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Not Frothing - Drowning, Possibly Swimming!


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  • RMweb Gold

Back to Roger's point about deafening silence after posting - it comes down to the sheer amount of traffic on the site.


I have been in the garage taking Hatton Parkway down ready for packing. I've been away from the computer for about two hours. There are about two and a half pages of topics that have been created or updated in that time. If I hadn't logged on while I wait for my coffee to cool then by next morning there would be pages of them and some that I might have read or replied to will be missed unless or until I stumble across them. Then even if I do read them - I might not have anything of worth to add.


I've stopped bothering if anyone reads my threads - if there is a reply that's great, if not, I won't lose any sleep over it. If you want replies then post in Wheeltappers - that's where the banter breaks out :rolleyes:

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Guest Max Stafford

The arrival on the market of beautiful, pre-assembled model aircraft in a variety of scales has had no impact whatsoever on the aircraft kit industry. An hour spent looking on the britmodeller.com forum will provide ample evidence of that. Not only that but the level of manufacturer duplication of Me Bf109s to offer a notable example is incredible, but still the pastime lives and thrives! :)



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Don't worry Roger, it's not solely a problem on this site. I also think it's down to what people are interested in. For instance, I haven't really commented in kit threads because all my stock is R-T-R and although I don't have any kits yet I'd like to. Problem is, I don't have any confidence in my modelling skills, I wouldn't know where to start, or what extras are needed, the list goes on so I don't know if my comments would be of any use to you or whether I'd end up looking an idiot due to my lack of knowledge.

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Don't worry Roger, it's not solely a problem on this site. I also think it's down to what people are interested in. For instance, I haven't really commented in kit threads because all my stock is R-T-R and although I don't have any kits yet I'd like to. Problem is, I don't have any confidence in my modelling skills, I wouldn't know where to start, or what extras are needed, the list goes on so I don't know if my comments would be of any use to you or whether I'd end up looking an idiot due to my lack of knowledge.


We all start there and some of the kit manufacturers and even kit builders don't help. Obscure instructions and using obscure jargon can be off putting.


At the same time, wagon kits in general are a good place to start on the undoubted pleasures of kit building and don't assume that plastic kits are any easier to get a good result from than metal ones.

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  • RMweb Gold

Don't look for a posting tomorrow, I'm sick of this.


I don't know how I'll keep in touch with my many friends on here.




Great attitude.

And then you wonder why people don't reply to your threads ?


Having read this thread all I see is a little schoolboy sat in the corner of the playground moaning that the other children are not running to him to be his friend. And then when that does not happen or not in a way he wants, spits his dummy out and stamps his foot.

You even admit in your first post to leaving out important information in the hope it prompts a response :rolleyes: , how sad.


Maybe I see this thread differently to others as I have no interest in the Chivers product whatsoever simply because they are not relevant to me for what I do.


Sorry if that sounds harsh but hey, thats life. And if you are prepared to put yourself out into the public domain then you have to be prepared to take the feedback on the chin, even when its not what you want or like.

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  • RMweb Gold

EDIT - At Roger's request I have removed the quote from him which prompted this post which, although posted on here by him, was not meant for public viewing.


Roger, in my view one of the best aspects of RMweb is the way it reflects life itself. In a thread you will certainly get positive replies but there will also be negatives, or posts which don't agree with your point of view. This can often have the effect of bringing a dose of realism to a thread - after all none of us go through our day without hearing some adverse comments or even outright criticism.


Andy and the mods do a good job in not moderating out these adverse comments as long as they are presented in a reasoned, non confrontational manner - and I can see nothing in this thread which strays outside those guidelines.


In view of the above I don't really understand this post of yours. No-one is getting at you - it must be worrying for you as a manufacturer of kits, however surely the way forward is to both retain membership of a large forum such as this and to freely advertise your undoubtedly good products via your threads and posts? Keeping the other membership up to date with present and planned products must be a way of increasing interest in your products and hopefully sales - not posting on the forum certainly won't.

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  • RMweb Gold

In view of the above I don't really understand this post of yours. No-one is getting at you - it must be worrying for you as a manufacturer of kits, however surely the way forward is to both retain membership of a large forum such as this and to freely advertise your undoubtedly good products via your threads and posts? Keeping the other membership up to date with present and planned products must be a way of increasing interest in your products and hopefully sales - not posting on the forum certainly won't.

Fully agree with this comment.

There seems to be a very small (thankfully) minority in this hobby that alienate themselves from their buying public and then wonder/moan when their product does not sell.


