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HI Guy,
Yes I couldn't resist the temptation.. Lights and sound are a must for me, I've seen yours at work and it does sound great.

I look forward to them whistling around Redbrook..

As for the layout, I've been putting in cable trunking around the station approach part and have sprayed the track with sleeper grime. Next up will be to finish the retaining wall and complete the ballasting. I'm also looking at various plans for the FY and still seriously considering not having one as such.  Decisions decisions..



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HI Bob,

I plan to run a representaion of the weedkilling train, although it will only have two coaches plus the water tanks.
I expect they will be weathered too, but definately no stripping of numbers or names...




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I seem to have wasted hours thinking about the fiddle yard over the last week or so!

Firstly can I apologise for the below blurb. I think it's a way of helping get my ideas written down to help me make the ultimate decision about the FY.

My thinking was that as the layout will mostly be operated on my own I didn't want anything overly complicated. The main operating area would obviously be the scenic yard and depot area so I didn't want to waste lots of time playing about with the FY setting up trains.

So I have come up witha few ideas.


A) Where the station approach area splits into 4 tracks (the bit by the mail terminal) I would continue this along the back wall and continue it along as if it was still part of the approach. That way I could hold trains for a while before bringing them back around to the scenic yard and depot. Or of course have them running round and round whilst I continued shunting the yard or movements in the depot.

The problem with this option is obviously the limited storage  and no "rest of the world" option 

It all sounded ok to me. However I then thought about having half and half along the back wall. So half scenic and half off scenic with extra sidings and stock storage. But despite having roughly 28 feet it just doesn't seem long enough. Bearing in mind that I wanted to have trains running of a reasonable length, including full length HST's the space suddenly seems to disappear.


C) So the final option is just to have it all as an unscenic FY and be done with it. Having laid some track out tonight to look at this option, it gives me about 9 tracks to use which is obviously ideal for train storage but I still like the idea of seeing long trains held in a loop whilst another goes past and to have the ability to have operating signals. So there I am back at the 4 track looped station approach option!

See my problem. :scratchhead:


Going to have to sleep on it but at this moment im Team A.


PS - Option A means a lot less points and therefore a lot cheaper!   I think I've answered my own question. :jester:





Edited for tired typing where it just didn't make sense!  Night... 

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  • RMweb Premium

Less storage isn't really an issue for a home layout unless you really want to have lots of trains ready to run at short notice. There's no time constraint on you manually swapping stock around that YOU want to run, as and when. Upside is minimal cost as you rightly identify. Downside is more handling of stock.


Lots of storage is ideal for a busy exhibition layout to keep the public entertained with a variety of trains.


As always, Rule 1 applies........ :declare:




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You're right Mick,
I have only really got myself to please, not paying customers and I think I've been focussed on lots of storage for a variety of trains when in reallity they can go in the numerous drawers under the layout.  

As you rightly point out, theres no rush to swap things around when I want to.


Brilliant, you've saved me a fortune! :declare: Or at least confirmed that option A isn't such a bad idea.




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Option A

Would work quite well, dave's Waverley layout seems to work quote we'll with the half station idea.

If your fiddle yard sidings are pretty long you could have two shorter trains in one loop. As you fleet grows you could always add a few more sidings.


Cheers Peter

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Hi Scott


I think I'm currently in a similar quandy, hence my procrastination about the FY.


I've got enough sidings 'up top' to keep a number of train/wagon combinations ready. My current plan is to have seven roads, one through in each direction, plus one for swapping directions, leaving me a couple for storage in each direction. I think I just need to get some basic track down and see how it flows.


Of course I could start making the underneath FY a scenic area too - now that's got me thinking.



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Good evening,


Peter, Phil thanks for your comments. I made the finsl decision today and have started fixing the track down. I've gone with the 4 track option but have managed to create a bit of off scene space too. With minimal points I should get to hold two trains each way as well as keeping a through line.

I've also managed a freight avoiding line which has a loop too, creating room to park another train.

So its been a reasonably good day in the garage.


Going to Eastleigh tomorrow for a few hours to have a look at the real trains. no doubt coming back with more ideas!




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Good evening,

My plans changed slightly today meaning that I didn't get to Eastleigh, but on the plus side I got in the garage whilst the kids were all at school.

I've laid a bit more track in the FY and I've posted some pictures so you can see what my plan is. (if you're interested)


I've started at the entrance to "part 2". I've posted similar pictures before but I thought it would make sense to start here. I have put some trunking down and cosmetic point motors. Need to ballast next but hey you can't rush these things.

So here it is, a view from the lift up flap looking towards the left hand bend and then onto the FY 






The retaining wall will continue all the way round the curve and then drop down to enable an embankment to be put in along the back wall. 


