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Arboretum Valley - Invasion of the Daleks


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When it comes to people and animals, I think a mixture of 1/87, 1/76 and 1/72, does not make a difference as long as they are well laid out . After all in the real world there are a range of sizes, people are not all 6ft.

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When it comes to people and animals, I think a mixture of 1/87, 1/76 and 1/72, does not make a difference as long as they are well laid out . After all in the real world there are a range of sizes, people are not all 6ft.

On your layout I agree, Kal. Given the width you could always put the smaller figures to the rear and avoid them being next to size-measuring objects. If I seem to be qualifying my agreement, somewhat, it's because it's not just height but proportionality that dictates the visual message from a person. In other words, be aware and act accordingly. But I'm sure you've thought this already.




PS: I'm not being funny I just can't wait to try new familiarity with the keyboard (ironic smilie) :jester:


Hurrah! I'm PC-savvy all of a sudden! Must do it again! :jester:

Edited by Brass0four
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  • RMweb Premium

My favorites are the Dapol figures and Airfix ground crew. Mainly because they fit my period and can be obtained quite cheaply. I also like the layout populous to be relaxed like reading a news paper or taking a nap.

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  • RMweb Premium

Putting 1/76 cows at the front of a field and 1/87 at the back will make the field look bigger! The Medford guys have N scale at the back of their layout!

Edited by Sasquatch
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It is exactly the same with drawing, and painting, the head to body ration tells you how old the figure is.

i.e. a child has a head ratio of approx 1 head is a 1/3 of the total height, so 1/3 is head 2/3 is body.

whereas an adult has a head ratio of approx 1/6 (or 7) of the total height, so 1/6 is head and 5/6 is body. You tend to make adult men look more chunky so 1/6 and women more willowy and elegant so 1/7. 

This is why HO and 00 figures can work together, the HO just tend to look like late teenagers (i.e. 18-19) , because they are

smaller, less chunky, than their counterparts. But you still need to be careful because if the head sizes between the models is really disproportionate they can look strange.

If you are not happy just ensure the HO is set back behind the 00.

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Yes... I totally agree with that Jaz


I will mix the HO & OO, I never understand why all figures are made to the same height and size, that why mixing the two you get a much better even spread of figure and looks more realistic...


with you on that one Jaz


Great work as always expected with you Jaz



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Preiser although HO do a great job of providing a variety of sizes with the HO range. Some can work better than other for OO. I am surprised that they never jumped in to the OO market. They have figures for pretty much every other scale.

I think, given that Continental Europe, plus the US are HO, the bastard scale that is UK OO is well served under the circumstances. I know there are pockets of OO elsewhere - *Australia for example - but we do OK. I like Preiser and use them happily within the constraints outlined by Jaz and Sasquatch, so it's fine in that regard.




*It's great that such as yourself model OO in the States, but you must be in a substantial minority.

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I dunno about it being a bastard scale..  though it is hybrid and that is a shame.


However I think 4mm feels about right,  3mm is too small for european stuff in my opinion, more suitable to the bigger american locos. Shame they did not make the track 4mm at the time, but we are, where we are.


To be honest.... If I was going to redo it all again, I would have had 00 as an all round 1/72 I think, the little extra is not too big to be a problem , but makes detail such as painting figures a little easier.


the 28mm bunch( figure Height) for Warhammer, military et al seem to have a good time of it in that scale. Anyway it is all pipe dreams and poppycock, because the legacy is too much to overcome.


It is always good for a conversation though...or  at least it starts of that way, until the rivet police decide they need to let there opinion be know once again and again and again and......  well you get the picture.

Edited by Kal
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On the layout..... maybe  :no:


RL....Not round here mate, we thought about floods centuries ago and dug thousands of dykes and drains, and built sluice and pumping stations.


Only thing that floods here is the low lying parts of a field. and that has only happened once in the last 10 years

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I can't put a rating on your post,

I don't like the idea of my layout being flooded...although it would be an interesting water feature

I can't agree for the same reason,

so no thanks either

theres no picture, and drowning my cows does not deserve a craftsmanship clever 

It's not funny......when that field did flood we had drowned worms I have pictures it was disgusting

i'm not giving you a supportive for wanting to drown me layout.....despite the reason for more water feature ;P

it's not indecipherable.... i get you meaning quite clearly

and i can't disagree because you statement is basically sound

so here's a BBBBBLLLLLLWWWWWWW....it's a wet raspberry!!!!!! LMAO.

Glad to see up and about mate, despite everything I will be happy to see your modelling time increase.I shall have to get my teasing emoticon button ready for frequent use.  :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

It is exactly the same with drawing, and painting, the head to body ration tells you how old the figure is.

i.e. a child has a head ratio of approx 1 head is a 1/3 of the total height, so 1/3 is head 2/3 is body.

whereas an adult has a head ratio of approx 1/6 (or 7) of the total height, so 1/6 is head and 5/6 is body. You tend to make adult men look more chunky so 1/6 and women more willowy and elegant so 1/7. 

