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Just been told that there are major signalling problems between Surbiton and Waterloo this afternoon.


Most of the time I am OK about the delays but it does get to you occasionally when its nearly every day. Luckily my boss wasn't in today when I arrived late.


Doesn't look like a POETS day for me despite the other director wanting to go down the pub, he is still here.


I can't do the [pub as need to go home and load the layout into the car.

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Ian, those look nice but is it tempting to take such an advantage of the temporary absence of the Lady of the Collies or do you like living dangerously.



Jamie, at my (our) age, you've got to live dangerously once in a while! :O

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Totally missed the Best Wishes, Jock thread so will send mine now; hope the hospital stay is succesful and short, Jock.


Also very best wishes to Debs for Monday.


And best wishes to Ian (OD) for his op, too.


Dave (TG) great to hear that Is is driving herself to the radiotherapy sessions.


Have been plagued with tiredness this week which won't last; the last couple of sessions seem to ramp everything up, but it won't be for long. Am looking forward to getting out and about to the Scottish show next weekend at the SECC.


Hope you all have good weekends



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We met Matthew outside the Vietnamese restaurant he wanted to try but it was quickly obvious we weren't going to get an inside table so we went off to find somewhere else Matthew wanted to try. This was a Balkan restaurant right down at canal bank level. Matthew at least could pronounce the food names after his jaunts around the Balkans. The waitress did explain that they had modified the recipes for Dutch tastes but we were quite happy. We saw Matthew onto the bus back to the university. We were going to Maastricht tomorrow but we decided as we were all tired we would just meet at lunchtime in Utrecht near the bus stop and have a wander about.


Edited by Tony_S
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Throat lozenges, Lemsip Max, Lemsip Max & whisky, medicine made of marshmallow root and thyme, various other medications all taken today to shake off this poxy cold/flu thing. I had it 7 weeks ago at Christmas. How nice of it to return so soon.

Early sleep today.

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Evening all. Today definitely didn't go according to plan. My short 3 hour job in Reading took nearly 9 hours which put me on the road at the wrong time. Ended up taking just under 4 hours to Telford.


Flavio - A master stroke sir setting up the thread for Jock.


Debs - Best wishes and I hope that the recovery is swift.


Time for a shower and bed, I'm shattered.


Night all

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Went into town today, the sciatica is not as bad as it was, the Co-codamol seems to be doing the trick. Managed to find a device to help me get my socks on, I'll be reporting on its usefulness in the morning. Time for bed, goodnight all.

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Evening everyone. Frosty, but sunny start to the day. As I'm on holiday, Sheila asked was I going swimming during the day I stead of tonight, so swimming I went. Fairly quiet, but busier than on a Friday evening, but at least my fitness level is slowly improving. After swimming I called to get a few bits of shopping that we forgot to get the other night. Then after a brew I once again spent a couple of hours constructing some more of the MERG kits, construction was speedier today than yesterday, I think I'm getting used to handling smaller parts.


We had 3 of our grandkids were round for tea tonight, they've been (over) fed and watered, and have now been sent home for the night. Once I'd returned home, I opened a much needed bottle of red and relaxed with Sheila in front of the TV for the evening.


They'll be no kit building tomorrow as No1 son, DiL and daughter will be round for lunch, and we are also having our other 2 granddaughters here as well so that they can all play together. That'll mean we'll have 7 around the kitchen table for lunch then, we must be potty, but we love'm all really.


iD. Thanks for creating the link for Jock, I think it's a testament to the high regard in which we all hold him in that has generated so many good wishes. And also a personal thank you from me, it's because of the work that people like yourself do, that I'm still here.


Dave. Yet more stunning photos, loved the film too. I do hope Is is coping well with her radiotherapy.


AndyB. Thanks for the link to Jocks relay for life.


Mal. Hope the tiredness soon wears off.


Debs. Hope your operation goes ok.


OD. Hope your operation goes ok too.


And after all that, I'm knackered now, so it's off to bed.


Goodnight all

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Tony - shame about missing Maastricht - I found it quite a pleasant place with a very nice market but taht was a few years ago (easily dated as many of teh market stalls had their items priced in three different currencies, Dutch, Belgian, and German so no doubt the stallholders welcomed the arrival of the Euro).


G'night all and hoping all goes well for Debs 

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Later after some more meditation...


Now we know who to blame for these "guru" outages ;)


Good day - good night - good morning after.  Delete as applicable.  


Best wishes to Our Lady of the Collies and to others under the auspices of the medical profession.  Haste ye back Jock.