This is the view looking down the length of the FY, the idea being that the 2 lines on the very left are part of the freight avoiding line with loop/passing place.

The next two are the down line and then the two on the right are the up lines. 



Where the 37 is waiting will be a signal, in fact I hope to have two signals for the down line there on a bracket over the tracks. (sorry don't know the real name)
The signal for the left hand down line will also have a feather for the points.  The idea with this set up is that I can have two trains waiting. One where the 37 is and one where the HST is. If needs be.Another train will then be able to snake between the two.




The same will be for the up line, indicated with the HST on the far right and the ore train held on the other.



Now the next question. Should I have it as platform ends under the bridge as indicated with the black sponge? Or have it completely off scene and just have a bridge hiding the off scenic part?



Finally a reverse view looking back towards the curve.  



I hope that makes sense and you can sort of see where I'm coming from with this. I don't want to fill it with track and want that main line feel approaching a station. Once the scenics and ballast  go on I think it will look ok.  This part is really for just watching trains go by and hopefully suitable for photos and videos.


I've yet to move the sockets and put a backboard up, but thats also on the things to do list.






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  • RMweb Premium

Looks good mate and glad you seem to be getting there with all your ideas. I thought the end of the station was going to be at the bend where the RM depot is?


Are you having an off scene FY or do the tracks just go from that bridge to the other side without scenery? If that is the case why not push the bridge right up to the curve at the far end and have a four track mainline racetrack a bit like the Marshfield area between Newport and Cardiff, would be good for videos?

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Originally the station was going up by the RM terminal because the scenic part was going to end pretty much where the end of the blue back board is, but because I've now opened it up I didn't want to model a whole station so I've had to set it back further up the line. Purely to sve me a lot of hassle with the platform and station buildings etc....

I did think about having the whole back as a long open scenic view but then I thought it would be nice to have a off scene part aswell. but I suppose it goes back to what Mick said, its not an exhibition layout and nobody's going to be watching if I change a loco on the main line..  I do think if I was going to have it all open then I wouldn't have a station.

Oh now you've got me thinking.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Scott,

I like the feel of the layout, but........


Are you representing a four track with fast and slow - fast lines in the middle?

Typically there would probably be access from the fast to the slow for the platforms and then access back out to the fast after the platform. Reversing the two crossovers would be the best/easy way.




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Good question Mick and a valid point.  I suppose because  I was thinking about storage of trains I was going to use  the middle lines as somewhere to hold freight trains at red and keep them on display if you like, ticking over. Rather than use them as a fast line.

But I get what you are saying about reversing the crossovers and how the trains on the fast line could swap across.  I suppose though if I do just have it all scenic then I could still leave a freight train further up past the crossover.


Better dust my thinking cap off. 


edit- The 4 track will go back into two lines before it goes back across the flap back onto part 1. 




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I am with Mick, swaping the cross overs will work better and be more prototypical with fast lines in the middle.

Have a look at Eastleigh next time you are there, it works very much like what you are planning.You could still hold freight on the fast if you want I remember seeing it happen at Crewe. Plus on the right of your last pic a freight can come up the slow and clear the station and stop in that loop while a passenger can pass by leaving the platform and come out on to the fast.


Cheers Peter.

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  • RMweb Premium

 four track mainline racetrack a bit like the Marshfield area between Newport and Cardiff, would be good for videos?


Following on from Pete's post the four tracks at Marshfield are Up/Down Fast, Up/Down Slow if I remember correctly. How about making the inner tracks the Slows with platforms or an island accessed from the bridge and the Fasts behind? 

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Thanks for the comments.
The more I look at the reveresed points the more it makes sense and I have already removed the points ready for the change. Maybe there will be some reasonably priced points for sale at the New forest show.  I did have a look at signals on the absolute aspects and CR signals pages and to get the desired signal bracket thingy would cost a fortune for a custom design! So I may have to rethink my options. Not sure I have the ability to scratch build one. 


Ian I think your suggestion maybe more hassle as I'd have to put more crossovers in at the mail terminal end to enable the up slow to get across onto the fast. So I'll stick with what I've got, but thanks for the suggestion. I'm not really one for change...


Got a weekend with Leaford now so it will be a welcome break from my mess of a layout. :smile_mini2:



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Good evening,

Thanks 66 I have seen those signals from Train-Tech but not sure they do the ones I want and to be honest I've had a bit of a rethink about the scenic FY so might not need them anyway.


After operating Leaford at the weekend I came to the conclusion that I do need a FY with sidings so have reverted back to having it unscenic again.

I have been carrying on with the retaining wall and have started on a bridge to disguise the entrance to the FY.


Here are a few pictures showing work so far.







Thanks for the contributions and suggestions with the scenic FY idea, maybe it can be a job for another day.


Thanks for looking.




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