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Hi George, I have a theory with stock. How many times do you see a layout with 1000's of items sitting in the fiddle yard and on a table yet never see them on the layout because you'd have to stand there all day waiting for them to get their turn.

On CQ all the stock is on the layout/fiddle yard, nothing else in boxes (except a spare loco should one brake down) and the only thing that gets lifted in the fiddle yard is a brake van from one end of a train to the other. So little opportunity to drop something on the floor or knock all that 'super' detail off.

We run to a fairly loose sequence that takes a good 30 mins without repeating anything. Not many punters stay that long so they always see something new going on.

So what do we have:

5(6) locos

3 x 2 coach 'sets'

2 sets of clay wagons (one full, one empty)

A few random goods

2 brake vans.


As for the point rodding, more of a challenge than a pain, if I felt that way I wouldn't do it.

Looking forward to seeing a track plan.



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Hello Ray,   Had a friend round this evening and we had great fun just playing in the fiddle yard making up trains and running them onto the sector plate, had a bit of good news  Bodgit has managed to sort out his house problems at long last and is free to visit tomorrow, so hopefully we will come up with a track plan for 'AG',


Back to your rodding, l think its more a labour of love rather than a pain ?



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Yes get that Big Breakfast ordered for Mike and I. 


We will sort out a plan and I will have you hooked on slow motion motors by the end of the day.


Now I must work out my point rodding and install it before I start ballasting.


C U in the Morning.


Andy :sungum:

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Hello Ray,   Had a friend round this evening and we had great fun just playing in the fiddle yard making up trains and running them onto the sector plate, had a bit of good news  Bodgit has managed to sort out his house problems at long last and is free to visit tomorrow, so hopefully we will come up with a track plan for 'AG',


Back to your rodding, l think its more a labour of love rather than a pain ?



Will look forward to what you and Andy come up with.

Nothing done on the layout last night, bed early as she had to be at the station at 6:00 this morning for the train to London.


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Where is it then  :scratchhead:  :scratchhead:  :scratchhead: There's a nice one in this months BRM ,it think it's called Glen Roy.  :no:  :no:  :no:

Cheers Ray, there's also a nice one in Model Rail and an N Gauge beauty in Railway Modeller, hahhaha.


And :sungum: :sungum:

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OK, OK, OK, heres some picture taken tonight of yesterdays re-building of AG, gives a rough idea of what l have got now thanks to Bodgit and his side kick Mike, all l want to do now is extend two of the fiddle yard tracks, and then DO SOME MODELLING AT LONG LAST.....







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TEA wash your mouth out Jack, its only cans of Carling (ice cold) gives me inspiration, having to put up with Bodgit for a day you need something much stronger that Tea............ hahaha



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Looking good George, see your taking the 'less is more' approach with a bit of space around the track. I like the lighting as well, that's usually an after thought for most of us, something I need to sort on CQ. I see the station building has made an appearance as well, bet you're glad you didn't sell it now. Keep the pictures coming, but don't rush it.



PS nice Fender in the background.

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Morning Ray,  Yes the station has re-appeared again, but this time it fits in with what l have in mind, (at last) will do the platforms hopefully today, not too big as there would only have been a 1 or 2 coach train, and only 2 or 3 passenger workings a day, really can't decide what to build a dairy or a brewery, or both..



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Morning Ray,  Yes the station has re-appeared again, but this time it fits in with what l have in mind, (at last) will do the platforms hopefully today, not too big as there would only have been a 1 or 2 coach train, and only 2 or 3 passenger workings a day, really can't decide what to build a dairy or a brewery, or both..




How about both George - Will Increase traffic possibilities.




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Hello Bob, Thats a good idea, but l'm not too sure you would have had two building so close together ?  


George.     (PS l have not forgot your depot, be in touch soon)


Thanks George - No Hurry.




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Made the roads in the fiddle yard longer gives more operation, thinking about the wall of the fiddle yard l think a chalk face with grass on the top, like they had to cut the railway into the chalk ?

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Hi Mate, that's a neat track plan, who did that for you then? hahha


IMHO a Brewery AND a Dairy would be to much, REMEMBER LESS IS MORE.


I feel the Dairy is the best option as it would have the second bay that we were going to use for Coal, plus they were attached to Passenger Trains as well.


Will ring later.

Andy, :sungum:  (still peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeddd of of Swad) :triniti: :triniti: :triniti: :triniti: :triniti:

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Evening Bodgit,   l think you are right in what you say it would be too much, l will stick with the dairy what with the station and the goods shed, should be plenty of shunting things around ?


l have removed the 'Good's from the name as l feel it sounds better, also have made a start on the platform at 'Ashcombe' and put some more cross members underneath for more strengh...




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Very nice mate, you mentioned a post or two back about a chalk face and grass behind, I am assuming therefore that the location is now firmly in Dorset near Lyme Regis / Swanage area. 

If that's the case it would Southern Station furniture and yard fittings so be careful what you use to get the right look.

I will try and get up again and help with the scenic's if you want once I'm settled.


Andy :sungum:

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