This is why HO and 00 figures can work together, the HO just tend to look like late teenagers (i.e. 18-19) , because they are

smaller, less chunky, than their counterparts. But you still need to be careful because if the head sizes between the models is really disproportionate they can look strange.

If you are not happy just ensure the HO is set back behind the 00.


To be more accurate, you could behead a load of HO figures and replace them with OO heads, quite prototypical for teenagers - particularly if you include the bolt through the neck...

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thank you model-trains.

a bunch of us are as nutty as squirrel poo, yet still mange some creditable modelling. When you get your layout on line, please attach a link on your signature, and feel free to point it out. I would be happy to drop in. We maybe nutty but we are a friendly,helpful bunch and are willing to give positive feedback. None of this that are regulars on here are trolls. 

I notice you have a number of threads asking for help. If you pop the layout up, and I saw the picture so it is worthy...


You can add your questions there, and people will pop in and give you answers which are easier to refer to afterwards.

There are any number of great threads,on this forum, and there appears to be a number of 'clans' of people who tend to check out each others work and regularly comment on each others work. I am sure you will soon find your feet, if you haven't already, and find one or more of these groups to contribute to. People are mostly tolerant here, especially in the layouts area, and if you get anyone who can't put up a useful comment even if criticising...i.e. advise you of a way forward.....ignore them. There are plenty of wonderful people here, to read, and plenty willing to share how they achieve their modelling.

The nutter acg_mr above this post a perfect example, a great modeller, with a good sense of humour. He documents his builds, along with a number of our other posters. Feel free to muck in. Check out the layout on their signatures, and you will find some good material to start with. Enjoy.


edit: you can ask the questions about water, static grass, what ever here as well, all answers to such questions are always of interest.

Edited by Jaz
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thank you model-trains.

a bunch of us are as nutty as squirrel poo, yet still mange some creditable modelling. When you get your layout on line, please attach a link on your signature, and feel free to point it out. I would be happy to drop in. We maybe nutty but we are a friendly,helpful bunch and are willing to give positive feedback. None of this that are regulars on here are trolls. 

I notice you have a number of threads asking for help. If you pop the layout up, and I saw the picture so it is worthy...


You can add your questions there, and people will pop in and give you answers which are easier to refer to afterwards.

There are any number of great threads,on this forum, and there appears to be a number of 'clans' of people who tend to check out each others work and regularly comment on each others work. I am sure you will soon find your feet, if you haven't already, and find one or more of these groups to contribute to. People are mostly tolerant here, especially in the layouts area, and if you get anyone who can't put up a useful comment even if criticising...i.e. advise you of a way forward.....ignore them. There are plenty of wonderful people here, to read, and plenty willing to share how they achieve their modelling.

The nutter acg_mr above this post a perfect example, a great modeller, with a good sense of humour. He documents his builds, along with a number of our other posters. Feel free to muck in. Check out the layout on their signatures, and you will find some good material to start with. Enjoy.


edit: you can ask the questions about water, static grass, what ever here as well, all answers to such questions are always of interest.

Ermmm, I have not come up against squirrell poo


Thanks for the info., your suggestions and help.


Busy day on the layout today, station and platform top of the image, finishing walls and working on the river. I think the cross stitch threads will work for the weeds (too late now they are in). Images will be shared next week ;-)

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Are these any good? They are 1:87 scale though but appear a bit chunky so may work for OO.  Seems to be modeled after the Britains cows.





Here are my Guernseys............converted from some old Britains cattle. 


Here, is a, "How To Do Cow's"



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I just LOVE Google images! There are many reasons (YouTube) why I hate Google, but they are almost redeemed by their images. I used it in a search for "corrugated asbestos roofing" and there were pages of the things - all I needed for accuracy.


(But I'm pissed of that the "editing"(?) bar is always greyed out to me these days. :( :( :( )

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! started painting this 8 plank wagon. I used Phoenix precision weathered sleepers p979

which I mixed with a little white to add some tonal changes rather than a flat colour

! used Humbrol 62 as a base for the rusted metal then added Humbrolmet55

I used Citadel shade Agrax Earthshade to show dirt on the planks

and added some on the metal tools well as Humbrol rust wash AV0210.


After I did the first side, I felt I was on the right track,

I did the inside, and the three other sides.










I am letting it dry now before seeing in the real light tomorrow, and deciding what else it needs.





There is just so little reference material that it is really hard to know how I am doing ;(

The rust colour depends on the original metal, but the metal was often painted ...black I think was popular, and the left hand bar appears to be often painted white - for what reason I have yet to find out. If anyone has any useful facts on a 12T 8 plank wagon I would be interested.

Here on RMweb I have been checking out a great thread called 16T Minerals. 

Edited by Jaz
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