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Boxenby depot


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Hi Dan, July 2015…it may be finished by then!....Well hopefully! blink.gif biggrin.gif


At present the line up does not look great, those that make the journey may be disappointed! Still by the time the depot is ready for an open day there should be quite a few locos available.


Thanks Dave. I have to confess that I am not really looking forward to attempting the floor. With Grimley shed it was quite straightforward but this time it is a tad more challenging shall we say! Especially with the concrete level with the rail top in most places but then lower where the platforms are. All good fun! huh.gif


As I have been unable to do any work on the depot so far this week, I have spent the last couple of mornings looking at the iron work for the inside of the shed. After looking at photos and carrying out some research I think that I am nearly there with what is required. Certainly once in place the H and I section girders will make it look more like a depot building with iron work supporting the roof. There is so much to do!

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Hi Dan, July 2015…it may be finished by then!...


cheers mate, needed to know to get my leave from work wink.gif laugh.gif seriously though, really is a cracking layout project, just one thing, in the pic of the red stripe 56 is it me or is it leaning slightly?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Dan, it is progressing slowly at the moment as most of my modelling time has been spent on research. You are quite correct the 56 is leaning slightly as the inspection pits have not been secured permanently yet. When they are finally fixed down I will spend time making sure that the pits do sit flat.


Most of my modelling time recently has been spent carrying out research of the iron work and the inspection platforms. As some of the inspection platforms are attached to the H and I sections which support the roof, I have been looking through photos and coming up with dimensions and drawings to help work out how best to model this. This has been quite time consuming as the platforms vary in length and width depending on which road they are for.


I certainly have learnt a lot over the past couple of weeks and now have a better understanding of that part of the depot. I will post some drawings later in the week to show how the platforms should look including the vertical girders.


Yesterday afternoon I decided to have a break from the computer and research, so off to the garage I went. An hour was spent on the roads where the lower floor area had not been built up and now they are all at the same height or near enough. When the inspection pits are put down permanently I will make sure that the lower floor is also level. It certainly looks better now that they are all the same.


Whilst I decide exactly what to do with the inspection platforms and iron work I plan to turn my attention to the main building.


Here are a few photos:



























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  • 2 weeks later...

I visited Toton yesterday for the first time in over 20 years and I have to say that it was amazing seeing all of the locos in one place. I can see the attraction of modelling such an area. Could you imagine if you had the room for all of the additional sidings!! Keep up the great work I do enjoy catching up on the progress.


I feel an order for more 60's coming up....




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Hi Mark, I will get the diary out so that we can arrange a date for the depot open day in 2015! biggrin.gif


I like your idea about bringing locos to the open day as I don’t have enough to fill it up yet. Back in Feb 1988 when I visited there were around 70 locos in and around the depot shed, that is quite a lot of traction…I may be a few short!


Thanks Branchie, you are certainly right, although I think two stops on from crazy! laugh.gif


You must have seen a change Scott, mostly 66s I presume. Well, with a few 60s lying around!

How good would that be modelling the yards too, pairs of 20s, grids and 58s on rakes of MGRs, that would be great. Now you really would have to be mad to attempt to model that lot!

Get involved, always need to have a few 60s. And a few more…….tongue.gif


Unfortunately there is not much to report. Apart from an hour a week ago working on the lower floor I have not made any further progress with the layout.


A few weeks have been spent trying to work out why it appeared there was not enough room for all the roller doors to fit in the opening at the front of the shed. Hours were spent measuring the depot building, measuring the drawings used to make it and drawings on the PC but still to no avail. Even Mrs. Grimley was enrolled to try and solve the problem! In the end it was that some of the inspection pits were 0.5 mm out here and there which was causing confusion. I nearly went mad with frustration though! Still everything is fine and I am now ready to move on.


Although I have spent a ridiculous amount of time figuring out what on earth was wrong with the depot building and pits, I have now moved on to researching and planning the inspection platforms.

Many more hours spent sat in front of the PC looking at photos and producing drawings for the inspection platforms and I am nearly ready to start making them. This has been quite taxing trying to get the dimensions right and working out what is required for his part of the depot. The support girders for the roof also need to be incorporated into the platforms and the different floor heights has also kept me on my toes.


Hopefully I can do a final check to make sure it is all correct and then production can be started on the inspection platforms. Once these are in place the depot should really start to take shape.

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Hi Ryan, thanks for the kind comments. I have not achieved as much as I had hoped over the past few weeks due to the problems mentioned before, but hopefully progress will be made now this has been sorted.


