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YORK 'Leaman Road' MPD - LNER 1938

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Lovely backdrop in the photos :)

Isn't it just James!


Last night I begun modifications on another loco, the Bachmann V2. All has gone ok so far, so fingers crossed Leaman Road should have another 50A V2 shortly.

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Hello all.


Not a big update, but I thought I would like to share you a link to a new blog I have set up. I know a few fellow members have set blogs up, so I felt I would give it a go and it gives me a chance to post the odd thing, and other musing that I probably wouldn't normally post in the thread.


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50A Works

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That series of photos with the O1 are just lovely. A grey, leaden sky; just enough light to take photographs and all of the muck and grime which abounded in these shed yards. Oh how it brings back those days, now more than half a century gone, when these places were simply magical.


And the J72 is looking very good. You'll get hooked on this loco converting and building if you're not careful. I know about getting hooked on building locos, cos I am.


Someone asked which of the versions of the J77 Arthur is doing. He is redesigning this kit and intends to produce and release both versions; the one with the BTP cab and the one with the more common ex-NER cab. I might be trialling these er long!





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That series of photos with the O1 are just lovely. A grey, leaden sky; just enough light to take photographs and all of the muck and grime which abounded in these shed yards. Oh how it brings back those days, now more than half a century gone, when these places were simply magical.


And the J72 is looking very good. You'll get hooked on this loco converting and building if you're not careful. I know about getting hooked on building locos, cos I am.


Someone asked which of the versions of the J77 Arthur is doing. He is redesigning this kit and intends to produce and release both versions; the one with the BTP cab and the one with the more common ex-NER cab. I might be trialling these er long!







You are most kind Mike. With James's help I've really enjoyed the work on the J72 and in a couple of weeks I'll be getting her finished.

I look forward to seeing your trialling of the J77. 


Currently have a Jubilee on my workbench ready for weathering this week.

Jubilation for a Jubilee

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Someone asked which of the versions of the J77 Arthur is doing. He is redesigning this kit and intends to produce and release both versions; the one with the BTP cab and the one with the more common ex-NER cab. I might be trialling these er long!





Mike - not sure what you mean when you refer to the more common NER cab that doesn't apply to the J77s. Of the sixty converted from BTPs only the last ten had Worsdell style cabs. They had frames six inches longer than the rest. Of the other fifty eight there were another couple of odd balls among the York rebuilds. Throw in the variations introduced by the original builders of the BTPs (nothing in Fletcher's regime could be called standard) and you a lot of detail variations. Reading the instructions on the work's drawings for the conversions for those which retained the round-top cab it was largely a matter of measuring the loco being rebuilt and acting on those measurements.


I am awaiting the first test etches. I expect they will arrive in about three weeks.



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And the enjoyment is the main thing! :D

Absolutely, and I certainly am.




You are now up to page 50 - the next should be 50A!!!!!!!!!!!



Hadn't noticed that Arthur, haha!

The plan tomorrow is to get the Jubilee weathered. The RCTS book has come in very handy as it states what liveries all Jubilees were in and when they had repaints.


All I will say is you will see a varied amount of colour on my Jubilees! ;)

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With an early finish and beautiful sunshine in Harrogate I thought it would give me ample opportunity to photograph my recent weathering project outside. Sadly the clouds came across by the time we had got home but I still decided to photograph outside in the natural light....and at least it is dry.


After discussions with friends off the forum who are far more London Midland Region savvy than myself, it became clear there are a number of sheds which would have dispatched Black 5s/Jubilees on cross country services, which would either have terminated at York or would find the the LMR loco coming off at 50A.


The second of the Jubilees for Leaman Road is now finished (some may remember 45561 Saskatchewen of Bristol Barrow Road also in BR Green currently on shed.) I recently got my hands on the RCTS book on Jubilees. It really is a godsend, with information on all livery changes that took place on each member of the class and in which year it took place.


Below is 45590 'Travancore' of 19B Sheffield Millhouses. She went BR Green in February 1950 so I've depicted her in a clean, but working condition. Nameplates from 247 Developments.




I used Klear to depict water that has spilled down the tender side when being watered.



An attempt to get a close up of the valve gear, I used Humbrol 10 thinned then gave a thin wash of Klear to give an oily sheen.



I'm now well on with planning my next Jubilee. This will be a little more challenging as it is a long firebox version (which Bachmann currently do not make apart from the old Mainline model.) I have a plan for producing the long firebox and boiler, but also requires a different livery and tender. It should prove an interesting project.


For those wishing to have guess it's from a shed far further west than Sheffield....as far west as you can go in the North West. ;)


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Although I've pressed the like button I must congratulate you on the very subtle weathering, the rain streaks on the lower boiler are superb. I think light weathering is much more difficult to do well than heavy weathering. Excellent work.


