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Love the latest pictures and impressed with the work you've done to properly 'plant' the SM house. Too many buildings are just plonked!

Hi Robert,


Thanks for that, I have to say its one of my pet hates and I found many years ago that I got tired of repositioning buildings when I knocked them that I added various ideas from panel pins glued in the corners to skirts in plasticard or card and recessed formed to take them. All new buildings from then were always made in this fashion. Still you have to be careful a knock then moved the building - a knock now can result in damage if not careful


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Hi Mike,

Late, but just had my fix, very nice thank you. Those detail items at the Stationmaster's house really enhance the scene, truly superb.

Kind regards,


Hi Jock,


Late or not its nice to hear from you, I hope you are getting over your last bout of hospital treatment and taking things easy.

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Hi guys,


Here are the results so far around the SM house...








And just a few to keep the 'train' info up!



Stanier 8F 48154 is held at the signal en-route to Kingmoor with a fitted freight from Leeds Stourton.



The 8F has been given the road and heads north.



Here a new scenic attraction has appeared in the form of a coal merchants dump!



Looking north!


No real train running this weekend just been too busy working, so that's it for now.



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Cracking bit of modelling and really finishes off that corner of the road nicely,as in the real place!


Dent has got to be one of my favourite layouts on here as ive been to the real location a couple of times.

Plus your layout makes for some great photos





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Hi Mike


Following my concern about how the Lambretta got up the hill to the station I have a couple more. The geezer on the push bike in front of the station masters house, has he cycled up that hill, cos if he has he is very fit. My wife's Metro nearly expired getting up the hill.


My other concern is the motor-cyclist on the bridge about to over take the lorry and ride straight into the path of the on coming car!!! I hope the ambulance has enough oomph to get up the hill.


Otherwise WOW.

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Hi Mike


Following my concern about how the Lambretta got up the hill to the station I have a couple more. The geezer on the push bike in front of the station masters house, has he cycled up that hill, cos if he has he is very fit. My wife's Metro nearly expired getting up the hill.


My other concern is the motor-cyclist on the bridge about to over take the lorry and ride straight into the path of the on coming car!!! I hope the ambulance has enough oomph to get up the hill.


Otherwise WOW.

Dear Mr Mortimore,


You do need to be privy to the facts before jumping to conclusions...


1. Remember there are two directions on the Coal Road and the route from Garsdale is markedly easier than that from Dent village. I have pointed this out previously.

2. The cyclist is 'me' I alighted from the stopper and I use the bike to get quickly from place to place to get the best photos (for you and others) so as not to miss any of the action whilst walking about.

3. If you look closely the lorry is very close to the kerb and in fact is actually parked, the driver has stopped to eat his lunch of ham sandwiches whilst watching the trains go by, what better way to enjoy lunch. The motorcycle is a 500cc Velocette easily capable of the task at hand.


I trust that clears up your concerns but please do not hesitate to inform of any other seemingly incongruous scenes.


Yours sincerely,

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Cracking layout Mike.  I've only just come across it so I will now need to find time to look through all 135 pages!

Cheers, Dave.

Welcome on board Dave! I'll have to have a nose through your topics also - if and when I get a chance!

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I don't know, only trying to help. When you publish your article in BRM/MR/RM/MRJ you need to be prepared for Miss Rivette Counteer.





'Miss' ????? Am I missing something. Now what is female for Clive - is it Chloe? :jester:  :jester:

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  • RMweb Premium

'Miss' ????? Am I missing something. Now what is female for Clive - is it Chloe? :jester:  :jester:

Hi Mike


Cast your mind back about 2 years ago, our mate Andy P had one of his trainsets appear in one the mags. The following month an EDITED version of a letter was printed where the author of the letter went into great detail about the uniforms the policemen were wearing were completely wrong. :O  :O  The lady who wrote the letter not only upset our mate but it was letter of the month. Well ever since then where help is needed I have tried to warn people that Miss Rivette Counteer will notice. :declare:


From memory Jason came up with the name.

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And I know what I would be telling this "Miss Rivette Counteer" to go do with herself, or perhaps "get a life" would be more polite for her !!

Such people must find it incredibly difficult to get enjoyment out of anything they come into contact with.



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  • RMweb Premium

And I know what I would be telling this "Miss Rivette Counteer" to go do with herself, or perhaps "get a life" would be more polite for her !!

Such people must find it incredibly difficult to get enjoyment out of anything they come into contact with.



Hi Scott


Trouble is she was right. I know most of us wouldn't even notice details like that but depending on how serious you take your modelling getting things like the coppers uniform right helps make the scene more realistic. There are ways that you can help someone by passing on your knowledge in an acceptable manner. Years ago I made a little diorama for the front of my club's then exhibition layout station. It was some RAF guys debusing from a Bedford lorry. A chap said very politely that it reminded him of his time in the RAF when being posted or going on leave. He went on to say that when he was in the air force he had a white kit bag with a blue stripe, not all blue ones like I had modelled. Next show another guy said that the model was great and it was little details like the white kit bags with the blue stripe.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quite, there's nothing wrong with noticing small details, and if you know them the attention to detail can make add a great deal. The problem is when you get people who seem to be trying to score points by noticing every little divergence from prototype rather than trying to be helpful.

