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5 minutes ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Hyundai/Kia have advised customers not to park several models* in their garages - though they are petrol powered.


* Mostly Santa Fe/Tucson SUVs. There are about 500,000 cars impacted.




"Kia and Hyundai told NHTSA that there might be some warning signs of an impending issue. They advise drivers to be on the lookout for an illuminated ABS warning light on the dashboard, a burning or melting smell in or around the vehicle, and smoke coming from the engine compartment."


I reckon I'd be calling   "smoke coming from the engine compartment" something a bit more serious than  a "Warning Sign" 

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I seem to recall a plane crashing-i think, due to some batteries catching fire.


As I result batteries are now restricted or not allowed to be carried.


Can't remember the precise details but no doubt someone will.


And on that note I'm off to bed hoping that storm Franklin doesn't send me over the rainbow.

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1 hour ago, polybear said:


Holy Moses.....:O.....

No wonder she's got 1.55m subscribers......

(Note to Puppers:  the ticker isn't up to it - don't go there......)


If you do have a heart condition skip the bit from 1:40 onwards.

Edited by PhilJ W
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2 hours ago, Ozexpatriate said:

Weird. After you start the car, can you set them and have them hold position until turning the car off?


Suggestive of a bad memory chip.


I noticed on Friday that my right hand side (passenger) window no longer functions.

Tend to agree, Mike.  I had a similar problem  with seats that didn't want to adjust and that turned out to be some chip or other.


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Good evening everyone 


I didn’t get chance to look in this morning, mainly due to having a lie-in then going straight out to the workshop. One of our bird feeders fell apart the other day when a squirrel was attempting to get at the contents. The bottom of the feeder fell off, the remaining seeds then went all over the garden, which were quickly cleared away by the local pigeons. 


The weather has been awful today, the rain just before midday and with various degrees of severity, has continued to fall ever since. The wind has now started to pick up and is currently rattling the wheelie bins! Thankfully, ours have remained where they should be, which, by the sound of things, is more than can be said for some of our neighbours bins. 


Tonight we finished watching the French thriller that we were watching last night, we also finished of the Merlot too!


Polybear, here’s a screen shot of the eBay front page for the mini saw I bought yesterday. 



iD, I’ll be more than happy to give a user report once I’ve given it a test run and made few test cuts. 

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2 hours ago, PupCam said:


What do they do, go to some arbitrary position or the "Park/Closed" position?       What car is it and how old?    That might give a clue as to how the mirrors are driven; by discrete signals or are they on the Canbus?    Both failing in the same way would indeed suggest that there is a common fault.    


Some more information is needed I think before any useful help could be given.



Its my  '97 Lincoln so perhaps old age and they just droop.  I reset and they're OK which I can live with, but my wife may have trouble.


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2 hours ago, Winslow Boy said:

I seem to recall a plane crashing-i think, due to some batteries catching fire.


As I result batteries are now restricted or not allowed to be carried.


Can't remember the precise details but no doubt someone will.


And on that note I'm off to bed hoping that storm Franklin doesn't send me over the rainbow.

It may have been a plane the took of from Miami International and went down in the Everglades (the site is reachable by solid ground now and a memorial has been built there).



Edited by J. S. Bach
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5 hours ago, polybear said:

In other news.....

Bear happened across this video on the 'tube that shows a workshop tour;  I can't quite put my paw on it**  but I keep coming back to it for some strange reason.....



(** Boy, how I wish I could put my paws on it.......:laugh:)

4 hours ago, monkeysarefun said:

Theres a  sheila called Naomi Wu who does tech reviews - 3D printers. CNC tech, electric bikes etc.  She knows her stuff but she also knows what to wear to rack up the hits!

4 hours ago, polybear said:


Holy Moses.....:O.....

No wonder she's got 1.55m subscribers......

(Note to Puppers:  the ticker isn't up to it - don't go there......)

I’m distinctly unimpressed by both young women, finding the gear they are demonstrating much, much more interesting than the ladies themselves. The young woman that Bear wishes to get his grubby little paws on seems to be wearing some sort of gluteus maximus enhancer (apparently - if so inclined - you can now get prosthetics that enhance any part of the anatomy you care to mention). Which does get in the way of appreciating the very nice workshop that she has.