Look at all the other traders big and small that use RMWeb and fully engage with their buying customers for the good of all involved.

It does work, its proven.

That is of course if you are prepared to embrace it with the right attitude.

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we tried to send a PM earlier to advise but it wouldn't go through the system (full inbox?).


Roger is your PM box up to the 100 limit? If so you will need to delete some before you can send or receive more.

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  • RMweb Premium

Roger is your PM box up to the 100 limit? If so you will need to delete some before you can send or receive more.


I think that you will find that moderated members cannot send or receive PMs.


As I am on similar status, my PM icons have disappeared.



John Isherwood.

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  • RMweb Gold

Roger, in my view one of the best aspects of RMweb is the way it reflects life itself. In a thread you will certainly get positive replies but there will also be negatives, or posts which don't agree with your point of view. This can often have the effect of bringing a dose of realism to a thread - after all none of us go through our day without hearing some adverse comments or even outright criticism.


Well put, Phil...



In view of the above I don't really understand this post of yours. No-one is getting at you - it must be worrying for you as a manufacturer of kits, however surely the way forward is to both retain membership of a large forum such as this and to freely advertise your undoubtedly good products via your threads and posts? Keeping the other membership up to date with present and planned products must be a way of increasing interest in your products and hopefully sales - not posting on the forum certainly won't.


I'm not speaking about Roger now, but I can think of at least two small traders whose products I purposely avoid, simply because they behaved like pillocks on this forum (and were eventually booted off, if I understand matters). I know I shouldn't be swayed, but if I've got a tenner in my pocket at a model show, and there's a useful product X from a bloke who comes across as cheerful and ready to engage with criticism, and useful product Y from someone who comes across as a cantankerous, argumentative sod, I know who's going to get my money.


In this regard I have bought Chivers products at a recent show simply because I felt I "knew" Roger slightly through the forum and liked his approach to engagement with the members. I'd be sorry to see that change.

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I too feel that I know Roger a little, especially as he has an Oz connection. I have bought Chivers kits, (and built them too!!!), and certainly await others hinted at, (Thompson BZ?).

However, I have contributed to his posts only when I feel I have something valid to add, e.g. my 'wishes" in the frothlist as requested. I have read others, but have not felt compelled to answer in either a positive or negative manner if I feel they do not concern me. E.g. again, I have no interest whatsoever in the proposed Ruston diesel, but others do, so I won't diss it! Also, the "me too" posts are generally a thing of the past, and the place is better for it.

Hang in here Roger, many, many people love your kits, but try and maintain a balanced view, no-one is out to get anyone, just different points of view, pretty well moderated in my opinion! :rolleyes:

Cheers, Peter C.

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  • RMweb Premium


Garry D100 wrote:



Great attitude.


And then you wonder why people don't reply to your threads ?


Having read this thread all I see is a little schoolboy sat in the corner of the playground moaning that the other children are not running to him to be his friend. And then when that does not happen or not in a way he wants, spits his dummy out and stamps his foot


I have noticed since RMweb 2 or 3 the number of replies had shrunk, not just for us, but for many people. I mentioned this to Andy at Manchester and he kindly moved the Smaller Traders to the top of the list. I also discovered that many people missed my chatty open messages and wanted to know how we were. You take me, you take my heart condition and Sharon’s Myotonic Muscular Dystrophy because they have a huge influence. If I am working on the computer it is almost like a conversation, so I started again.


For reasons you can read about above I have been put on moderated status. This means that my posts are delayed or deleted. Post 3 on this thread was delayed about 4 hours, it says :


Posted Yesterday, 13:45




I think you are right. I talked to Andy about it at Manchester and he moved the Smaller Traders to the top. I think it's a structural problem.


This made me feel very ignorant, as I was unable to respond in my usual way, so I put on two posts telling members that there was something wrong with my posts. These were both deleted. I have never been on moderated status before but you seem to loose the ability to send or receive pm’s or emails. It appears that you can put a message on a members profile.


I can’t work like this. I assumed that because of it’s content I did not want the post that starts with I am writing on the basis…. because it was the only way I could contact the moderators, but it was published in full, but two innocuous messaged weren’t.




Back to Nanny's skirt for a cry.


ps I've just discovered that I can delete posts. Moderator, please will you delete the quotes taken out of the I am writing on the basis…. post.









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  • RMweb Gold

I know I shouldn't be swayed, but if I've got a tenner in my pocket at a model show, and there's a useful product X from a bloke who comes across as cheerful and ready to engage with criticism, and useful product Y from someone who comes across as a cantankerous, argumentative sod, I know who's going to get my money.

