 is on the Lieutenant Governors car (the Queens representative here), also numbers with the numbers 111 are popular, mimicing the national symbol in some people's eyes! A lot of emergency service vehicles have the 999 number too! I'd love HMN 31 L - HM Neil - but I know the Neil that has it and he isn't likely to give it up!


PS naughty people - no use cloning these to use in the UK.....you will soon find out why......like the Manxie who was on holiday a couple of years ago in Northumberland and got rough treatment by a copper for taking the mickey, so he thought, with the registration Y 1 MAN - why aye man.  Said occifer of the law wasn't aware of our system, or even the Isle of Man.  Took a while to sort out.

Thanks for that Neil. There was a local car that displayed a  Manx style plate (ie dashes between groups) with a Staffordshire number. Suspect the it was intended to fool ANPR.

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Good morning everyone


Thanks for all the support, I'm still not 100% yet, but getting better with each day. I did consult my GP and was advised to to rest and drink lots of water. This I did, despite not wanting to drink gallons of water, but I know how important it is to stay hydrates. 


Anyway, on to today, I don't intend to do a great deal, mainly some layout drawings. 


Back later. 



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5 hours ago, chrisf said:

….. I opted for a simple sheet of paper on which the relevant details are printed.  This is partly because I have still not taught myself to carry my mobile phone wherever I go. …

It’s good to see that ChrisF is still at the cutting edge of white hot technology! :jester::diablo_mini::D

I take my phone everywhere, I have a number of incredibly useful apps on my device, photos of things that I need to replace or get bits for (useful, as I don’t have to cart around said objects  but can just carefully match up parts to detailed photographs), various notes for various things, password protected access codes for a number of different places that I need to access, a number of linguistic apps (so I can translate some of the more obscure words I may need to use into German) and a real-time currency converter.  I also use it for two-factor or three-factor authentication in order to access various work related databases and so on.


Paradoxically the only thing I don’t use it for on a regular basis is telephoning or sending/receiving messages.  I make perhaps one or two calls a week (if that) at about the same for text messages.

4 hours ago, polybear said:


And I wonder which Council Employee purchased it?

(How's that for cynical Puppers?)

Close, but no cigar, my dear Bear. cynical would be “And I wonder which Council Employee purchased it at mate’s rates” Good try though.


On another note, the fascia fronting my dishwasher came off the dishwasher yesterday. Like all but the very most expensive kitchens, the fascia, like with the rest of the kitchen, is a thin wood veneer over MDF and the MDF had slowly rotted away around the screws. As it came off yesterday, I filled the holes with a sawdust-and-resin paste and put in some soft wood as an anchor and I let it dry overnight. Unfortunately, the MDF is so far gone that it didn’t hold. So I have had to resort to using the thickest possible screws at the maximum possible length. Even so I still don’t think it’s going to hold very much longer. It looks like a new kitchen may be on the horizon. 


Lessons have been learned“ (as they say in politics) and if we do replace the kitchen, there are a few things that will get replaced in addition to the fascias and corpus. Right now that list includes the dishwasher and the 2 built in ovens. The fridge (a Miele) stays, but I am in two minds about whether or not to replace the induction hob. On one hand it still works perfectly well, but on the other hand the controls are touch sensitive (and liquid sensitive as well) and are placed on the surface of the hob at the front (and just right to be continuously splashed by furiously bubbling liquids).


If, in the end, it does turn out necessary to replace the kitchen then be prepared for an interior design war at Schloss iD (Mrs iD and myself have radically different views on what a kitchen should look like and what should go into it). Despatches from the front will be sent!



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12 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Phi is pronounced as fie. It is delf-eye in American English.

In the armed forces there are times and places where a helicopter is referred to as a "Hell-eye" rather than a "Hell-ee" and likewise for its crew.  Workplace jargon born out of necessity perhaps.  Maybe one of our ex-services personnel could enlighten us.  


12 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

Essex County Council once held the registration F 1

Single F was used on Essex plates many years after most other LVLAs went over to first two then three letters.  There were buses around Essex registered with a single F and four numbers in my time (so 1960s) and others with two letters OO plus four numbers which of course looked like six numbers.  The only other single letter bus or coach I can remember seeing was a one-off Maidstone & District coach registered 3294 D ahead of the rest of its batch or possibly having had a cherished mark transferred to it.  These days there are plenty of former Routemaster bus registrations in use on very un-Routemasterly types and on private cars.  In a lot of cases the buses remained in service long after their plates were cashed in.  


Of the many "classic" ones over the years former radio presenter Alan Freeman owned RAD 10.  


Nothing special about it at all other than having a single digit as late as 1995 but I once owned DCV 4V which came with the car at no extra cost.  It also went with the car when it was scrapped because there was no interest in it at all - not even a fiver.  


G'morning all.  A warm-ish and dull-ish one Upon the Hill of Strawberries where emergency g*******g has been carried out to prevent death-by-dehydration of the green objects in the soil. It hasn't rained significantly in a while now.  


Dr. SWMBO is abed with a migraine which does not bode well for our planned meal-out-at-home tonight nor for a visit to Sister and BiL tomorrow.  We shall see what a dose of purr-therapy from His Pawship and a couple of Panadol do for her.  


Otherwise the game plan is to avoid catching any nasty germs while still hoping to find friends to play with.  It's very quiet on that front at the moment too.  



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