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Boxenby depot


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What a fantastic layout, I'm ashamed to say that I haven't seen this before, probably thinking 'not another depot layout'... but it certainly isn't just another depot layout!


Lots of photos, lots of Class 60s, and lots of excellent modelling - what more could we ask for?





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Thanks Will, I am glad that you like it. Still a long way to go but like BR we are getting there!

I am a big 60 fan so once finished there will be 60s a plenty on shed! Would love to have a model of all 100 in their sector colours but that might be a tad expensive! Oh and there is no way that Mrs. Grimley would sanction that sort of expenditure!

Well not much progress has been made as I have been having a few issues with getting the conveyor belt system to fit in the correct position. As this project came about very quickly and without much research beforehand this has caused some problems when information about the real depot has become available. As mentioned before whilst not an exact replica I have tried to get Boxenby to resemble Toton as best that I can with the information available.

In trying to get the conveyor belt system in position I have come up against my first real problem/obstacle. The shed building was made out of ply wood with wooden battens and steel to give it some strength and make it substantial. The shed had to be built strong enough to cope with being handled when lifted on and off to allow for access and work to be carried out, especially as it is more than 1m x 1m in size. So building it out of wood was really the best option. This has meant that the walls are thicker than they should be which has caused a problem with getting the conveyor belt in position. I have spent quite a few frustrating evenings trying to come up with a solution.

I really had two options, 1. Move the lathe road over by 10-15mm to allow for the conveyor belt system to be located by the wall or 2. Not include the conveyor belt system and pretend that like some other depots the swarf gets taken away underground.

As I am trying to get my depot right and after building the conveyor belt system I felt that the right option would be to move the track over a little. Whilst this means the lathe road is not sitting directly in the middle as it should and therefore not prototypical, I felt that this was a compromise worth accepting. After many frustrating evenings I decided to move the track and have built a new wider lathe pit, made adjustments to the board for the new pit and new track position and built numerous conveyor belt parts for the section that takes the swarf up from the wheel lathe pit to the long section.

Once the new lathe pit was in position this allowed me to work out where the track needed to be located in order to get maximum clearance between the conveyor belt section just mentioned and a train. Then I designed the part for the conveyor belt system which was finished last night and put in position. What a relief! This issue now appears to have been resolved……..

Now I can finish off the conveyor belt system and get it painted.

I will post some photos either later or tomorrow showing what has been done.

Hopefully now I can get back on track!

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Thanks Will, I am glad that you like it. Still a long way to go but like BR we are getting there!


I remember that advert :)


Regarding the changes you've made to the wheel lathe, I hope you can make part of the roof removeable/transparent so all your hard work can be seen. Have you decided whether or not to fit internal lights?


I've got a couple of wheel lathe photos, but they are of the modern installation at Ashford (Hitachi depot), which is probably quite different from the Toton lathe.





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Hi Will, at the moment all the roof sections are potentially removable including the one directly above the wheel lathe road. I suppose it depends how they lie down on the roof, if they sit ok then maybe I could just leave it so that you could take them off.

The wheel lathe at Toton is quite an old version which has been recently refurbished so probably looks quite different to the one at Ashford.

Thanks MM, very frustrating indeed! I think you are right, had I not moved the track over slightly it would probably have annoyed me and made me regret not just doing it. Having just seen a loco on the wheel lathe road I am glad that I made the decision now.

I have quickly just put everything down to take a photo of how it is looking; here is Grid 6 on the lathe road:



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Alex - sounds like you have had one of my "Crisisis" at least I am not alone - a bold decision as the conveyor looks well and would have been a shame to have omitted it.


Cant wait to see some muck and grime on the internals - 60 looks well too. - Ian

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks Chris and Leon glad that you like 091, it just happens to be one of my favourite 60s too. She is due out of Toton very soon after overhaul so will not look like that for much longer, a shame as I think triple grey suits them best.


Thanks Ian, to be honest I did spend a lot of time thinking about what to do and whether or not to have the conveyor belt but after seeing it in position I am glad that I decided to keep it.


Thanks Andy, slow progress!


Thanks David.


Well not too much progress has been made over the past couple of weeks but I have managed to add the conveyor belt to the conveyor belt system and paint it. Earlier today I placed it in position to see how it looked and I am very pleased.

Here are a couple of photos:






This may be the last update for a while as unfortunately the recession has reached Boxenby with news this week that things at work are not good at all, so my project is going to have to be put on hold for a while. But hopefully not for too long!

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This may be the last update for a while as unfortunately the recession has reached Boxenby with news this week that things at work are not good at all, so my project is going to have to be put on hold for a while. But hopefully not for too long!


Fingers crossed that all works out for you and that Boxenby continues




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This may be the last update for a while as unfortunately the recession has reached Boxenby with news this week that things at work are not good at all, so my project is going to have to be put on hold for a while. But hopefully not for too long!


I hope everything works out for ya matey!!

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This may be the last update for a while as unfortunately the recession has reached Boxenby with news this week that things at work are not good at all, so my project is going to have to be put on hold for a while. But hopefully not for too long!

Sorry to hear that - hope everything works out OK for you.

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Hi Alex,

The finished conveyor belt looks superb, I am glad you are happy with it, well worth the effort.


Sorry to hear about work, hope things pick up soon. I will miss my regular Boxenby fix.


Cheers Peter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Alex,


Really like the detail you have put into the lathe and the conveyer it really is a top notch depot! I like the blue 56 of yours but the 60 does look good!


really sorry to hear your work isn't going to great at the moment and just want to wish you well and hope the situation improves again soon.


All the best,


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Hi Alex,


This is really coming along nicely mate, it really pays to persevere I think.


I'm stuck, yet again, on Battersea, but this is partly because I'm living at work !!! Well, I might as well be......... :banghead: I'm taking plenty of inspiration from you still though as your Loco's look just right on your shed.


Sorry to hear work is bad at the mo, just like to wish you well and hope things work out for you.


All the best mate,





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  • 2 months later...

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