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What a difference a day makes, blazing sunshine yesterday, now rain, wind and what the locals call Dreich, apart from a couple of minutes in the greenhouse and get some fuel for the fire, been in the house all day, at least it's not snow.

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I too looked at Bill’s wagon thread. My knowledge of PO wagons is limited to “ooh, that looks pretty” for the ones we bought 20 years ago for Matthew’s trainset or the forty-something Bachmann former PO wagons that one day will need the duplicate numbers changing. My German language ability only improves if I go to a German speaking country. Otherwise my mind goes blank if I try to think how to say something. 


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Herself did some gardening and I put some garden rubbish in the appropriate recycling bin.  Fortunately the latter helped me to understand why in the last few days I have been missing the gutter downpipe by about 1" as I drive in and out instead of the customary just over 2" avoidance of said pipe - some b*gger has moved the bin slightly away from (the slab against which it normally rests and something on the bin is my aiming mark as I drive in.  The G word continued with a visit to the local garden centre - she bought some plants and we both had a toasted cheese and onion sarnie;  I know nothing about the plants but the sarnie was very nice.


Amazingly it being Saturday only one cockwomble was encountered and sorry to say it Tony but the goon was driving (if that is the correct word?) a Range Rover - apparently his doesn't have any mirrors (or they don't show 1.5 tonnes of Peugeot about to pass where you are/were parked if it has got mirrors).


By the way I'm wondering how Bill will translate Commuted Charges into German?

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Afternoon all from Estuary-Land. I can't use the spare laptop that I dusted off, I've forgotten the password(s) to open it. Whats more the date is showing as June and the clock is an hour out. I will take it into a computer shop next week to see if they can do anything with it. If not I might consider buying a new one, as long as it does not have the dreaded autocorrect or even worse predictive text.

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Evening all.


Easy win for the rugby team I was supporting today.  Apparently five of the opposition's team, including the front row, were away at a stag do in Rotterdam.  Good for our league winning prospects but I think I would have preferred to see a more competitive game.


As for the other shaped balls, Baz has already said all that needs saying.



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Evening all.  Up and almost about for the time being.  It won't last as I can feel the eyelids wanting to close again though the brain suggests there isn't much sleep left behind them.


SWMBO has perked up just a little through the evening and is in a better place than she has been.  News has reached me that Neighbour (Upstairs) is not in a good place at all however and has received poor grades for her recent studies.  It seems she has gone home for the time being.  We are in contact and she knows she has a "good ear" here. 


I'm off for a wander through other parts of this site before turning in.  

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We had an interesting afternoon at MiL’s in Enfield. She seemed a bit obsessed with being asked to contribute a small sum of money for something at one of the day centres she goes to. At first we thought it may be due to a change of medication for spinal pain but after a visit from her GP (actually visiting for social reasons) it turned out she had an infection that can cause odd behaviour in the elderly. 

My BiL popped over, he is a GP and we were chatting about our tinnitus noises when I mentioned a characteristic of mine. He looked very worried and asked could he listen to my carotid arteries. I didn’t mind and he was rather relieved to hear nothing amiss. He is very stressed at the moment and I didn’t want to have him worrying about me too. 

The trip to and from Enfield was completely uneventful, which isn’t bad considering we   go round almost a quarter of the M25. We were probably a bit early on the way home for the people heading to the Saturday night Southend club scene or whatever it is called. 

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4 hours ago, Gwiwer said:

I dropped into Bill's topic but the subject matter is well outside my area of expertise, sorry.


SWMBO duly arrived back from Edinburgh early this morning with no good repors about the Caledonian Sleepers.  Admittedly the Mk3 stock should have gone by now and is being kept rolling with sweat and promises in very poor internal condition.  But to have a first class passenger overlooked, not given a wake-up call (which would have been far more serious had she been destined for an intermediate stop), and no breakfast, then to find the lounge at Waverley closed meaning no shower was available and upon the return matters were little better.  With access to the lounge advertised as a part of the deal she and numerous others were waiting outside a locked lounge at 8.30pm and were finally advised by a fellow passenger that "eee'll no open heeeeer.  Try awa"  An arm gestured in the direction of "awa" where a room was found open.  Not a lounge and without the advertised refreshments but at least out of the biting cold.  No staff were in attendance and passengers were left to find the train on their own initiative.  The advertised 11pm boarding was not available until 11.35m just a few minutes before departure.  Euston arrival was due at 7.07am so SWMBO was a little surprised to be woken at 5am (with breakfast this time) and to be troubled again 20 minutes later asking for the tray back.  She reports little sleep was had in either direction.


