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What makes you choose what day to attend an exhibition?

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What makes you choose what day to attend an exhibition? It seems that normally attendance of model railway show attract 2/3 of visitors on a Saturday and 1/3 on a Sunday, with Railex Saturday is very crowded and Sunday quite relaxed, I was thinking what we could do to make more people come on a Sunday as the advantages are there is less problem finding a parking spot, the you can see exhibits much easier.


One idea was to raise the cost of admission to £7.50 on a Saturday and drop it to £6.50 on a Sunday.


I look forward to seeing what people think.



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  • RMweb Gold

I generally always go to shows on the Sunday,Warley is the exception,due to usually working on a Saturday morning.With Railex as in previous years I knew Sunday would be quieter.The downside is some retailers can sell out of what your after.Interesting idea on the admission prices.Great show by the way. ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

As a non driver the hopeless public transport availability on Sundays makes visiting any show on a Sunday near impossible without at least one overnight stay.



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Generally Sundays have always been easier for me - certainly now work decides when I can go! On the whole Sundays seem to be much quieter for all shows and it's much easier to get a look at exhibits and talk to demonstrators but Saturday can be better for buying!


A reduced admission for Sunday is an interesting prospect - I think it might entice some people!

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The weekends tend to be full of other calls on the most valuable commodity - time.

Although there is no difference for me in terms of day/weekend - SWMBO tends to organise other "events" "entertainment" for Saturday afternoons and free evenings. So inevitably I either end up attending shows after work on Friday night or on a non-working day before a night off when other things are organised and I probably will be in no state to drive come the Sunday morning.


Price has no effect on my attendance - you could make it free on Sunday for all I care.


One of the other problems with Sunday mornings is that layout operators are sometimes less conversant and even half-asleep. This could be just due to the Saturday draining their energy or the after effects of the ale.


On the more general shows the s/h best buys have already been snapped up.


So early Saturday is best AFAIC despite the queues.


If the parking is too far or unavailable I turn round and go home and probably give the following year a miss. The availability of nearby parking is more important to me than the layouts and certainly the catering.


I reached the queue at about 10:35 and it shuffled along at a reasonable pace to be in the hall with 20minutes. That wasn't that bad for an exceptional show. Could have done with being warmer but that was my fault - I remembered just how hot the hall can become. But the weather is beyond even your organisational skills. A couple of years ago I remember it being a scorcher and thinking I should have applied sun block.

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What makes you choose what day to attend an exhibition?




Being so busy I dont have a choice, if lucky I have maybe 4 days available, to attend exhibitions, a year, sometimes saturdays, sometimes sundays.

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  • RMweb Premium

I have to say that I prefer a Sunday visit as I can get time off work somewhat easier, but to visit the better shows, especially those with the decent small suppliers trade stands usually means a trek to the other end of the country from Plymouth and therefore traveling up on a Friday, visit the show on Saturday and return home on Sunday to get the best deals on train travel, as I have mentioned on the Railex thread. £62 1st return from Plymouth to London. Makes for a change of scenery and ale, all helps to make it a stress free relaxing weekend.


I am hoping I can get the weekend off for Scaleforum in September which will be the first time I have attend. Travel plans will be similar to that of Railex.


More local shows like Exeter, Taunton and Wells when it doesn't clash with the P & D MRC show in Plymouth usually gets a Sunday visit unless my shift pattern allows a Saturday off.





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I attend the N Gauge Show every few years

I always attend on the first day, going round the traders first (as the choice of N gauge suppliers / retailers in Scotland is very poor)

Once I have done this, I then spend several hours at the layouts


Fairly same with Model Rail Scotland, which I used to attend every year but now every second year

Again, I attend on the first day, going round the traders but this doesn't take too long as there are often very few N gauge stands

Again, I then spend a few hours at the layouts, however again there are normally very few N gauge so the total time is less than for the N Gauge Show


I did attend Model Rail Scotland on two consecutive days

I noticed one trader had amended their stand, as a result I purchased a further item which was not available the previous day (as I always say stock in the stockroom and not on the salesfloor doesn't sell)


One thing I do notice (and also from an exhibition layout operators point of view) is the number of visitors dwindles towards the final two hours

It is quite unfair that someone arriving at 10:00, spending 8 hours pays the same as someone arring at 16:00 and spending just 2 hours

At Model Rail Scotland on the final day the last two hours it is quite obvious (some stands just go into hibernation at that point)

I am not saying they should advertise a discounted rate for late arrivals, but at least something to help balance out the visitors through the day

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What makes you choose what day to attend an exhibition?