Ms Wu is pleasant enough on the eye, in a Barbie Doll sort of way, and I can see how her outfits would appeal to the hormonal adolescent male - but I can’t see her causing atrial fibrillation or asystole in an old rogue like Puppers. But she does have a good eye for interesting tech.


It’s a sad commentary on modern day life that such obviously intelligent and knowledgeable young woman feel that they have pander to the raincoat brigade in order to get noticed/get their point of view across.

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2 hours ago, iL Dottore said:

It’s a sad commentary on modern day life that such obviously intelligent and knowledgeable young woman feel that they have pander to the raincoat brigade in order to get noticed/get their point of view across.

 In Naomi Wu's case at least , it is a little bit deeper than that. 





"I pursued my somewhat flamboyant style as a form of gender expression. I have joked that I am effectively a female drag queen. That’s evolved a bit to become more about visibility. With women losing ground in so many aspects of life in China, it’s not enough to just participate, you have to be visible and not let them erase you or your accomplishments. There are all sorts of ways this erasure happens here- from the usual “we could not find a woman to speak” to more underhanded behavior like having a list of male speakers but leave the woman last and “run out of time” before she can present. If I show up at an event- no one misses me or mistakes me for a guy, everyone wants to know what “that girl” is working on and why she’s there. I’m very, very hard to erase or ignore. I’ve snuck into Maker events and squatted on the floor with my suitcase to show my work.

For the first two years of posting my projects online, I refused to monetize my appearance. I experienced the stigma, the exclusion – all the downsides of looking like a sex worker with none of the financial upsides. Now my videos are at the intersection of Making and erotica – as others would combine Making and comedy, music, even stage magic. We all tailor our content to the audience we are presented with.

There are certainly people in positions of power who feel I should be excluded for how I dress in my personal life and my appearance in general but they are increasingly isolated as the community sees what a terrible precedent that is.


There are a lot of issues with women and open-source contribution. Not only are there fewer of us, for whatever reason we usually earn less so are less able to afford to work for free on a project. Then of course without open-source experience on our resume we earn less- and the cycle goes on.


 I hope the situation improves as more women learn to code but can’t really say how that might come about


Recently I made the decision to stop “spinning my wheels” and do what would pay for more projects and time to make them- monetize my appearance. I never had before- I code under a male pseudonym.  On the one hand I have money for parts and tools now and I can take Sundays off to do nothing but build, but on the other I lost a lot of female followers who understandably don’t want to see constant underboob. I don’t mind the fan service, but I mind that it turned them away and I hope I can find a way to win more of them back in spite of that..


In the long run, it’s less about what you mix with your Making/hardware hacking than making sure it is not detrimental to the community. Obviously, a sexualized presentation can potentially affect other women so it’s not simply about what I want to do and wear- that would be selfish. I’m lucky enough to have more experienced women in the Making/ Hardware Hacking community willing to advise me, make sure I stay on-message and that my efforts are made where they will do the best. I respect them and generally defer to their greater experience and education.


In the past 50 years, female representation in the STEM in China has been some of the best in the world. But, due to demographic issues (a shortage of women), we’re increasingly being discouraged from pursuing careers that might delay marriage. Our media is not openly against women in tech yet, but that’s certainly the direction things are headed."

Edited by monkeysarefun
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Ey up!


Very windy here and it is chuckinitdarn. 


Plan A for today was to take Beast in for his service and MOT. Then go for walk.

Plan B is to take Beast in then her indoors will collect me and bring me home for a while.PAH!


A fair bit of YouTube stuff is ?.Well strange.. like how to get your models out of their boxes.. how not to do muddling etc...


The fire on a plane was rhe Lithium Iron batteries on a brand new Boing dreamliner under test.  Seems this issue has been fixed. You do have to declare if you have anything with this type of battery at security at UK airports. No idea what they do then as I haven't tried to get one on board.


I expect @NHN and fraggle rock in Leeds later today.. that's if Leeds doesn't slip its moorings. Could be this weather is down to a visitor from France to our locale?


Stay safe!




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8 hours ago, PhilJ W said:

If you do have a heart condition skip the bit from 1:40 onwards.


Nice Pillar Drill at 20 seconds (and no, Bear didn't sit there glued to every second....)


7 hours ago, BSW01 said:

Polybear, here’s a screen shot of the eBay front page for the mini saw I bought yesterday. 



iD, I’ll be more than happy to give a user report once I’ve given it a test run and made few test cuts. 


