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Morning all.



On a more sombre note I am getting very annoyed with a muppet, Bob Blackcloud was his old name when he was on here, who is taking screen shots of my (and Andy Y's) posting and then putting them up on his blog, the writings to go with them are full of lies (he could almost be a BBC reporter he's so wide of the mark), and obviously in an area where no-one is able to respond

Several years WFRM supported the guys show, the Crewe one, and donated several hundred pounds to his charity cause, I've never had a bad word with him and yet he has this internet campaign aimed at me (and Andy) - he was banned from here several years ago but is one of those who tries to sneak back under the covers, apparently - according to his own words - he hates this place, so why would he keep on returning, it makes no sense, if I don't like somewhere I stay clear, I don't go kicking the bear and then wonder why it growls.


Anyway, another day, another screenshotdollar


Sorry to hear that, Beast. I don't know the individual, so can't comment with any real knowledge. But it does seem to me that he is trying to get a rise out of you for some reason he alone knows. Best to simply ignore him for now? If it turns really nasty or somehow names you (personally) in some derogatory manner I'm sure that you've got other options (solicitor's letter?) to get him to desist. Having supported his show I'm sure you are able to work out his real name rather than his pseudonym?


Best, Andy

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Morning all


Survived my birthday ok, but a tooth that had sustained damage on Sunday - a stone or similar in a piece of cake - started to lose fragments, so I've been onto dentist this morning. Will see me tomorrow afternoon. Similar thing, different tooth, last year - when Deb phoned for me! - had me in the chair within half an hour!



By jove, French confiserie is tougher than I remember. No wonder Marie Antoinette had people "eating cake" - she must have had shares in her local dental practice.


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Morning All,


I wish I had Dartmoor in sight - even if it is lost in the mist! It is my favourite part of the world, given that my family went there on the first holiday that I can remember and I have spent many happy hours walking the moor in the past years. It seems to be a place that always seems to call me back.


I know what you mean; I have some very special memories of time spent on Dartmoor. It seems to renew one's spirit somehow. We feel very fortunate, after years of living on housing estates, to be in such a beautiful position, with rural or sea views on all sides but also within easy reach of shops, buses, theatres, etc.


Best of all, we've retired!

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Gold

On a more sombre note I am getting very annoyed with a muppet, Bob Blackcloud was his old name when he was on here, who is taking screen shots of my (and Andy Y's) posting and then putting them up on his blog, the writings to go with them are full of lies (he could almost be a BBC reporter he's so wide of the mark), and obviously in an area where no-one is able to respond

Several years WFRM supported the guys show, the Crewe one, and donated several hundred pounds to his charity cause, I've never had a bad word with him and yet he has this internet campaign aimed at me (and Andy) - he was banned from here several years ago but is one of those who tries to sneak back under the covers, apparently - according to his own words - he hates this place, so why would he keep on returning, it makes no sense, if I don't like somewhere I stay clear, I don't go kicking the bear and then wonder why it growls.

I vaguely recall his layout - On30, I think, which interests me. I share your puzzlement about why he'd want to rail (!) against RMweb - but am quite certain that such behaviour justifies the decision to give him the Size 9 from here in the first place. Clearly this forum has something that means such people can't forget it, and so the whole matter is actually a sort of compliment to Andy Y and team, I suppose. The good news is that his vitriol will only be read and swallowed whole by people who have also failed to make the grade here - anyone else will test the waters that he so despises and probably join in the fun with the rest of us.


Model railways ought to be a pretty innocent sort of environment - but some part of humanity manages to screw up in every aspect of life, I'm afraid.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know what you mean; I have some very special memories of time spent on Dartmoor. It seems to renew one's spirit somehow.

I also have some fine memories of times there, driving down narrow lanes, thatched pubs, Castle Drogo - a whole world of relaxing activities. Being able to see it from the house must be a real plus!
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

I slept until about 7.30 this morning. Probably car lag from the trip to Northants on Sunday or the unaccustomed exercise of putting up new curtains (they were quite heavy!) yesterday. I did remember to say Happy Diwali, Happy New Year etc to Aditi as she went off to work.

It isn't too cold here today but it is a bit cloudy.


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  • RMweb Gold

Model railways ought to be a pretty innocent sort of environment - but some part of humanity manages to screw up in every aspect of life, I'm afraid.

I'm quite surprised at some of the things that people throw a wobbly about. I've often wondered if I have some character defect that stops me getting passionate about hobbies or caring enough about a sport to be a fan. I have lots of "interests and likes" but I'm probably too lazy to be committed. I had to give up the club side of modelling as it became too physically stressful for me but I don't think I'd like to be cross all the time as well! There are things I can get worked up enough about to be stroppy but I like my hobbies only to be stressful as problem solving opportunities.


A couple of the the former members of this forum who now post elsewhere have in the past even taken umbrage at my bland postings. One ranted at me and all I had said was something nice about Chelmsford. That person is now a moderator on another forum!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


quite bright here but it's coming through the cloud (which is forecast ti get darker later!).


Very nasty that Abbeystead disaster - I can remember reports of it at the time and it's not the sort of thing you expect in this day & age (or even the 1980s), definitely a lot nastier than when a couple of gas bottles cooked off in a fire in our local coach operator's garage back in the 1960s although that did demonstrate how odd explosions (even small ones can be) as I was standing talking to my dad - who was a Retained Fireman - about 100 feet from it and we noticed nothing while paper standing further away were knocked over by the shockwave, very odd but fortunately no one hurt. Dad barely noticed in but as he had fought far more serious fires while in the AFS during the war that's not surprising.


And isn't it weird how some people seem to like putting vitriol on the 'net, I wonder why?

