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Bath Road


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Thanks for the comments gentlemen :)

First of all here are some photos of an A4 I've recently been working on.
This started of as a Mallard and a seperatly sourced beaded corridor tender.
The art deco letters/numbers were removed and etched ones added.
I then proceaded to detail it accordingly.
And finaly the valances were removed using Simon's excellent valance removal tool, visable here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/63137-Hornby-a4-de-valancing-conversion-kit-messers-harvey-martin/










A few close ups of the various bits of detail on my SNG.....














Now to some other little projects I've been working on reccently.....

Mark (aka Ascension) this is the 08 you sold me, which actually was a Bath Road allocated machine in the late 1980s.


47079 in this livery would be slightly out of my time frame, but for such a beautiful beast an allowance can be made.






Disappointingly the glue reacted with the "glass" when I was affixing the sunvisor. A new windscreen has since been sourced.


This Class 47 was a bit of a bargain. It was somewhat battered and missing quite a lot of parts, but for 30 Notes it made a nice little project.
As can be seen I've rebuilt the cab cut aways and have renumbered it as 47625 City Of Truro, incidently another Bath Road allocated machine.

And finally just some generic photos taken around the depot.....


















That's all for now folks!

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Nice set of photos Vac_Basher, I do like the GWR Green 47. Takes me back to Old Oak Common open day in 1985, loved them in that livery. I keep thinking about getting one of those but as it lost that livery in 1987 so has a short life span like that. Would love a model of 484 though!


You have a lovely setting for taking photos.

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Nice set of photos Vac_Basher, I do like the GWR Green 47. Takes me back to Old Oak Common open day in 1985, loved them in that livery. I keep thinking about getting one of those but as it lost that livery in 1987 so has a short life span like that. Would love a model of 484 though!
You have a lovely setting for taking photos.


Thank you Sir, coming from you that is the most highest of compliments! :)

I seem to remember there was a bit of a GW line up at 81a in 1985. If I'm not mistaken they had 3 green Class 47s and 50007

Totally agree with you that 47079 wasn't the best choice, given it's limited time frame and the fact that it can't really be renumbered due to it having a diffrent headcode arangement from the other green ones. I'd been undecided about getting one for years. I was quite decided on going for the Heljan one but was never really able to find one at the right price. However, a few months ago when Kernow sent out their newsletter announcing they only had a few left I decided I may as well get one. So it seems I may very well of grabbed one of the very last ones! I'm really pleased because it sure is a beauty!

I've always wondered, but never been able to find any photographic evidence, if they ever lined up all 4 green Class 47s, that is to say: 079; 484; 500, and 628

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  • 1 month later...

Hi vac_basher, I love this, especially as in planning to build a layout based on Bath Road - and I too have a breakdown train (well, one tool coach at least) The shots of your 47s are good, I'm hoping to convert 484 from an old Lima 47 one day is it is one of my favourites. I found this on the Bristol Railway archive and thought it would interest you and maybe others who follow this thread: http://bristol-rail.co.uk/wiki/Bath_Road_Depot


Cheers, IC125

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Lovely stuff Vac_basher, nice contrast in the line up of HST power cars. Which 47 is that please? Looks like 47406 but not sure, she looks very nice on shed!

It does look like '406, the detail is all correct and has the circular logos above the name, so I would agree that it is '406



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  • 3 years later...
  • 1 year later...
On 15/03/2011 at 20:29, Guest jim s-w said:



I claim the most obscure comment of the day award with this one but here goes!


Make sure your clock is set at 10 to 2 or 10 past 10! In a previous life i did design work for a clock company and they said you should always show a clock at either of these times. People (without realising it) associate a clock with a face and these times make it 'smile' 20 past 8 or 20 to 5 make it 'frown' and make people sad. Apparently there was a study where one clock in a magazine sold loads and the same clock in a different magazine (but the same target market) didnt sell at all well because of this.


I wonder what other tricks we can use to make people like layouts without knowing why?






You should actually set to not ten past, but eight minutes past ten 'in the evening'. That way, a corresponding digital clock will read 22:08, which uses the maximum number of elements you can use on a 7-segment display, and an analog clock will still 'smile' accordingly

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