One idea was to raise the cost of admission to £7.50 on a Saturday and drop it to £6.50 on a Sunday.

For me, either day is usually equally convenient so it is often which day is best for others to fill the car or sometimes what day another local (to the show) attraction we may want to visit such as a preserved railway is open.


I don't think differential pricing will have much effect for the long distance traveller for whom the entry fee is a relatively small portion of the cost when you include fuel/train fares etc and lunch.


It seems that normally attendance of model railway show attract 2/3 of visitors on a Saturday and 1/3 on a Sunday

At Hull the split is rather different to that. Saturday is very steady over the years. Rarely more than +/-100 bodies from average, but the Sunday is far more variable; any where between 60% and 120% of the Saturday attendance... Some years local media coverage (or lack of) could be the cause but in others we can only think word of mouth...


From data we've collected over the years, I suspect Saturday is more the 'enthusiasts' day and Sunday more popular with the general public/locals looking for something to do. If that patern holds true for all shows, a show such as yours which is more an enthusiasts event and perhaps less targeted at the local populace will see a natural bias towards Saturday.

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Depends what Mrs Red Devil says. :lol:


Seriously though, I tend to work on Saturdays , certainly mornings (the joys of self employment means I can choose though) so generally Sundays are my only option. Given that Sundays are normally quieter it suits me just fine.

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I tend to work on Sundays these days, but before that, I would always try and go on a Saturday ... why? Because I got fed up with not getting my monies worth from a Sunday visit. I've lost count of the number of shows i've been to where the exhibitors start packing up an hour or two before the show is due to finish on the Sunday. And it doesn't matter what time the show is due to finish, there will always be some keen to pack up whilst the paying punters are still trying to see the show :angry: The roundy-roundy's seem to be the worst, thinking it is fine to leave just one train constantly circling ... very dull.

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Saturday because if I am visiting another town for the show we can also look around the different and unique shops and/or market there.


On Sunday just the big chains are open and they are all the same no matter where you go.


So Saturday is also more attractive for WAGs.

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exhibitors start packing up an hour or two before the show is due to finish on the Sunday.

That realliy p*sses me off!


In the York thread I was assured it wouldn't happen but it did, so if you can only manage the Sunday afternoon you feel really short changed.


Same thing goes for 'silly hour' which some shows and layouts seem to have. If I've paid to see exhibits I want to see them properly not like that.

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  • RMweb Gold

I usually go to an exhibition on Saturday, mainly because this fits in better with family commitments (son's football on Sundays for example). Other times, going with friends to split the fuel costs, as one friend works Sunday nights.

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  • RMweb Gold

To some extent it depends on where it is and mode of transport - for me Hull. York, and Warley are all train rides and that means Saturday because the Sunday 'service' usually isn't a service. Melksham is usually a Saturday for no particular reason at all - just a habit I've developed. Ally Pally - when I've bothered to go - has been a movable feast but usually Sunday attendance would mean having to drive - which I don't relish - so I've only done that once. Bristol was always a Friday because apart from the initial spurt that seemed to avoid the bigger crowds.


I've only been to Railex twice and on each occasion it has been on the Sunday with the main reason being wishing to park near the hall because of a sometimes 'gammy' knee. But having found this worked well last year with the added advantage of a bacon roll before entering the show I did the same this year but had a full breakfast because of the way my day was working out. The disadvantage of going on the Sunday was that one thing I had intended to buy had sold out on the Saturday while something which I bought was apparently the last but one on the stand - in other words Saturday seems to be the better day if you are shopping. The advantage of Sunday seems to be that the show is less crowded - it was definitely easy to get around this year and last. A change to some sort of differential price wouldn't affect me - I'm now a confirmed 'Sunday attender' for Railex (unless I'm too slow to get it on the calendar at home and 'family matters' etc claim precedence for that day).

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For me it will probably depend on what else is on that weekend that might only be available one day. And a quieter day will make the decision if there is a choice.


The difference between £6.50 and £7.50 would be unlikely to make a difference to me (compared to spending £40 on petrol to get there).


