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Afternoon all. Valentines Day began at a model railway event this morning after I passed on Sarah's card and gifts. I am afraid I went for the traditional chocolate, lingerie and flowers - nothing inventive on my part. We are planning a meal this evening once Amber has gone to bed.

Sadly the old back problems have flared up again this morning despite the comfort of the new bed. This returns just as I could end up filling in in goal tomorrow morning. Both my regular goalkeepers are ruled out with injuries which is just what I need!

I hope all you enjoy the rest of this "romantic" day.

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Afternoon all,


We had a final flurry of children running above their design temperature yesterday :heat:  and I finished the day by cleaning out our "boff bucket". I made sure the disinfectant smell left in the bucket was strong enough to get them retching more quickly next time  :bad:  - I do like an efficiency drive and it's not the best use of everyone's time to have children just sitting there waiting to boff!  ;)


First day of the hols, so I spent the morning re-aquainting myself with my duvet. Changed a light switch without blowing myself up and have pruned the roses and put some dressing on them.


And talking of roses, as it was Valentine's day I bought swmbo a box of Cadburys Roses. As usual I'd walked out of the shop without the card's envelope, even though the card itself was wrapped in cellophane. Personally, I'd have wrapped the envelope in with the card, but what do I know.   :dontknow:

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Andy. If you get a reputation for being able to cope with vomit you will find yourself accompanying the children on any visits offsite. I know these are less common now but until I went as a teacher on trips I never realised that once one child starts it seems as if it initiates a chain reaction.

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Full-on day of grandchildren today; up to Bermondsey for a day with the grandsons and then home with Blondie to sleep over whilst her parents go out. Very nice.


Now watching The Voice with B. Jeebs, it's rubbish...

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Sadly, Tony, it's unlikely I'll get to do any trips with the children. I have 3 jobs in the school which mean that I can't leave the premises between 07:45 and 15:15. Well, I CAN, but any field trips I go on have to be less than about 1 hour, including travel. Went on one trip recently and had about 20 minutes at the venue before having to drive back to school, eating my sandwiches in the car on the way back. 


So, that should keep me clear of too much boff clearing up!   


Taking a well-earned holiday, which I've recently found out is unpaid.  :O

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Just a quick enquiry, as splitting the logs is getting more and more of a task, and my log maul is now just about cream crackered.  I'm looking at acquiring one of these electric/hydraulic ones (that's not a new type of rail traction, BTW) and have seen a few online on various sites including Amazon.  I think a couple of ERs have mentioned these on here (NHN?) and have given good reactions to their use.  So what makes have my fellow ERs used and how good are they?


Indeedy, can't recall its make but its lime green!  About £220 IIRC, does the job, should have bought one years ago.  Like so:




Nice day here today, 9c sunny, took Mrs H out for lunch at our favourite café, had a scenic drive around the rock, visiting some favourite places, I cooked dinner, (well, it's hard to cook with one hand out of action so I am cooking every meal at the moment!) Chinese szeshuan (SP?) noodles.  Spicy, yum.


Fire now lit, I think a beer calls.

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Early afternoon here, and after a very nice brunch, returned to finalize our annual "note to friends".

We pride ourselves in that it's not the normal wordy/boring missive but rather a newspaper style publication (only front and back, don't PANIC!!) and we inject some simple/short but interesting stories and amusements rather than a mile long list of boredom!!! (Apologies to those who enjoy writing miles of the years events...)


It's STILL -16 here with the wind-chill at -29 in mid-afternoon, and I doubt we'll make the -14 "HIGH" that was expected :O


Onward now to the cooking...except that Mrs has decided we're moving the 4-drawer file cabinet (lovely old all wood - therefore HEAVY!!!) from my office downstairs to her study :jester: with luck we won't both put our backs out...there's a great Valentines Day gift :nono:

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Just found the Meccano Magaziine Archive - some original stuff on railways. Including a BWT on passenger at Padstow.




[EDIT] don't think you'll find everything in the index - that's only for Meccano models, i think. It's worth scanning.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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I used to make it very clear to the pukers that they would be cleaning it up themselves. And I followed through on that.


Kept it to a minimum.


Poo on top of puke..... Nice!






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Bl**dy trains!!


Even the model ones gave us grief today!!


Actually the layout ran well apart from a few broken wires in the DCC throttle and coupling problems.


It was a great day despite me waking up at 2am and then not getting much sleep after that.


Anyway after a good journey home me and my other half are doing a Valentine's thing we do every year....drinking Harveys Brewery Kiss!!

Enjoy the rest of Velentines night.

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Thanks Neil - I'll do a little more homework, as there appear to be quite a few similar machines around that price - if anybody else has any experience of these machines, I'd love to know.


Just watched The (lack of a good) Voice and have to agree that it is actually close to musical dross at times - so far I've only enjoyed a very few of the acts, and not many of them got picked anyway.  Can anybody remember who won last year, and what has happened to the finalists since then - no I thought not....

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There is a MM with the railcars on the front cover - with my mates dad (the driver) stood next to them!  No idea what issue.  Little has changed since that article was written.....that's Fraggle Rock for you!

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I found out today that I am eligible (and have been for about a month!) for membership of the Twirlies. As soon as I can obtain a passport photo my application will be sent off!


Funnily enough I was told that it was time to get applying for mine so went on the website and found that I can use one from 6th May.  I've started the application and saved it online (With W Y Metro) and now have to find and digitise a suitable photo.


Had a good meal out with SWMBO then while she was playing Candy Crush (Or something similar) I soent and enjoyable few hours doing the basic artwork w=for some 7mm North British 6 wheelers.  One of my Green Ayre Crew needs some, so the plan is to make a set of scratch building aids (sides, ends, panelling and a few bits such as hinges, ventilators etc) available via the north British Society.  It's my first attempt at something like this but it turned out to be quite enjoyable and I now have drawings that look like the sides and ends.


I've still got to convert them to production drawings and put the colours and tabs in but the basics are there.



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Morning all. Light fog and -6°C outside, but forecast says sunshine pretty much all day and till next weekend at least. It was good to be outside for a few hours yesterday and be able to soak up some of that sunshine…


Will need to check back with the ENT specialist tomorrow so that we can finally do something against that persistent infection. Still hurts a lot, especially before noon and in the evenings.

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Morning all.


Dry and cold (and dark) in Carshalton-sur-Mer. The lights of the whelk-wranglers are winking on the horizon.


Woke and can't get back to sleep, off to start breakfast for Blondie, who'll be up soon.Julie's off to Merton Abbey Mills today, I've got the shopping to look forward to and some political. I live a glam life...


I still haven't caught up on the last couple of days' ER, and now I suspect I never will, so I'll just scatter congratulations and best wishes all around. Have a great day, folks.

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