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That is a fair drive jack, but I'm always open to suggestions and offers, and I am sure it will give hours of pleasure to who ever takes it away.


Yes - has been good watching the creation of DL and the learning curve that has evolved Neil.


So come on - apart from Millwood what is going your next move? - although I know you are going to be busy somewhat.



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ha ha cheers Ian, i have learnt show much and i think alot of that is reflected in Millwood.


whats next?? ....are cannot divulge any info yet except that its something iv never undertaken before and it will be a very big project and im really looking forward to it, all will be revealed soon.


hopefully i can find a good home for Deeping Lane first though.

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Well chaps I think I can go as far as to say without giving away too much at this stage that the new project will be a joint venture between myself and Mason which will be a much larger affair than our previous two efforts.



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Cat out the bag hahaha

Larger affair is an understatement haha its big big big, cant wait to start this to be honest as its been my dream to build something bigger than 6ft x 18".

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Well not sure the cats out the bag, more of theres a cat in a bag! I'm very much looking forward to it as I really would like something to exhibit thats a bit larger than Outon Road. Need to get your spadding under control though mate haha. TBH Im really looking forward to the building part.



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Ha ha yeah im kind of a serial spadder but im sure i will get my head round that.

I too am looking forward to the building stage too, cant wait to actually run long trains and really stretch my skills on the whole project, really pleased i have the opportunity too, cheers mate

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Maybe a tour up north sometime? - too late for the Blackburn and Acc Show this year then? :D


Yes - sounds like an ambitious an extremely interesting venture - hopefully you will both not have too many different opinions on what will be and have a definite set idea of what to work to - not like my method of 2% concept 98% "make up as I go along" - then the bin. :crazy:



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Maybe a tour up north sometime? - too late for the Blackburn and Acc Show this year then? :D


Yes - sounds like an ambitious an extremely interesting venture - hopefully you will both not have too many different opinions on what will be and have a definite set idea of what to work to - not like my method of 2% concept 98% "make up as I go along" - then the bin. :crazy:



I thought it was only me that did it that way, ha ha
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haha, can't wait for the start of your new adventure....

just looked on google maps. im 6 and a half hours away and roughly £120 in petrol....!! PM coming your way...


Jack .

even longer if you try it on a holiday friday like I did last week!

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Thought i would add a few shots of the layout to advertise the sale a little, still no new home for the layout yet.












Please drop me a PM if your interested in giving Deeping Lane Depot a new home.



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I cant believe this has not been sold yet, I wish I had room and the cash available, I would need to sell some of my layouts, still hoping to move house soon so you never know, ha ha ha ha ha ha lol.

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Ha ha cheers Andy, I'm kinda shocked too, I thought it would have gone now too, you know your goin to make a nice space for it.

New layout for a new house ha ha :)




A well known auction site will be your best bet - shame about their charges but I have never failed to sell one yet (dioramas - about 7 so far) - only one was I disappointed in the return price.


Images look great - the last two 08's and Shed internal especially - it will sell no doubt.



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Hi all


I am happy to announce that Deeping Lane Depot is now SOLD. :pardon: :cry:

The new father of my child is a forum member LNERandBR.

I am confident it has gone to a loving home and im sure it wont be the last we see of it.


I have had so much fun building and operating this project and I am very grateful for everyones input, comments, help and advice.

With out the kind help from the members of this forum it would not be what it is today and i would not have been on the learning journey i have been onto.


I am very sad to see it go but im glad its going to a good home.

For any exhibition enquires for Deeping Lane Depot you can contact LNERandBR or myself and i can pass the enquiry on.


Thanks again everyone


Goodbye Deeping Lane Depot



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Well as you've seen above I'm the proud new owner of Deeping Lane.


It made it's move from South Lincs to near the sea air of Skegness this morning and after the F1 was fitted for it's new legs:




I have two standard sets of layout legs which are used under my other two layouts. I did find however that Deeping required new holes to be drilled into the legs as it's framework is smaller then what I normally use. However Deeping has thick chipboard tops to it's boards where I usially use thinner plywood.


After getting the layout set up I decided to have a little running session.


First to arrive on Depot was 47975 'The Institution of Cival Engineers'.




After reciving attention it moved out to be stabled.




37698 'Coedbach' then arrived closely followed by 37670 and 37671 'Tre Pol and Pen'.






47975 then left the depot allowing 37698 to be restabled to allow 37670 and 37671 to move out of the Depot Building.














Deeping is now packed away as I currently haven't the space to set it up indoors. My brother's N gauge layout 'Littlemore' is set up as it and my other layout 'Bostcroft' are booked to appear at the Boston Model Railway exhibition and both need some work doing to them.

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Hi Stephen

Firstly it was a pleasure to meet you today and I hope to see you again.

Secondly you have already made a great start as the new owner is Deeping Lane, some great shots there and some very nice stock too, really like the dist 37 pair and the stick is perfect match for what deeping was made for, I can see that the layout has gone to a good home.

Very nice work with the legs too and it's good to see it set up and already taking stock.


Well done mate and hope to talk and meet again soon

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All three 37's you see in the photo's are fitted with sound.


The RfD pair both have Howes Decoders and Coedbach is SWD/Bachmann with a modified speeker setup.


The 47 should gain sound in the future as and when funds allow.

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