Been there, felt that. I was completely belittled by a bombastic importer/supplier on here the other day, although he apologised afterwards. While I haven't patronised his business in the last couple of years, he had a good couple of hundred pounds from me a few years back. Chicken feed to him, perhaps, but will he see any more from me? And the supportive PM I had from another member made it clear mine wasn't the only nose out of joint.


RMWeb seems to have a good record in helping smaller suppliers and shops to promote their goods and services - and we all benefit. But when the toys leave the pram in a hurry, there is bound to be some collateral damage.

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Back to Roger's point about deafening silence after posting - it comes down to the sheer amount of traffic on the site.


I have been in the garage taking Hatton Parkway down ready for packing. I've been away from the computer for about two hours. There are about two and a half pages of topics that have been created or updated in that time. If I hadn't logged on while I wait for my coffee to cool then by next morning there would be pages of them and some that I might have read or replied to will be missed unless or until I stumble across them. Then even if I do read them - I might not have anything of worth to add.


I've stopped bothering if anyone reads my threads - if there is a reply that's great, if not, I won't lose any sleep over it. If you want replies then post in Wheeltappers - that's where the banter breaks out :rolleyes:


Back in previous incarnations of the software there was a link provided on the page which produced a listing of all topics with zero replies.

I often found that useful to call up, if only to post something frivolous to let the OP know at least someone cared enough to bump the post back on the top of the list.

For seasoned old hacks it didn't matter so much, but for new members I can't think of anything more unwelcoming that braving the world and making a first post to a forum and then seeming to be ignored by everyone. It always saddens me the number of members who haven't even made a single post - are we really that scary a bunch?


Perhaps this could go on a wishlist?

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I think that you will find that moderated members cannot send or receive PMs.As I am on similar status, my PM icons have disappeared.Regards,John Isherwood.


This shouldn't generally be the case - we are looking into it.



For reasons you can read about above I have been put on moderated status. This means that my posts are delayed or deleted. Post 3 on this thread was delayed about 4 hours,  


Moderators are not online 24/7 - they have their own lives, jobs etc like everyone else. Delays will depend on when anyone is online to review these posts.

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  • RMweb Gold

An unfortunate fact about the electronic medium is that it allows you to bash the keyboard into subnission with remarkable ease and considerable venom - and then all you have to do is click once in the right place and your outpourings of whatever are there for all to read, to enjoy, to laugh at, to take umbrage am, to call their solicitor - and so on; unless your posts go through a moderator.


The best moderator of all, usually, is ourselves and hanging back and reading through before we make that final click. I try to (and usually succeed, I hope) to exercise control over that final click and I think it's policy we should all try to adopt.


And thus far I've yet to buy - let alone attempt to build - one of Roger's kits but what I hear about them does tempt me, so one day I might. But as others have said purchasing of 'optional' things can often be influenced by human factors as much as the kit's perceived quality. That is something all traders should bear in mind as in this world nobody owes them a living.

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I have built several of Roger's kits The pigeon van. the 6 wheel LMS fish van and various engineers wagons and they are an absolute joy to put together even for some one like me who is all fingers and thumbs. I find them easier than Parkside kits. you can see some of the efforst on my Wencombe thread.

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  • RMweb Premium

In todays world especially in public domains like this, where once we could rant and rave till our heart was content today we have to respect others and be more measured in our approach. One of my colleagues once claimed she felt threatened by me using hand gestures to emphasise a point. I told her it was the French side of my family and that I could claim she was being racist. Cest la Vie (Rodney).

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I think you have to play to the strengths of what you do. Kit makers have some real advantages in that there is stuff which is really hard to do properly in plastic RTR that can be done well with some other materials. One reason I work mostly in etching is for speed and to complement and build off RTR products.


You win some/lose some. The RTR stanier coaches knocked the Ultima staniers somewhat back, but even then its now selling things like 68' sleepers that Farish will never do.. The new mark 1 coaches will be batch produced and with a limited range of types, so I have the etches all lined up and the button ready to press the day they come out to do the rest of the Mark 1 63' coach range, roof detail, underframe extras and the like. Dapol did the terrier but no four wheel coaches, no balloon trailers, nothing early period appropriate. They created a market for me for the little LB&SCR four wheelers!


I can also be patient - the currency wars are starting, Chinese salaries are rising very sharply, RTR prices are likely to track upwards. 3D print is getting cheaper and better and in time people will be downloading models to print just like MSTS users download new trains.


I'm also pondering some card/vinyl models because I know quite a few modellers who are now have or are about to have a lot more free time but no money to spend.



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