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Early Risers.


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Early morning all,

Just got to bed and rather exhausted but very happy to say that all my diners thoroughly enjoyed their meal and the wine stocks are diminished - the only compliment a cook needs!

Beast, thanks for the info but I was out this afternoon and missed the RHTT but caught it tonight at just before midnight when out in the garden with Archie the Westie for his late night 'P', that said, although I could discern the shapes, it was too dark for numbers. Just after passing our garden on the up line they go through a dip followed by quite a steep gradient and they really gave it 'some wellie' which was impressive without the background noise of daytime!

Archie's breed were of course trained to dispatch vermin and he hates squirrels with a vengeance. One sat on the seven foot fence on Sunday, almost taunting him, so I let him out and he hit the fence panel so hard that he nearly went through it - almost twelve kilos at full tilt was enough to topple the rodent which luckily (for it!) fell down the other side. Archie now patrols that section of fence every time he's been out there since!

Pleasant surprise today, sad to say my favourite organic butcher has retired and the shop has closed. Being short of time, whilst in Tesco, I thought I'd have a word with their idea of a butcher. A very pleasant older chap, he only had one rather large leg of lamb on the 'fresh' counter and when I explained that I thought it was a bit more than I needed to feed my grandchildren etc., he said that he would give me a twenty-five percent discount as he didn't have any smaller ones. He then kindly boned it for me so the least I could do was offer to 'roll' it myself - almost two and a half pounds of succulent meat for little over nine pounds! Think I might use them again if he is on the counter and I have to report that there isn't any left tonight!

Bill, sorry to hear of your messy encounter - once again, I'm moved to express the admiration I have for you and the others who chose that profession. Hope the laundry bill is offset by a successful intervention?

Fading now so of to sleep, perchance to dream (but hopefully not like Dom!).

Kind regards,


G'night Pete!

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Morning all,  - is it Friday yet?....no ?  Buqqer!   Oh off to do battle with a   client who wants to do the impossible,  I'll need to tell him hes a plank (but nicely!)


Whatever your day throws at you, try to make the most of it.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry but fresh at 3oC. Forecast is for a cloudy day with rain later.

Still aching after yesterday's exertions but at least the garden looks tidier.

Chris has been deposited at work and no instructions have been left so for a few hours I can do as I please. I feel a railway session coming on.

Later on after school all three grandchildren will be here for a couple of hours so although my peace will be shattered I wouldn't have it any other way.

Have a good one and as Trev says try to avoid planks being thrown at you.........or something like that.



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Morning All,


It is a pretty chilly morning here, and we had the first frost of the year.


It is just starting to get light now, and it looks as if it is going to be quite a sunny day.


I have a day of testing to look forward to - so it is time for a coffee first!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!

Still recovering from the weekend.

Builder arriving later to check pointing/put up shelves etc plus the lawn mower team are coming to take the mower away for a service.


May get some modelling in later.


Have a great day and stay calm with the client trev....



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Could be worse if you were dyslexic ..........!


Coincidentally, I've just discovered that the event for which I've volunteered to steward this morning at The Little Theatre is about Special Educational Needs. Talk about a (retired) busman's holiday! I just hope I stay awake throughout the endless power point slide presentation which is planned, according to the techie with whom I chatted last night!

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Morning all. New laptop. I've never used Windows 8 before and it's making me do things I don't want to and the cursor seems to be possessed....


Tell me about it! I've had endless issues with my new laptop and Windows 8. It's been back to PC World three times - on one occasion I was told everyone needs "special training" to use windows 8!! This was followed by a patronising enquiry as to whether I'd heard of You Tube, where tutorials on Windows 8 may be found!! The number of returning customers queuing up with laptops was significant. Otherwise I might have acted dumb and allowed the plonker to explain to me what You Tube is!

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  • RMweb Gold

Neither do I Bob. I've only got a new laptop because daughter dropped and broke the old 2007 Toshiba.  :mad:

I downloaded something called "Classic Shell" and spent most of yesterday evening trying to make the new laptop look and behave like Windows Vista. Yes, I know I'm a dinosaur... just call me (T) Rex...

Windows 8.1 I find is OK on a touch screen but otherwise you can't beat Windows 7. Much more stable and responsive than Vista but very similar front end usage.


It was a sunny day in London area yesterday but boy was it cold compared to last week. Gritters were out again last night as we walked back from Wetherspoons.