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Hi all,


I agree with both sides of the debate, it would be nice to think we all hopefully try to capture the flavour of a specific period and location especially when modelling a prototype however I also think we must be able to reflect some degree of personality in our own projects. For instance I am pretty sure that Dent station would seldom see quite so many people as I have dotted around but you can not create little cameo scenes without any cameo pieces. Its just a balancing act really.

When the 'letter of the month' saga reared its ugly head I mentioned at the time when I took my Bermuda Road layout to the MRX show I was still developing the town area and decided due to the road being a dead-end I would have trams rather than buses, I searched out a couple of tram models that it would be almost impossible to discern the ownership due to very small print, needless to say a tram guru informed me that it would be unlikely an Edinburgh tram would be seen together with a Sunderland tram, he knew by the liveries of course. I replied that it would be lucky to see any at all as there were no overhead wires to power them!


In the end its just down to 'Rule 1' don't you agree.

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Hi Clive and All


Personally I find the fact that she was right irrelevant, BTW, did she also check the badge on the helmet was that of the local force LOL.

How far do you take something ? surely that is a personal choice and should be respected.

"If" I exhibited and somebody approached in a polite manner then I would be likely to listen to what they had to say, and if it was likely to enhance what I had modelled then that would be fine and they would be thanked for their assistance, I guess along the lines of what you describe with the kit bags.

If on the other hand somebody pointed something out in a "point scoring way" then to be honest I would be very unlikely to give them the time of day.


I remember standing watching Acton Mainline once and being stood next to a chap that had great pleasure in stating to the owner (and by that I mean the original owner before it changed hands) that he had lived in the house at the west end of the yard at the end of the overbridge and that the modeller had done a great job on its representation.

A very long conversation then ensued as the models owner sought more info about an area of the model he wished to improve the detailing on.

Now if that chap had of pointed out the errors and the areas that had not been modelled correctly I doubt very much the conversation would have continued at all !!


Now to me "representation" is the key word here after all you seldom get a 100% reproduction of an actual place.

Mike's layout is quite obviously Dent, anyone who has ever been there or seen a picture of Dent would be able to tell that.

Not only that, it is a stunning representation of said place and the fact that a cyclist is about to be wiped out by a parked car or if a bobby had the wrong uniform on really doesn't bother me one jot.


Note I said parked car, as having parked more or less in the position of the car on more than one occasion whilst photographing WCML diversions over the S&C, I had interpreted this particular cameo as the lorry struggling slowly uphill and the moped rider overtaking it.

Mike, re the number of people at Dent at once, back in the 80s and 90s during an average day I guess you could be on your own for long periods of time, but when those diversions were on it was more akin to Piccadilly Circus both in number of vehicles and lack of parking, so once again, a situation to model it how you want whether that be based on fact or Rule 1.


Modelling in N gauge there is a limit to what is available to me, what is actually modelable by me and I suppose an element of can I really be bothered to represent that particular detail, or should I just get on and play trains, and whilst I can accept somebody may be correct in pointing out a uniform as being incorrect, if all that is available to me is a generic policeman, then so be it.

The lady clearly recognised it as being a policeman to go on and point out the issue with the uniform, but I suspect going back to the start of this, even she didn't spot that his badge was probably wrong.


One last point/question for Mike, is the registration plate on the car one that was actually carried by that make, model and colour of vehicle ? Do I need to inform the local constabulary (checking his uniform is correct of course),  that there may be a case of stolen registration plates ?


I jest of course, but I think you see where I am coming from.


Best regards to all

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Hi Scott,


Thanks for your input, as I said I can see both sides but I find the level some people take it to is unreasonable, and I don't mean to direct that to Clive as I took his observations as banter and provided a response - plausible or not as the case may be. I'll be honest, at exhibitions I don't like to see a great layout running my favoured period Era 5 and then a Thunderbird 57' emerges from the tunnel or whatever but its not my layout and there is no way I would moan to the owner about it.


By the way I have gone out to check that lorry numberplate and I'm really glad you nudged me there, the plate seems okay but the tax disc had run out! now where is that policeman we were talking about?

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Hi guys,


Weekend update.............What's that Andy.................Whooooooooooooooppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....


First of all more on the Station Masters (SM) house



At least it now looks like someone actually lives there and their lad is having a nose out the window. Note the curtains blowing in the breeze.



The kid has made a right mess of those net curtains whilst looking through the windows.



I'll have to do something with the backscene!



Not a great view out of the ground floor.



Helicopter view!



Today's efforts include drainpipes and gutters.


More in a bit when I've had my ice-cream!!!




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A bit of era-hopping first, Brian visited on Wednesday and just had to try out his latest acquisition...





Class 153 in Northern livery heads south.


Back to normal now!


A couple of stoppers calling at Dent simultaneously, northbound Hellifield-Carlisle is hauled by BR Std. 2-6-4 Tank 80136 running bunker first.



The southbound Carlisle-Skipton has Fairburn 2-6-4 tank 42073 at the head.



An express fish train from Mallaig to Leeds has more than capable power in the form of Stanier Jubilee 4-6-0 45600 'Bermuda' in charge.


more to follow...

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