Today I have been mostly sleeping off the latest iteration of the Christmas Cold which does finally seem to be abating after a week of troubling me.  In spare moments I have ben supporting SWMBO whose anxiety attacks have reached the level at which a call was made to a professional counsellor during the afternoon.  Tomorrow's planned trip to Brooklands is unlikely to go ahead; I may well be needed at home.


To all a good afternoon and evening.  

Caledonian are very short on staff at the moment for various reasons including dismissals, (from a good source). Glad we cancelled our booking with them last week for our upcoming trip. Much better value going daytime and booking a hotel. However not many of the Scottish HST sets are running either at present so keeping fingers crossed our journeys are OK.


Had a really good day at the N Gauge South East show with the layout today, a very well attended show even meeting a feleow modeller who travelled from Lancashire for a day out to visit the show.


Apres show beers also very good.

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Good evening everyone 


Well, just like last weekend, I spent today in the workshop intending to do some modelling but didn’t. When I opened up the workshop I noticed a few bits of electrical equipment that I’d left on the workbench, so I went to the shed to put them away and ended up doing more sorting out. Whilst putting said stuff away, I also across an old voltage tester that isn’t working properly, so I dismantled it to see if I could find out why. Tomorrow I will reassemble it and see if I’ve sorted the problem, if not, I’ll bin it and get a new one.


Bill. I’ve had a quick look on your POW thread and I’m afraid I don’t have any answers. 


Goodnight all 

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Has anyone else noted the new post rating "Funny copy"? Is this for duplicate posts?


We went on a layout tour today. Of the 23 locations open, we managed 8. Wide variety of levels of completion, as well as levels of ambition. I think all the ones we saw were HO -- mostly Canadian set but some U.S. 


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Good morning to most, afternoon to some and evening to others!


I have been woken from my slumbers as we have "tidying up" to do before the arrival of an early music group later. Pah!


Mugatea to drink first though.



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Mooring Awl, 

3.5hours sleep.  Ben the Border Collie came upstairs to get SWMBO to let him out, most unusual for him.  The floodlights worked  well illuminating the fog. 3hours more sleep, woke with a headache,  came down, took parawotsit, Ben wanted out again.

  Since then bacon butty has been had, a muggacoffee is reducing in volume .


It's still foggy out there,  everything is dripping, I'm going to give it a bit more time to lift before returning to bench building. 


Eyelid examination time as more parawotsit takes effect.. 






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Morning all from  Estuary-Land. A bit of fist and mog about this morning, hope it doesn't delay the journey to Brooklands. Arthur Itis informed me this morning that its going to rain later today as confirmed by the weather report. Rick, if you do decide to go to Brooklands I should be easy to spot, I'm the scruffy old tramp with the flowing white beard pushing a red wheeler. Thats it until I get home this evening, see you all later.

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Good morning all,

A dull start to the day and as Phil says rain is expected, possibly heavy and thundery. I'll probably stay in then.

Rugby duly watched and I suspect one ER at least is not very happy at one result as his team were absolutely demolished.

After that the taxi job for the "girls" was done and I was told that I needn't pick them up later as they would get a cab. They eventually returned at about half past midnight and the evening was deemed a great success. It was a surprise do for Nicki who thought she was just going out with The Boss, Abbie & Gemma and was overwhelmed to find about 15 of her friends at the restaurant. 

After dropping them off and as I was no longer required to drive I had a couple of beers and then cooked myself a lovely piece of fillet steak and accompanied it with a couple of large glasses of Shiraz.

Today I will once again reread our new wills and see I can fully understand them this time. I might have more chance with Greek! Why the legal profession can't use straightforward plain English is beyond me.

This afternoon I believe there is another rugby match to watch.

Have a good one,


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