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Brian Harrap

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What ever it will be, it will be b****y clever and I shall hate him for it. Jealously is a terrible thing, I know and I am taking tablets for it.

Bless of luck in what ever venture Brian and I hope to see it some where soon. 

Thank you, Judge, I shall do my very best. B.

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It has been a dull old day and I was strolling along the old overhead line from the wagon hoist - they don't seem to mind me doing that these days - when this bright shaft of sunlight lit up the tracks between the buildings on the other side of the canal. Luckily I had my camera to hand. I thought I'd share the pic with you.




Ps. I haven't forgotten that extended turntable idea - it just may turn up where you least expect it though. b.


Edited by Brian Harrap
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