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  • RMweb Gold

Neither do I Bob. I've only got a new laptop because daughter dropped and broke the old 2007 Toshiba.  :mad:

I downloaded something called "Classic Shell" and spent most of yesterday evening trying to make the new laptop look and behave like Windows Vista. Yes, I know I'm a dinosaur... just call me (T) Rex...


I've got that and found it much easier to cope with


Steg o' Sutton

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  • RMweb Gold

Not sure if this laptop is 8 or 8.1, but it's not a touchscreen anyway because I'm a cheapskate.

My son was taking the pi mickey last night when I was getting cross with the laptop. "For God's sake, Dad - you just don't do technology, do you?" he sniggered.

He needs to be careful... he still hasn't got over the embarrassment of me opening the door to his mates a while back wearing a baseball cap sideways, a bicycle chain round my neck and greeting them loudly with "Hey, 'sup dudes?"...

I can be cool when I want to. I just don't often want to... :no:


Are you my long lost twin brother?  (that I never knew I had)

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Morning all from the boring borough.


Mr Bishop, perhaps you need to be equipped with a portable shower unit for your "customers". Either that or ride them through a carwash prior to treatment. :O


Ian A, no squirrels ever made it in the house but we used to have a screen door on the patio. On more than on occasion there'd be one of the little furry freaks half way up the screen looking into the dining room. Good luck with black Friday. Then again if you are staying home you can watch the mayhem on TV and laugh at the shopping lemmings from the comfort of your own sofa.


Neil. and breathe....... I get the opposite. Thick fog that seems to reside in the valley along the M25 between junctions 4-5 most mornings. Drivers that think since the sun came up 12 seconds ago they don't need any lights on at all, never mind fog lights. c*ckwombles the lot of them.


Trev, the key to good client negotiations is to tell them to go to hell in such a way they look forward to the trip. (apologies to the original author of that quote)


Ahh Windows 8. It is telling that my employer's corporate standard is Win 7. Even new machines that come with 8.1 from their own factory get paved over with Win7 for corporate use. No its nothing like Marmite. For one, it doesn't gunk up the keyboard. I've got 8.1 on one of my personal laptops and business phone. The laptop is set to classic shell so it looks and behaves no different than 7. There are different tweaks you can perform to hide the shi err less then optimum metro interface. The phone on the other hand was part of the company's change over to EE. Every smegging time I go to use it the bloody thing wants to do an update of some sort. In fact its doing the second one of the day right now. I'd like to b*tch slap the ar*etrumpet that foisted Nokia Luminas on our department.


On that note here is a classic from the Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie.




Have a great day everyone.

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Mornin' all,


Positively 'brass monkey' in the Staffs Moorlands for the constitutional...a few dicey moments on the small untreated side roads with ice (route revision req. for similar mornings)....gorgeous vista across the reservoir with icy vapours rising off the chilly grey/blue water....the mottled blue/ grey of the skyscape complemented the scene perfectly.


Feathered friends fed


Enjoy whatever you do



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Morning all.


I've had Windows 3.11, '95, '98, (possibly ME?), XP, Vista and my work PC is now on Windows 7. I got so fed up with Vista that after a year I gave that machine to my Dad and went to Mac... It wouldn't even let me burn a DVD on Vista.


Macs have very strange ideas at times about how they file things (particularly photos if you use iPhoto) so I probably have multiple copies of a lot of my pics sitting on my machine so that they don't disappear into the ether, but apart from that I'm pretty happy with the way my Macs have behaved. 


Madly busy here as usual but I depart at 1.30 for a week! Hurrah! Restful week off? I don't think so...


See you on the other side...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Already quite a lot to read since last night, and interesting to read about Windows 8.  I'm lucky that this laptop is on Windows 7 which I can just about cope with.  Sherry, the answer from PC World begs the question of "how do I get onto YouTube when I can't work the machine to get there" - a real Catch 22 there, I think.  Microsoft appear to have shot themselves in the foot (again) with this version.


Not as cold as I'd expected this morning, after hearing from Chris Evans how cold it was "everywhere" - the usual "how it is in London must be how it is everywhere" attitude from broadcasters based there.  Still no sounds here of windscreen scraping.


Now on my second mug of coffee and it's a good one from a local coffee merchant in Kendal which has no pretentions to be anything posh - just a blend of decent Arabica beans, well roasted and blended, and ground to order. 


I'd best go now, as one final coffee is indicated.


Regards to All


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