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@simontaylor484.. no flags but quite loud versions of "Blue Moon" have been played today.. as a one time City Fan (Colin Bell, Francis Lee, Dennis Tueart, Mike Summerbee, Dave Watson, Jim Corrigan, Tony Book.. what was there not to like?? 



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Afternoon All!     The Instrument and Night ratings have lapsed so no flying now .....


1 hour ago, simontaylor484 said:

 The celebration of the Winter Solstice passing and the nights starting to draw out was important to pagans 


And me!      Must be the pagan in me.


3 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

I reckon after 2 years of Covid we could all do with some pagan debauchery, excessive drinking and riotous behaviour :D:jester:


I never did rate or see the appeal in excessive drinking so I'll go lightly on that but please put me down for extra helpings of debauchery!


In Other News


The AJ's tappets were checked yesterday and the inlet valve found to be a little tight.     You need a thin spanner to do so, so a spanners was suitably thinned with the aid of the bench grinder so the necessary adjustments could be made.    There was a time when I was very precious about keeping tools "as new" (even 50 year old ones) but now I'm much more of the opinion that tools are there to do jobs and if that means "a bit of adjustment" to make them even more useful sobeit.


A consequence of yesterdays spannering was that there was clearly a need for a road test.   Well, it would have been rude not to!     And very nice it was too.


I've done battle with the "NHS App" today and eventually managed to collect all the necessary information to prove that yes I am really me without the aid of Photo Id.    It was a struggle and involved two phone calls to the GP but I got there in the end.    Personally I would have been happy with a little card stating the vaccination, the batch and the date as was given for the first two rounds but it seems that's not the current way.   


And, on a related subject, if one might swerve slightly towards politics for a second (not too close mind!);  am I the only one to be getting slightly annoyed by those already bleating about "Rule changes and freedom"  (whether those changes and potential restrictions by government, authorities, organisations, groups, individuals or whoever).    No, thought not!


Ultimately the responsibility for the spread of all of the variants of the virus is the virus itself (by it's very nature) and all those who don't do all in their power to interrupt it's transmission by taking all possible steps available to them (vaccination, masks, a common sense approach to crowded areas etc etc).   Just because we're all sick to the back teeth of the virus doesn't effect its efficacy one jot!      Perhaps in the case of blocked ITU beds,  those that chose not to get vaccinated should only have access to a bed whilst one was available and that bed should still remain available for higher priority cases (i.e. anyone with a need that is vaccinated)?  You may infer that need for the anti-vaxxer to vacate a required bed if necessary.    Harsh but fair I think ....


If reports on Faceache (and no doubt on other more "mainstream" boards on RMWeb) are to be believed it's a good job that Puppers didn't "need" a Hornby Hush Hush after all.      You'd think provision of adequate packaging was pretty much sorted in this day and age but clearly not.    Still, the tokens saved remain available for the Beeza repairs or possibly some further astronomical accessories.


Toodle-pip, stay safe and healthy!




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9 hours ago, Erichill16 said:

As it’s  coming up to Christmas we’re getting busy and some people ask for a delivery and then they go out shopping wasting my/our time. They just don’t get that it’s a service that is provided free of charge and it’s totally fund my ourselves. Some people are really grateful while others just see it as their right.



Play the "one strike and you're out" game - or, if you're feeling generous, one warning for a missed delivery then if it happens again then no more deliveries - you want, you come and get it.....


8 hours ago, grandadbob said:

These days we get one or 3 crews on alternate weeks, they seem to be different ones and most importantly won't take "extras."  I've even seen them inspect bin contents and chuck out the wrong sort of rubbish although it hasn't happened to me but that's probably because I'm quite careful* about what goes in each bin.

* overly so about it according to The Boss.



Heavy stuff right at the bottom, then make sure the bin is nice n' full on top.  So I'm told....:wink_mini:


2 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I do agree.  If only the body would also agree :jester:  




Getting SWMBO to agree is the tough bit.....


21 minutes ago, PupCam said:

Perhaps in the case of blocked ITU beds,  those that chose not to get vaccinated should only have access to a bed whilst one was available and that bed should still remain available for higher priority cases (i.e. anyone with a need that is vaccinated)?  You may infer that need for the anti-vaxxer to vacate a required bed if necessary.    Harsh but fair I think ....



Far too lenient in this Bear's book.  No jabs?  Tough luck, buddy - you ain't comin' in.....


RANT OF THE DAY :angry::angry:

Little Sky's Murderer gets 25 years, whilst the "Mother" gets 8.  FFS

Edited by polybear
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22 minutes ago, TheQ said:

Sister who works for the chief medical officer of Scotland, is also  member of a group that keeps the town tidy..

 This was found today...






That looks almost new.  If ever there was an example of how quickly plastics decay (or not!) that is it !!!!!



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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I've still got to get rid of the old TV, I'm loath to throw it out as I'm not sure if it is repairable or not.

4 hours ago, Coombe Barton said:

Once, in an archaeology seminar I was attending, someone asked how people in the Bronze Age celebrated Christmas.

There was some sort of disconnect in the thinking, I fear.


