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Hornby Santa Express Train Set


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Wouldn't you put reindeer in a cattle wagon?

Anyway, it's a meat van of course.

Meat Van ???? Reindeer Steaks, mmm scrummy.

They're obviously kept in suspended animation or possibly aren't actually alive so don't need air.

The reindeer/meat van is a bit grim.


It's an odd choice when you could have labeled a van with illustrations of Christmas crackers or candy canes, or go for the egg nog tank wagon or a toad brake van with a elf on the verandah.


The keen could put real candy canes on a flat bed wagon. (The Rivarossi skeleton log cars would be quite good for this.)


Perhaps we'll see annual special holiday wagons now? (Didn't they do that at one point?)


EDIT: I believe they still do, but they seem to be the same wagon each year.

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Like this Thomas stuff?


$215.00 in "H0" - twice the price of the very similar Hornby offering in this thread at ~$112 // £70.


Walthers have 36 different Holiday train sets on offer and their selection only scratches the surface of trains to put at the bottom of a Christmas tree.


Compared with this nonsense (for £130), at least it's a 'real' train and not a resin casting with glitter added.


If it turns a profit for Hornby and some four or five year-olds are happy to have a "Hornby" under Christmas tree, how is this possibly a bad thing?


It might just lead them to a life-long hobby. Stranger things have happened.



Not a bad thing, just perceived value, to me at least, makes it too expensive looking.  As others have rightly said, not even a snowmat is included - and it has one less piece of rolling stock than the last Christmas Hornby Set (had two, still have the tree and present load but that's about it).  I wondered if the set could have been made a fair bit cheaper with a battery controller, these little things will run happily on a couple of AAs or a 9V battery.  Just a thought.


That Bachmann 00721 Thomas set looks the part for what it's meant for, wouldn't mind that myself.  That one plank (ex Mainline?) looks like it would make a good departmental wagon with a few transfers and the printed snow on the van looks nice, a pity it wasn't on all the stock.  May have to have a go at making something along the lines of that van.



PM Models seem to be taking the p*** with the price tag for the Annual Christmas Wagon.  £19.99?  No thanks, thought these were supposed to be around the tenner mark anyway.


No "bah humbug" by the way! (not got the t shirt but do have the jumper...)  I welcome anything that gets younger folk into the hobby.

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  • RMweb Premium

 I wondered if the set could have been made a fair bit cheaper with a battery controller, these little things will run happily on a couple of AAs or a 9V battery.

You've never tried shopping for batteries on Christmas day then?!?!? :no:



I can't see why this set is causing so much discussion. It's a toy train set which isn't aimed at the more discerning modeller often found on RMWeb - just like many of the other sets produced by Hornby and Bachmann over the years. Yes it may have taken a few production slots away from more useful models but profits from its sale will help fund the development of the new stuff in Hornby's 2015/2016 catalogue.


Happy modelling.


Steven B.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You've never tried shopping for batteries on Christmas day then?!?!? :no:


No, I haven't gone shopping for batteries on Christmas Day but then again, don't most things that need batteries have them supplied nowadays?



My cat did enjoy patting my Caley Pug when it was running around the trackmat on the floor last Christmas.  Used a transformer for that (but not that over-sensitive train controller Hornby put in sets) so didn't need to get batteries



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Those of a certain age can remember when the train set was by the Christmas Tree, not around it!   The around the tree bit has been a part of American Christmas since way back and continues to this day.  At this time of year virtually any novelty store or pharmacy will sell sets like the much criticised Hornby set and others in multi gauges at a much cheaper price.  These are invariably equipped with some sort of sound and basic remote control which makes them an ideal candidate for around the tree.  What happens after the festive season is open to conjecture.  At the other end of the spectrum, many Lionel ATT layouts are complex and well thought out and will either be put back in boxes or returned to the layout.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Premium

i want to say something, but i'm lost for words... and anything I could say would probably get me banned for break forum rules about profane language.




Bargain!  :jester:

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i want to say something, but i'm lost for words... and anything I could say would probably get me banned for break forum rules about profane language.





I see "tnj4p1myre1mpff12w4j1llndmc.png25 viewed per hour" - I suppose thats mainly RMWebbers dropping in to be gobsmacked! 
The sad thing is that some poor devil may well buy it.
Ho hum.......
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we should orchestrate a a coordinated "contact the seller" with all of those questions. If he's going to charge that much, he should be made to work for it ;-)

The thought did cross my mind, but as you have to sign in to ask a question, I feel a little nervous of getting on the wrong side of a potentially aggressive vendor.  So I'd let it lie.


Cluck, cluck......