All the best



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The difference between £6.50 and £7.50 would be unlikely to make a difference to me

Just thinking if you could knock it down to £5.50 or even £5.00 for those who come in after 1300 I'm sure that would have more of an effect. Possibly more so with local people than enthusiasts travelling any distance.

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Maybe I read it too deeply but im convinced its the psychology of wanting to be first to see it etc etc etc. The world and his wife knows that shows are generally quiet on a Sunday, and easier to walk round, more comfortable but they still queue outside on a Saturday when they could walk straight in on a Sunday. Herd mentatility? From a personal point of view I much prefer Sunday, but as a show visit is generally a movable feast in a weekend, it depends what else Im doing over that weekend - band gigs, other visits etc etc.



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1. I have to ask - why bother? I choose to go on Sunday because it is quieter. If people choose to go Saturday then they can put up with it being more crowded. And so be it.


2. If you changed the price on the Sunday, wouldn't that just shift some punters onto the Sunday leading to loss of income? And what would the traders say?


3. The cost to get into the show is a minor consideration against the other costs fuel, food etc, and doesn't get factored in.


Edited coz it didn't upload correctly

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I am like most of the other comments on here, prefer to attend on a Saturday, but work can intervene and decide for me, but I tend to make a day of attending a show rather than a couple of hours. Doesn't worry me about getting any bargains from the traders, my main reason for attending will be to view the layouts.



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  • RMweb Gold

As a general rule I think I prefer Sundays. The quieter and more relaxed atmosphere suits me better. I was at Railex yesterday and I never had any problem being able to see what I wanted, when I wanted.

The exceptions to this are usually Exeter (beacuse the easiest place to park is only open for half the day on Sundays) and Scaleforum (because I travel with a group by train).


The reduced shopping opportunities don't really bother me. On the whole, I'm not an impulse buyer and if you are worried about something not being available you can always phone the trader before hand and ask for it to be put aside for your Sunday visit.

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For me it depends on the show. Railex is less than 40 miles by road and other commitments tend to mean that I go on Sunday. Manchester has to be Saturday because due to the distance I use Virginontheridiculous Trains from MK. Warley will be Sunday as I have this strange aversion to being trampled on which I fear might occur on Saturday. York is usually Sunday too. I do both days at Expo-EM and Scaleforum.



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For Railex specifically, the reason I came on the Saturday was because I wanted to sit and watch the Monaco Grand Prix on the Sunday – simple as that. I came on the Saturday last year too, and that was purely because I wanted to have a historic (for me only!) meet with Andy Y first thing before he got busy with the in-crowd. So pretty esoteric reasons and not ones you can plan for David :)


Ally Pally I tend to do on the Sunday because, being actually in London, the traffic and crowds are generally lessened on the Sunday, so it just makes the whole thing easier. I remember asking a trader 3 years ago if there was a lot of difference between the Saturday and Sunday just to check my reasoning and she said the Sunday was easily half as busy, probably less. I do also like the late Sunday layout viewing as well, because come about 3pm there’s only a handful of people around the bigger layouts and you can easily see what’s going on (and even move left and right along the barriers a bit). A decent way to round off the day.


Lower price on a Sunday? Interesting idea, although it wouldn’t make any difference to me personally, the quid or two saving is nothing on the petrol cost and – to be honest – on the overall amount I spend on the hobby anyway.


Keeping some bargains back for the Sunday? Not sure how traders would react to that, it’s a gamble for them if they are able to clear them all on the Saturday. Business is business (and is it even realistic? The best you could do is only a polite request, and I doubt if many would take notice. Who can blame them? They are there to make a profit, not help spread the visitor numbers, and I have no issue with that).



I think Tim made a good point about is it something you really need to address – I go to Ally Pally on the Sunday to avoid the crowd. I go to Railex on the Saturday knowing that it will be crowded. There we go. I can see that your motivation is to make the experience better for the visitors, and that’s to be applauded, but other than a line on the show adverts saying ‘Railex is always less crowded on the Sunday – have you considered visiting then to enhance your experience?’ I wouldn’t put a lot of effort into this.

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I don't think any price difference would affect the day of a visit.

I guess I generally visit on the Saturday if I can. I work until 10.00 on Sat so only get to fairly local shows

but that does mean missing the busiest start of the day, and then stay right to the end.

I will visit on Sunday if my football team have a home game on Saturday.



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