4 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

The Viking festival of Yuletide was similar to Saturnalia. The Early Christians hijacked a lot of pagan festivals as Flavio says. The celebration of the Winter Solstice passing and the nights starting to draw out was important to pagans 

It goes back thousands of years, as per Stonehenge.

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3 hours ago, simontaylor484 said:

Looking at that information screen the train doesnt look to be stopping Cambourne on Wednesday 

No trains were stopping there today. Nor at any station west of Truro. The line is closed this week for major engineering works. 

Cambourne (from the stream of Cam, though ostensibly an amalgam of nearby Cambridge and Bourn) incidentally, is in Cambridgeshire. Camborne (in Cornish “Kambronn” or crooked hill and from which comes the song “Camborne Hill” referencing Trevithick’s steam road car) is in Cornwall.  Camborne has a railway station; Cambourne is threatened with one once the East - West Railway reaches that part of the world. 


Edited by Gwiwer
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Good Evening Awl, for it had this prospect!


8 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

In news you may have missed ….. 




Another good Cornish boy gone. RIP Geoff / Jethro and thanks for all the laughter. 

As of today trains may safely stop at Camborne on Wednesdays. 


4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

It wasn't for everyone.  


We met quite by chance one evening over beers in a St. Just pub.  His home patch as a former Levant miner.  I enjoyed hearing him recall one night at a Newquay holiday park where the audience wasn't quite within his comfort zone.  Walking onto the stage he spotted that most of the assembled number were young kids with parents :O   Without batting an eyelid "Right" he says "Pin back yer lugs coz this is gonna com thick 'n' fast!"  :lol:


He apparently ripped through his planned routine in half the normal time with the older members of the audience catching most of it but the younger ones turning to their parents to ask what was so funny!  


It definitely wasn't what we now call "Politically Correct".  But it was great rollicking humour with the audience normally in stitches.


He was a heavy drinker and a smoker; he was recorded as popping out of a venue one time for a smoke and in discussion with a handful of folk outside apparently said "I dunno why anyone pays to hear this $h1t" but pay they did and for over 50 years of live performances - not all of them comedic as he was also a handy singer from classic baritone to local and pub songs.  


A fitting tribute was spotted on Camborne station today.







Sad news!


Saw him both in Sandown and Southsea many times.


First time at Sandown, he autographed my cassette and laughed when I said "Train don't stop Sandown Wednesdays!"


Also, going to Camborne, wear the fox hat!



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Bear's fun day report.....


Well the previously mentioned PC repair was accomplished :yahoo:- the email system is now up and running once more, but not by tweaking the settings on "Thunderbird" - it just didn't want to know.  So I said "right, b'llcks to you - I'll download EMClient and use that instead".  All now up and running and files previously located on Thunderbird have been imported to EM Client.  Points awarded.


Then it was a visit to the tooth wrangler for a session with the Hygenist.  I can think of more fun ways to blow forty five quid - I sure won't be taking it up as a hobby any time soon.


Then back to rescue the doll's house from the friend's loft.  Of course it was right at the far end of the loft....which had a very low pitched roof.... :angry:

Luckily the floor in the middle was boarded :yahoo: - but covered in boxes and boxes of crap :angry: (just how many redundant chrimbo trees and decorations does a person really need to keep??) :banghead:

So the mission to rescue the doll's house became "clear the loft of everything".  I went in as a poly.....and came out as a grizz.....


Fortunately cake was forthcoming, as was a toasted teacake, teas (plural) and bikkies at various points throughout the day :yahoo:

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12 hours ago, TheQ said:

I have to do a 90 minute course on "Femunity" written by an American LGBTQ+ group and an American Women's rights group. 

I can tell how much you are looking forward to it. ;) Take encouragement from your retirement countdown clock - after which I hope you should not be much subject to mandatory HR training.


12 hours ago, TheQ said:

The chances of this being understandable and in English are slim

It will be in "English" (of a sort), but probably an expanded set of "American English" replete with invented portmanteau, wannabe neologisms - like "femunity". (I've not heard that one before - I don't see it catching on but then I wasn't a fan of "staycation" either.)


12 hours ago, TheQ said:

I suspect it will be an American buzz word bingo game..

You know it will.


English is not a static language. It is in flux all the time and that's fine, but I will admit to being irked by the media inventing portmanteau words to 'punch up' a story as a hook to make people pay more attention (a bit like click-bait, which is a neologism I like).  The process is deliberate. They put a made up portmanteau word in a headline, with the hope of piquing attention from people who haven't seen the term before, and will pay attention just to make sure they're not missing out on something.


I saw one on television yesterday where a word (which I don't remember) was prefixed by 'corona'. 


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1 minute ago, New Haven Neil said:

Some old bloke an a bike. Colourful, me!  Warm and safe, more important than matching leathers etc that the fast boys wear.  And hide all winter.




Wot, no knee sliders?? :laugh:

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Evening all from Estuary-Land. Arthur Itis has been grumbling but the Nurofen is keeping him quiet. I've got to make a start on emptying. I've just taken on the admin of another Farcebook group. The chap who founded the group was running it on his own and even now with three of us its very busy. Thats where I'm going soon, Farcebook, wish me luck.

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