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  • RMweb Gold

It could be reported to EBAY as I don't think you can list items for sale that you don't actually have.

I can't believe they actually have the set, it's listed on the Hornby web site as pre-order!!


How can you sell something you don't have?

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They were on pre-order, then in stock and now out of stock. I think we are all agreed that they will sell quite nicely at the RRP but this guy is just taking the proverbial. I feel really sorry for anyone that happens to stumble on that listing and commit to buy without first having a click around the web in the name of consumer research.


If this guy has bought in bulk, I hope he fails to break even! 

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Whats going on???? another one, and even more expensive!!!




Are these people nuts?


EDIT: He's in Australia so probably trying to make some of the money back he would have spent getting it shipped out there in the first place... but still!

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That listing clearly states the set is on pre-order, expected in stock on 5th December.  


I had no idea it was a breach of eBay regulations, in fact I've placed advance orders for a number of CDs in the last couple of years (at great discounts, mind you, not like this).

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That listing clearly states the set is on pre-order, expected in stock on 5th December.  


I had no idea it was a breach of eBay regulations, in fact I've placed advance orders for a number of CDs in the last couple of years (at great discounts, mind you, not like this).


Yes, I clearly accept that the 2nd link is very clear, and have also conceded that his price and location are related. But the first one... she replied. Signing of with some bizzare comment about Santa is coming. Clearly, she is a money grabbing shill, determined to add to the ruin that is modern day Christmas. 


Im tempted to list one for the sole purpose of linking to her auction with a cautionary word and a link to the Hornby store where it can be purchased for a fair and reasonable price

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  • 2 weeks later...

An update.


Currently back in stock on the Hornby website (£70 inc delivery).


For comparison, the vultures on eBay are asking anything between £85 and £130 inc delivery (most are towards the top end!).  One auction is running, at £72 with £6 delivery charge and someone has the engine and wagons, unboxed, for a "buy it now" of £54 inc delivery.


Its a rum world out there!

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  • 1 month later...

Trawling around the Hornby website this morning I found this observation:

Santa's Express Train Set
Perhaps not everybody's cup of tea (as some of you might have mentioned on the forums), but the Santa's Express Train Set was our fastest selling train set by far on the website this year, and one of the highest volume selling products of the year (eclipsed only by track pieces). You're out of luck if you still want to get your hands on one, however who knows what Christmas 2015 will bring...

It's interesting for a couple of reasons:

  1. They do read online forums (I presume this set was mentioned in a number of places)
  2. It sold well (unsurprisingly) which is exactly what they are in the business of doing
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  • RMweb Gold

As I posted previously, I'd have bought the wagons separately (I know I missed one of them) and I have no doubt an Xmas set is a great seller as it ticks all the boxes for a Xmas present from parents/grandparents etc. For me the Xmas Santa set was a good exmaple of selling to the non-specialist market, but again IMHO they should also have been on indie stores (assuming they weren't), as I think both they and the wagons would be good profitable sellers.


As for Ebay, I'll wait until its a bit warmer and see how many sets are at silly low prices. There appear to be so many sellers.


And finally, I also wanted a nice little train running in an Xmas scene as a decoration, and looked at Z gauge. :O How much?????


Winterised T Gauge HST may be the answer.

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I bought a set for my Daughter - at age 12 she decided she wanted to create a Christmas Diorama. So we obtained the Vollmer Christmas Village Kit, some Busch Snow and illuminated Christmas tree and this set. We spent the Holidays building it on top of some Insulation foam sheet (light, easy to cut and white!)

We look forward to seeing the finished product!

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...... But then they mucked it up with 3rd radius track and a mismatched trackmat.  The third radius track was too big for use on the diorama and too big for a display - with a small loco this really should have had 1st radius track to make the layout as flexible as possible in space terms. I had to spend £20 on more track and waste that in the box.

Then instead of a nice winter wonderland printed trackmat - even something created from Clipart would have been better than the track mat they included. Which strangely had a track plan printed on it - which the track in the box did not fit onto! So another wasted item in the set...


Its an interesting point, but if Hornby had supplied 1st Radius curves, they'd have been hounded for making the set unsuitable as a base for expansion into a "better" train set.  As for the track mat, I wonder how many of those end up mouldering away in attics? As far as the Xmas set goes, I agree that a "Christmas" themed mat would have been better suited to the set, and would have been useful for a Santa Special for Christmas this year (and years ahead...), especially after how well this years offering sold.


Talking about 1st Radius curves, I had a requirement for a 1st radius circle (don't ask!) and ended up buying a clockwork Thomas with Annie, Claribel and the circle of track, in excellent condition, for 12 quid all in from eBay.   Its a funny old world!

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