Thanks Alan. I think you are right regarding light weathering. It's very easy to keep tinkering and adding just a bit more and before too long something that was to be lightly weathered can look a little over done and  decrypt. The photo on the front of the RCTS book gave me my biggest influence. :)

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Back in the summer, I had the chance meeting with P4 modeller Ian Everett. Ian lives only a few miles from myself and he invited me along to the Cumbria Area Group meetings of the Scalefour Society which are usually hosted at Ian's home. I was able to go in the summer and thoroughly enjoyed operating Clecklewyke and Bradford North Western. Due to my work though I can rarely make the meetings (as they usually are in the week). As it happened though this months meeting was today, a Saturday. Stephen Paulin was our host where we chattered and played with Ian's P4 test track not before a trip for a pub lunch first mind! Very nice it was too;)


Ian did ask if I could bring along some recent projects to show, so in this case I brought along three of my most recent weathered locomotives, a B1, O1 and the Jubilee.



Here Stephen's P4 converted Bachmann 08 trundled very smoothly along Ian's track.



Stephen lives in close proximity to the S&C at Kirkby Stephen, and we were lucky to see the 60009 on the Winter Cumbrian Mountain Express power through heading south.




All in all, a very enjoyable day, thank you Stephen and Ian.

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With locos back on the layout, I decided to take some photos of 45590 on Leaman Road.

I have guests coming over tomorrow and have been tidying the layout up a bit. I'm not sure anything will be running as I'm still in the process of ballasting and the track isn't as bad as it was but still isn't clean enough for smooth DCC operation.


Here 45590 poses alongside her sister 45561'Saskatchewan'.



The lovely feature of Bachmann's Jubilee is the opening smokebox door. It giives us a glimmer of that job fireman had to do (I have also done it when I worked up at the NYMR).



Finally she moves of Shed to head back to Sheffield Millhouses.


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I'd never heard of 'Travancore' - thank you for the nudge to educate myself.  I remember seeing Leander a lot at Carnforth in the 1970s - maroon then of course, but they're tidy looking locos whatever colour you paint them.


I agree Jonathan, there is something about a Jubilee, a can pretty much have whatever livery in 1950, pre war crimson lake, black, LMS 1946, BR mixed traffic, BR green. 




A Shed about as far in the NW as you can get?

Did Barrow in Furness have Jubilees?


Or are we talking nearly in the sea, 27A Bank Hall?


I think we are talking nearly in the sea Jeff.... ;)

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Really used to enjoy seeing the few Jubs that worked off Bristol in the early 60s. Great loco's. Yours look as I remember them. Would have enjoyed hearing one going up the Lickey.

Thanks for the pic of '09; I saw it last weekend climbing out of Shap (whilst I was attending a guitar workshop in the Westmorland Hotel, Tebay), but nobody on here seems to have got a pic of it on that section.


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Really used to enjoy seeing the few Jubs that worked off Bristol in the early 60s. Great loco's. Yours look as I remember them. Would have enjoyed hearing one going up the Lickey.

Thanks for the pic of '09; I saw it last weekend climbing out of Shap (whilst I was attending a guitar workshop in the Westmorland Hotel, Tebay), but nobody on here seems to have got a pic of it on that section.



Thanks Phil! :)

Regarding No 9. I went to photograph her at Ais Gil that weekend too. She looked fantastic coming along the side of Wild Boar Fell.



Then as she approached it appeared her brakes were applied and she stood opposite me for around 3 minutes. :) Rather handy for getting a shot, but not great for the crew and operating company I'm sure. The Driver handled the situation well starting the train again on the gradient and within 60 seconds she was over the summit and on her way.


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She's a bonnie engine no doubt, but why oh why did they paint her parabolic curve so badly? I've yet to see any A4 Pacific with one as badly done as that. The rest of the paintwork is absolutely excellent but that is poor.


Great photos Tom, all the same!

What is it that's wrong?


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What is it that's wrong?

It's hard to describe beyond it's the wrong shape; but certainly when Tom and I were at the NRM we both had noticed it. It appeares to have been straightened out in places it shouldn't be.

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I very much agree with the comments on No 9s parabolic curve, and it is interesting look back at No 10s which does indeed appear more 'right'.


Today I had the joy of entertaining Mike Megginson once more. This must be something like Mike's 7th visit and it really is always a joy. To be honest we didn't spend too much time looking at Leaman Road, but had a good deal of time chatting and joking. Hearing tales from Mike about the railways is always great. We spent a great deal of time looking back through Keith Pirt photos I have from the late 50s which I think brought back some memories for Mike, and made me only wish I had been alive to see the likes of A1s and A4s in active service.


To those who did see them in the 1950s, I really do envy you!

I can't think of any better way to spend a day but to spot somewhere on the ECML. Sadly being only 27 that time has gone for me, but thanks to the joys of Model Railways I can go about recreating this wonderful time.


Thanks again Mike for your company and insight. We look forward to seeing you agains soon! :yes:

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