Busy busy busy tonight with White Night taking place which last year was busier than New Year's Eve.  Many staff have had their day shifts adjusted to night shifts as the bulk of the traffic is 7pm to 3am.  They can't do that to me as Sunday is my only rest day in two weeks so I keep my restored 4 - 9pm shift.  That'll be more than enough!

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Dear fellow ER denizens,


By the time the "Best Wishes for Jock" thread was locked (1 hour after the deadline), a total of 75 supportive messages had been posted (says it all really). After compiling the messages (all unaltered, save for the addition of a colon and one or two full-stops, in the format = username: message), I added a few introductory lines and sent it off to the e-mail provided on RMWeb for him. Let's hope that he gets it soon.


Thanks to all who posted, I am sure that it will help cheer up Jock




So disappointed I missed this but our very best wishes to Jock and his family.

Also wishing Debs all the best and a speedy recovery.


And thanks to iD and all you respondents for doing a very thoughtful thing for Jock.

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Mawnin' awl. Seems like Elise has caught another cold, so she had a roughish night. I guess you cannot really prevent such bugs from going round in nurseries, can you?


Will be off to two jaunts on Line 16 in about an hour. Weather still predicted to turn crummy for the rest of the weekend. Yay!


Have a good one, everyone…

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Good morning one and all


Today is my 68th birthday.  On my 37th my mother died suddenly.  I have had better presents.  Perhaps understandably, I prefer not to be wished many happy returns.  Normally I mark my birthday on another convenient day and on the day itself I visit Cambridge Crematorium where both parents are commemorated with a rose bush and a cast plaque.  The friend who normally comes with me is in New Zealand visiting relatives so we have agreed to do the crem visit after her return, probably after Easter.  So for only the second time since 1985 I will do something non-devotional on my birthday.  Biggleswade show is only an hour away by bus.  It's hardly living it large but mother would not have wished me to be miserable for ever more.  The globetrotting friend left me a card and a parcel which I have just opened.  It contains socks marked with the days of the week.  How kind.  It is high time that I was subjected to discipline.


To all ERs I wish a good day and good health.



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Morning all from a windy village.   No news yet from the Clacton area but we hope for some good news.  Also best wishes to Debs, who was lurking here yesterday.


I hope that the Leeds MRS get their layouts moved safely as rain is forecast along with the winds.


The day is not yet fully planned as the morning orders have not yet been posted, I believe that they are currently in the shower but will appear shortly.  However I will have to do at least one trip to the clubrooms to collect some baseboards.   Apart from that who knows what the day my bring though at some point we will watch the next episode of Shetland.  I do like the series and find the BBC version of this Ann Cleeves character rather better than Vera.


Apart from that I hope that the day goes well for you all.



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Morning all!


Lateish muster but it is Saturday!

Good morning one and all


Today is my 68th birthday.  On my 37th my mother died suddenly.  I have had better presents.  Perhaps understandably, I prefer not to be wished many happy returns.  Normally I mark my birthday on another convenient day and on the day itself I visit Cambridge Crematorium where both parents are commemorated with a rose bush and a cast plaque.  The friend who normally comes with me is in New Zealand visiting relatives so we have agreed to do the crem visit after her return, probably after Easter.  So for only the second time since 1985 I will do something non-devotional on my birthday.  Biggleswade show is only an hour away by bus.  It's hardly living it large but mother would not have wished me to be miserable for ever more.  The globetrotting friend left me a card and a parcel which I have just opened.  It contains socks marked with the days of the week.  How kind.  It is high time that I was subjected to discipline.


To all ERs I wish a good day and good health.



Commiserations on your 68th! My last christmas present, well, the cracker gift was a set of marbles and I recall where I have put them, they are no longer lost!


Busy day planned - pop into work to get some literature to take to club; maybe take in Brighton Model World and some food; temporary fix for leaking shower to add credence to plumber's theory, .........


Best wishes and thoughts etc., etc.

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Morning all.

Bright here. But high overcast and Facebook tells me to expect rain...


Best wishes to those in durance vile, Mal, Is, Jock and others I've forgotten and missed. And Ian - how is your old horse?


Putting together an exercise bike in a moment. Did 1400 steps yesterday, which was pathetic, so need some time on the bike to drive the blood glucose down lower. The new medication seems to be having an effect, and I've now managed to put away the Bristol chart. So encouraged by that.


Julie's home today, so we can do the loft lift we didn't do yesterday. And clean and tidy. Oh joy.


See you laters, alligators.

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