As yet I haven’t put the two main boards together which would be quite scary I think. Not sure Mrs. Grimley would be too pleased to see the scale of it!


Arpleymodeller, thanks but I am not sure that my modelling is of that standard to be honest. At times I wonder if it should be on here!


Thanks Pete, I can confirm that I am definitely mad!


Well I have now finished my design for the inspection platforms and relevant girders so hopefully this can be produced in the next few weeks. This has proved quite a challenge with many hours spent sat in front of the computer studying photos and producing drawings but should prove well worth the effort. I am also relieved that this part of the depot is in theory now sorted and look forward to seeing the platforms in position.


Now that I have the platforms sorted I am going to try and get some work done on preparing the main shed for covering with the plastic sheets. Hopefully I can now get back on track and make some progress!

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Hiya Mr Grimley,


Just wondered if you have got to that stage where you've realised this project is more about the building itself, than the stock that will live there ?


I'm finding that there's plenty to learn about building design and why certain parts have to be the way they are...........is there such a thing as a 'rivet counter' for buildings ? I think I fell into that category some time ago....................



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Hi Lewis, yes I did renumber and weather my 60s with the exception of 60049 which was purchased off of Baggie on here. 60006 was resprayed by Bishopstoke works (he did an excellent job on it) and weathered by me.


Hi Dave, oh yes I am definitely there! I believe they are called brick counters!!


Where as before I used to sit at the computer studying individual locos for weathering now my time is spent looking at photos of the inside of Toton! Very sad I know….


You are quite correct the project is definitely more about the building and the contents than the locos that will be sitting inside. I have learnt a lot about the depot over the past few months but still do not know enough but this will change as the project progresses. Due to my lack of access to the real depot I can only model mine based on the prototype as opposed to modelling an exact replica. But I am happy to do it that way as it is then my take on it.


I have to confess that many years ago I sat outside Tescos and McDonald’s counting bricks for Grimley……I think I should have kept that quiet!


Well I managed to spend a few hours with some wood filler in preparation for the wood to be covered. It is nice to do some work on the main building again, a few more days of filling, filing and sanding and hopefully I can then make a start on covering the inside walls.

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Hi Grimley,

You sad brick counter you,:lol: you and Dave should start a club. :lol: Though I think a few of us have been there, I have a part demolished wall on Llanbourne and I cut out individual bricks for laying about on the ground. Guess who went out and measured up a few bricks.:D


Anyways I am pretty sure there was a video /DVD on Toton, I think it was filmed over a 24 hour period a sort of day in the life of type thing. Just though it might be worth looking for if you haven't already got it.


Cheers Peter.

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Anyways I am pretty sure there was a video /DVD on Toton, I think it was filmed over a 24 hour period a sort of day in the life of type thing. Just though it might be worth looking for if you haven't already got it.


Cheers Peter.


I have the DVD... Its called Toton The Works by locomaster..

Dated in the late 90's when EWS took over and the very 1st class 66 was also on shed.


Its a realy good watch..


Hope this helps:D

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Thanks Peter, I have been called some things in my time but that is actually not that bad!


The brick counters society may be founded sooner than you think! And I bet you might be thinking of joining?!!!


Thanks Peter and Porkie I do have a copy of said programme, on video! Yes it is very good and has been watched quite a few times!………I also have some video that was taken on our visit back in 1988, not great quality but useful never the less. Lots of BR blue and original Railfreight.


Don’t worry Temeraire you are on the list. You can’t beat a few hours counting bricks!


Well over the weekend I managed to spend a few hours filling and filing and I am quite pleased with how it is looking. Hopefully this week the depot shed will be ready for me to make a start on cosmetic surgery on the inside. Then it will start to look like a building rather than a wooden structure!

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Hi BigT, thanks, slow progress at the moment. I am at the stage where a lot of work is being done but with very little to show for it. Still I will keep chipping away……..


I managed to spend a few hours working on the inside of the shed at the weekend filing and sanding in preparation for painting and covering. The inside of the shed is now ready so my attention turns to the roof area. Hopefully I can get this finished at the weekend. My plan is to start covering the inside first so it should really start to come alive then.

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Hi Alex,


I think I am also eligible for your new brick counting club although fortunately for me my buildings are mainly timber framed with only a low up to window sill height brick courses! It really does pay to study buildings closely though as you work out how to model them so they look right. I think it really adds something to the overall scene so keep up the good work it will be well worth it!




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