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Ooooohhh   .....    there's a snippet  ...............................      


Now there's a coincidence as Mrs SM42 is  the illegitimate daughter of one of the Finching sisters of Brent !



....    I wonder if SM42 will let her read that   .......        :no:  :nono:  :no:

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It's your lucky day Lyndonsdad


Just catching up here (really should have been warming up the war room) when Mrs SM42 popped in to see how things were going as she prepares for her next mission.


Fortunately for you I had a second internet tab open so was able to flick across and look busy.  Mrs SM42 would not be impressed by such a slur on her nationality.


Brent! I ask you? Brentski perhaps.


A word of warnig to all who may feel the need to cross her path in a less than helpful way. Revelations about her training at school (No ordinary comprehensive I can tell you) have revealed things far beyond being a good shot.



Andy (a bit more nervous than usual)

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just nipped in to Braunton, and was puzzled to find it had all gone black and white.....

I found a suspicious chap wearing a perfect onesey, pasting a flyer to the goods shed door.

Also, some wag was perched on top of the silo showing off his handy work.... :O









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You should narrate that over the top of this:




"Who was that masked man with the missing vacuum pipe stuck to his false beard?"


"Tune in next week, for another exciting adventure for... Kipper of the Yard!!"

The plot thickens......the posters are spreading further and further....where will it all end.......

is Babpipes331 in the thick of it?

Can we hope than MrsSM42 is on our side and helping track down these desperadoes....will SM42 dare look over the table to check what is happening????

Can Westerhamstation stay one step ahead of Kipper whilst trying to unravel the mystery......

will all be revealed any time soon????....we can only live in hope....that Westerhamstation can throw us a titbit........look out for the next daring episode.......

Edited by Jaz
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  • RMweb Gold

Reporting live from the Westerham 1s front parlour in Railway Terrace.

Inspector Kipper tells the tale of this lunchtimes dramatic events as they unfolded.

  Right you lot cop a load of this, I am only telling you reporters this once. Our suspect (the old git) basking in the coverage he was getting, tried to outsmart us one to many times, Knowing that I would instantly recognise him, he disguised himself by changing his walking stick and trimming his beard making himself look like any normal person, the Crown Hotel having been shut yesterday due to the Red Barrel incident, he took himself off by bus with a satchel full of voting posters slung over his shoulder in a jaunty manner for a lavish lunch at the Spinning Wheel Restaurant at the top of Westerham Hill. Also he thought that he would blend in nicely with all the other pensioners having the friday lunchtime special of mashed sprouts and cauliflower with a free pint. Some three hours later he emerged from the Spinning Wheel with a belly full of sprouts, cauliflower and 5 pints of the dreaded red barrel ( this why it was free) rain was falling quiet heavily by this time and the next bus wasn't due for some hours, gusts of wind were starting to blow .Wondering how he was going to get back to railway terrace, and all thoughts of sticking up more posters gone from his mind, he saw a bike leaning against a wall  pulling out his yellow Pak A Mac from his satchel he put it on, and jumped on the bike and set off for Railway Terrace, and this was to be his downfall, He started off well, little gusts of wind propeling him along in quite a jolly way. By the time he got to the start of the descent of Westerham Hill his yellow Pak A Mak blowing in the wind like a sail, his toupee, the elastic that held it on streched to maximum and acting a bit like an airbrake, he was flying now, an unexpected very large gust of wind from who knows were struck like an afterburner on a fighter plane the speed increased 10 fold, his eyes were popping due to the speed, a group of hikers saw him coming at them like a rocket, and thinking he was part of the tour de france and was the yellow jersey, started shouting out Wiggo Wiggo Wiggo, Thinking that this was kind of mickey take on his toupee, the elastic which was stretched beyond any thing that it was ever designed for, he attempted to shake his old knobbly hand at them. Disaster struck with only one hand to hold the handle bars, and the gusts of wind getting greater and more regular, a terrible speed wobble developed.

  He went passed Madan Road ringing his bell like a madman to clear a path, the wobble getting worse, the wind getting greater, he new that the school children would be coming out of school at any moment just down the road,  the only course of action was to hit the railings just before the zebra crossing. this he managed to do by hitting the back of my police car which was parked opposite the crown hotel. He is now resting, we are not going to press any charges as long as he cleans up all the mess he as made, lays off the sprouts, removes all the posters after the voting, and does what Mrs W Station tells him. his pocket money has been stopped for the forseeable future, return the bike as good as new, pay for the repairs to my police car. And the last word from Mr W.Station

thank you all for joining in, and I will go back to Brasted later for a lie down. The End. :senile:

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  • RMweb Gold

Well thank god that's all over. The last parish council meeting ended with the beloved Vicar's wife fainted (however this may have had something to do with the broken gas cookers...). We may all sleep sound tonight!