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It's often the case Tony. Guys without a clue in real life management find their way into so called positions of authority and then the 'power' goes to their heads. The biggest failing is treating every situation the same, irrespective of its triviality or severity. I've seen it so often in clubs and societies.

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  • RMweb Premium

if I don't like somewhere I stay clear, I don't go kicking the bear and then wonder why it growls.


There've been countless times I'd been wondering about the same thing when I was helping run a forum myself several years ago. There had been a couple of users who'd been at odds with us for several years, in each case due to them having decided that the rules we had set were for fools in the first place. Of course, us enforcing said forum (and common decency) rules apparently only further confirmed their warped belief of us being the bad guys, so it was essentially a vicious circle for all concerned. For me personally, this had eventually resulted in health problems, which I'd certainly not want to repeat ever again. Consequently, I don't think I'd want to join any other forum team for the time being.

Edited by 1216 025
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Morning all,


I suppose this 'ere internet has given some folk the nod to say what they like without fear of suffering any consequences - let's hope Beast's annoying problem gets sorted, one way or another.


Chilly but still very colourful hereabouts with plenty of DIY in the offing apparently, my favourite part is standing back and admiring the quality tiling and grouting herself has been doing in the kitchen, she's much better at that sort of thing than I'll ever be... I just pay for it all!


Had a bit of a 'moment' at work last night whilst conducting a couple of Crewe Drivers round the 'angle at Mitre Bridge / Acton Wells / Willesden - we were turning the top 'n' tailed HOBC round and stopping suddenly behind the ground signal at Acton Wells the train split in half on the gradient heading down towards the Southern Region. The shackle broke and stopped the job for nearly an hour while we tried to sort it out. I went forward to the 'box to inform the Bobbie while the Crewe man went back to see if the two halves could be recoupled, which thankfully turned out to be the case. With the whole shebang being over 2000 feet in length, it's a fair old walk on dodgy ballast in the pitch dark, but being top 'n' tailed was a bonus as the rear driver was able to shove his portion onto ours at the front, which saved his mate two more long walks in the dark. By the time I'd walked back to the leading loco three other trains had arrived at the various junction signals... the phones must have been red hot for a while but we got moving in the end, the joke being the job the HOBC was being turned for was cancelled anyway...!

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A couple of the the former members of this forum who now post elsewhere have in the past even taken umbrage at my bland postings. One ranted at me and all I had said was something nice about Chelmsford. That person is now a moderator on another forum!


I've often wondered where this "other place" is that they all go and rant. Maybe it needs a crack squad of RMwebers to head over there and "be hugely nice" to them all.


Seems unreasonable to have a pop at Chelmsford, but then I'm biased as St John's hospital was where I "arrived" in the mid 60s. :)



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  • RMweb Gold

Girlfriend just rang to say the garage door is of it's runners, it's one of those up and over with the dangerous springs ...

My advice! If you look at it have someone else there. At our old house while I was "looking" at the wonky up and over door, it fell on my head knocking me unconscious. When I came to and managed to wedge the door open and crawl out, I was greeted with "I wondered where you were." Apparently I had been out while Aditi was ironing and listening to a cd (quite a long one I recall, The Cream of Eric Clapton).

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Just been over some of the last day's contributuions here, and we're still having the usual amount of moans, groans, uplifting comments, and worrying ones - I think that a simple blanket commiseration to all who are posting bad news is the quickest way forward.


Also most interested to see some of the comments about Abbeystead - it's such a tiny place to have been the location of such a tragic event.


Also some new remarks and comments about anti-RMWeb postings. At one time in one of this site's diappearances, I registered with and posted on several other model rail forums, and was astonished by some of the comments there about this site and the way it runs - words liks autocratic, intolerant, and many others - none of which tied up with my findings here at all - more tightly moderated - YES, but that's to the good, and I found more intolerance, narrow mindedness, and ignorance on the other sites that I ever found here - indeed some of this was directed at this site with no justification. I no longer visit these sites at all, regardless of their alleged better management. After all 17000 of us can't be wrong.


No then, since this thread started on 9th October 2009, it's been running for three years, one month, and three days, and we've had 1305 pages, 32610 posts and almost no arguments - that has to be the sign of which sites are the best managed, moderated, and run. So that's 1.15 pages a day, or 29 posts a day over that timespan, so yes, this is, IMHO the best place to be - it's lively, supportive, and interesting - many of the other sites are just boring..


Regards to All


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Stewart, it's been the same since day 1. This is probably the third or even fourth run of ER's and I can't recall any arguments at all since it started. Humour is a very powerful weapon that can defuse most situations and we are privileged to have a collection of very sharp witted guys on here.....


Edit: See what I mean.... :D

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Stewart, it's been the same since day 1. This is probably the third or even fourth run of ER's and I can't recall any arguments at all since it started. Humour is a very powerful weapon that can defuse most situations and we are privileged to have a collection of very sharp witted guys on here.....


Edit: See what I mean....

I'm still a relatively recent convert to the ER way of life - although I've never got up later than I do these days! - but find it a most relaxed atmosphere. No-one is pushing an agenda or making points, still less scoring them. It would be easy to say we have age on our side - but there are several younger members who fit right in, so that isn't it. Some of us are very fine modellers, others in the 10-thumb camp, while still others may not be active at all, so that isn't it, either.


Whatever, being a member of ERs is a privilege that I hold dear. I bet beast's "mate" wouldn't understand that, I'm sure.

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Afternoon all. Didn't get on this morning as was running late and had to pick up the car keys from the garage where the car had been undergoing further work following its MOT. A clamp on the exhaust had unclamped itself, apparently...


I (hopefully) fit in the younger bracket (just) still, and (sadly) definitely in the 10 thumbs bracket...


A friend of mine is of for a job interview on the Scilly Isles today. If he gets the job he'll be the manager of Scilly Wildlife.

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