Thanks for the saw post - it seems that BSW01 got the last at that price (Customer Returns, apparently, or cosmetic marks) and the rest are up at forty five quid :sad_mini:


7 hours ago, brianusa said:

Its my  '97 Lincoln so perhaps old age and they just droop.  I reset and they're OK which I can live with, but my wife may have trouble.



You can get pills for that - I sure iD can prescribe and EH dispense......


1 hour ago, chrisf said:

I realised last night that I need to make the most of being 74.  At 75 the cost of travel insurance is even higher, I'm told.  That will be a short term inconvenience, since I suspect that I shall become increasingly enfeebled with age.  Time alone will tell!




80 is the trickier one, apparently - a lot of insurers drop out of the market at that age, making choice more limited (and I'm guessing the cost goes up as a result).


56 minutes ago, Barry O said:

The fire on a plane was the Lithium Iron batteries on a brand new Boing Dreamliner under test.  Seems this issue has been fixed. You do have to declare if you have anything with this type of battery at security at UK airports. No idea what they do then as I haven't tried to get one on board.



I'm guessing a fair few passengers won't know if they've got Li batteries or Every Ready's fitted in their kit;  I've just checked the BA rules on their website and in simple terms unless you're carrying loads of batteries (over 15) or big batteries (personally I've no great desire to lug a car battery to Venice with me....) then you're fine.


I know BA are very twitchy about people not trying to rescue a phone etc. that's disappeared down the side of a seat - and DEFINITELY don't go moving the seat (especially if it's a leccy one); all due to the risk of puncturing and shorting a battery pack in a cabin, which wouldn't be funny at all.


In other news....

Bear's fun for the day starts with sanding filler down on the coving; I've more to apply to the coving fitted on Saturday (I didn't fill it yesterday cos' I wanted to leave that coving a couple of days for the adhesive to harden right off) and no doubt the sanding carried out today will result in a need for more filler on some joints.  I should receive a tube of solvent free gripfill today so I can fit the last section of coving.


And finally....

This guy's earning his living:


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Those two girls will catch their death of cold they will..


Mooring Awl, Inner Temple Hare..

1/2 hours sleep, loooooong awake while brain wouldn't shut up, 5 hours sleep..

Ben the I want out Collie was Very shortly followed by  Ben the I want reassurance Collie, once he'd stepped out into the howling wind. He didn't stay out long before He ran back to the house..


With the wind going round to the north, I thought I might catch my death of cold. Blowin right through my clothes it were..


Inside the house it's a bit quieter,

A, the wind has moved a little bit more to the North which seems to have less impact on the House.

B, the high temperature sealant arrived yesterday, so the wind isn't whistling past the stove window glass..


The seaweed inspectors forecast 75mph at going to work time, but we only got about 55mph.


I decided to use the landrover due to the possibilities of floods and fallen trees..

Floods we had.. But not from above, at the end of our road just before it meets a two way road it's at it's lowest, -1 Metre,  so there there is a little fountain of water coming out of about a foot of water. It could be the water main, but I suspect not, as it's very grey, as just near that point is a sewage pumping station to push the sewage up to the two way road sewer...


The fountain is in the middle of a piece of road that's 1.5 cars wide.. So when they close the road for repair we'll have to go the other way, which is very single lane, artics not allowed, although tarmac'd, it's often overlaid by sand  and is officially a green lane..


The wing mirrors often fold themselves against the car and landrover, nothing to do with electrics, mostly to do with hitting hedges on our narrow lanes..


I've managed to get one of the two major systems due next week, which at least levels the load a bit as there was none due this week.


Time to..  measure the + 2V range..






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Morning all from Estuary-Land. Had a pretty good night, five hours sleep until the bladder alarm clock woke me up. Dozed for another couple of hours and I'm now bright eyed and bushy tailed (for a short while anyway). As @chrisf said increasing enfeeblement with age is catching up with me. The funeral is a cremation, just as well in view of the weather forecast (wet and windy).

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Good morning everyone 


The wind is still blowing, some strong gusts through night, but we seem to have escaped unscathed. Sheila decided last night to skip her Zumba class today as it is far too windy for her liking, she didn’t like the prospect of walking home in these winds, so we stayed in bed a little longer than usual this morning. I will shortly head of to complete the Sainsbury’s Grand Prix and I also need to pick up Sheila’s medication too. After that I shall be staying inside for the rest of the day. 


Back later. 



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