Nestor (relieved of Brighton)

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Out of interest what time is the last train back from Westerham.


Mrs Sm42 has not yet returned and Kipper's case closed announcement seems to indicate her work is done.


I suppose another mission in some far flung part of the globe has come up.


I was surprised when she turned up in Westerham. I thought she'd gone to Tesco.


Andy (out from under the table)

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  • RMweb Gold

Out of interest what time is the last train back from Westerham.


Mrs Sm42 has not yet returned and Kipper's case closed announcement seems to indicate her work is done.


I suppose another mission in some far flung part of the globe has come up.


I was surprised when she turned up in Westerham. I thought she'd gone to Tesco.


Andy (out from under the table)

Last train from Westerham on a Friday is the 7.23pm all stations to Dunton Green arriving at 7.34pm . hope that helps


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  • RMweb Gold

Beer, I thought that might get your attention.

   One part of the goods traffic from Westerham, was beer from the brewery in the town, and as I had put some beer barrels on the loading bay some time ago just to show this trade. Thinking about it the other day I wondered just how they would have been transported on the railway, and a little bit of research turned up Ale Wagons and the Bachmann version of it, they were converted cattle wagons which were ideal for keeping the beer cooler during transport.

Here is the one I brought for the Black Eagle Brewery in Westerham, all ready for weathering on Monday. The first job will be to give it a spray from a rattle can of Railmatch matt varnish.





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  • RMweb Gold

The Inverness Constabulary have noted with some suspicions once again those barrels have ominous red markings to them, we do hope we are not at it again allowing illegal (well it should be) foul obnoxious substances to be transported by rail. Just a heads up we are tipping off our colleagues in the British Transport Police, one PC Topper to be precise. For heavens sake man disguise those barrels quick before setting about that Bachman Ale Wagon with a respray... There are thirsty men (and perhaps women too) all over the land on the look out for a pint this sunday lunchtime, don't frighten them off with red barrels please.

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  • RMweb Gold

The Ale wagon was all shiny and new (not anymore) some pictures so far, as I don't posess an air brush, I weather everything with a brush using a water based clay product, the first thing that I do is spray the wagon with railmatch matt varnish and leave to dry completely, next I paint the wagon all over with the clay wash, and leave to dry for about 30mins or till I get bored waiting, next with a wet cotton bud,wet brush, and a bit of kitchen roll I start to remove the clay wash.

Work from the top downwards removing more from the top than the bottom, as the dirt tends to gather more at the bottom than the top. The stage that I am now at  is this.







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Looks great, I really like the finish you have given the roof, especially as it is usually the part of a wagon you see most, and perhaps the hardest to weather as there is not the detail to play against with the brush. Excellent work.

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  • RMweb Gold

The Ale Wagon has finished being weathered, and is seen here at Westerham Station goods yard. Next job will be to finish the scenics on the right hand corner of Brasted Station. Also I would like to thank all of you that have voted for Westerham Station to appear in the October BRM Magazine. many thanks Adrian.








Edited by westerhamstation
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  • RMweb Gold

This is the last big bit of landscaping to do on the Brasted Station board, and if you have been paying attention that boy in the back row looking out the window,

you will remember that a bit of a problem occured in the measuring department. (page 35 post 857 and 867 explains). Problem now solved and the next big job in the future after Westerham has been connected to Brasted, will be to model Chevening Halt on a seperate board that I can use outside in the summer months and store inside in the winter. How addictive is this hobby, I wish someone had warned me when I started, it looks like I will be going all the way to Charing Cross at this rate. A hole has been cut in the plasterboard and the line extended into the hole. At this stage I have not cut into the brickwork as Mrs W & B station isn't aware of the grand plan, and might not share my enthusiam for the idea (cross that bridge when we come to it). The pictures are fairly self explanatory, shredded paper from the paper shredder is used to fill the gaps, and it is all covered with laminate flooring underlay as used before. some pictuers of the first stage.

Next stage will be the Flockage (thanks Al I have been waiting to say that for a couple of weeks) 






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No!!!!!! The last bit of scenery......so unhappy..... :cry:

Have loved the clever way you have addressed so many items......

will have to survive by occasionally re reading from the start.....then what do i do when i know it by heart.....


sniffs.....oh well I am sure you have plenty of other bits to do ...... :butcher: .

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I thought you said [on AV] ...................


....oh well I am sure you have plenty of other bits to do ......



............................................    that was your problem   .................       :angel:  :angel:

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No!!!!!! The last bit of scenery......so unhappy..... :cry:

Have loved the clever way you have addressed so many items......

will have to survive by occasionally re reading from the start.....then what do i do when i know it by heart.....


sniffs.....oh well I am sure you have plenty of other bits to do ...... :butcher: .



An email is.........................................an email.................... :drag:  (e-cig).

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