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Andy Y

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Everything posted by Andy Y

  1. Details TBC
  2. has just completed the 40 Welcome Packs - not much else I can do now until the end of next week. Apart from go and check the Spittal Brook again for Friday night. :)

  3. has just been reading the latest on Challenge entries; there's some really interesting pieces in there!

  4. It must all be within the 20" x 11" including base, back or side boards and even a top.
  5. Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you lot. :)

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Andy Y

      Andy Y

      That's rich coming from a flattened shouty plasticine dog. ;)

    3. zarniwhoop


      I'm more than 1000 miles away from blighty, not even a 44 magnum can reach that far. So yeah, I feel lucky ;-)

    4. Boris


      It's not shouty, it's singing, like me, just more in tune and with fewer swear words.

  6. has just cleaned and serviced tea urn #2. Food coolers sorted. These are the important things you know!

    1. Brinkly


      Very, I couldn't ever give up tea!

    2. BlackRat


      Lifes little luxuries, its what counts you know! :)

    3. Grafarman


      I'd call tea essential; coffee is luxury !!

  7. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    I don't believe they have yet but I am very encouraged by the potential for this model having looked at the LMS twins and talked about Hatton's testing thereof; link that to Model Rail's Sentinel's performance as seen so far and I'm quite optimistic about this.
  8. Having seen these in the flesh when I met Arthur down at Taunton I have to say they're even better in the flesh with real radiance to them. A stark contrast to Arthur's exceptionally good weathering on the wagons themselves..
  9. Don't tell everyone but Albion Yard may be breaking cover into public for the first time quite soon.
  10. I'm surmising which posts you're referring too and I agree on the loco side of it although there's some other decent elements in some of the pics. It's probably an opportune time to note that this topic should be about realism of which there are some cracking examples on this very page.
  11. Fathers' day, my backside. This is the 3rd cup of tea I've made myself whilst everyone else is still asleep.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Andy. Just a suggestion, why not go and grab the handles on the mattress and lift to give them all a reminder that is fathers day.

    3. bcnPete


      perhaps they think 'when he is finished on the net, we'll make him a cuppa' ;-)

    4. DonB


      Not had a Father's day card in 42 years of fatherhood! All together....Ahhhh...

  12. Certainly some inspirational thinking there which could be applied to other working elements Brian. I assume the bridges are weighted so they fall when the motor is reversed?
  13. It was. This shot illustrates how much of an inconvenience the GNR services would be to LNWR traffic.
  14. I noticed a link on the Stafford Railway Circle's website last night which has led me to spend some hours looking at these collections of images particularly the Stafford Common area with its long-gone salt works. http://picasaweb.google.com/clogandknocker/OldStaffordToUttoxeterRailwayLine https://picasaweb.google.com/JANenFONS/StaffordToUttoxeterRailwayPastAndPresent I'd be interested to try and find out how long some of the PO salt wagons lasted into BR years.
  15. Andy Y

    Dapol Class 22

    I would certainly doubt that; it's currently having some minor amendments made to the tooling.
  16. two weeks today I shall be papping myself over last minute arrangements.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. beast66606


      Two weeks today I might be scratching my head trying to remember where I should be going !

    3. Graham_Muz


      Well if you dont know where you are going then any way will get you there!

    4. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Good luck for the day hope all goes well for you Andy.

  17. has been QCing the Spittal Brook again; purely in the interest of Members' day of course :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      you're doing a great job ;-)

    3. Dave47549


      We demand a picture filled review thread!

    4. Andy C

      Andy C

      Your devotion to the members day does you credit! Any recommendations will be gratefully received

  18. Well spotted. The church is on the left as you head from Mottram to Glossop.
  19. Andy Y


    It's at this point that I feel very, very guilty about saying to Dave I could make the space for the layout with fiddle yard for Members' Do! However I'm really, really looking forward to seeing it in the flesh and when I saw Dave's pic I'm delighted we'll get to see it in this form.
  20. remembers 'Chard from before he knew him.

    1. halfwit


      Whereas the rest of us are trying to forget said man...

    2. halfwit


      (Sorry 'Chard, coudn't resist).

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      @Horsetan, I was expecting Boris to mention that...

    3. Dave47549


      Zippy's dead? Rod, Jane & Freddie know a song about that...

    4. Horsetan


      Worsdell, I had to mention it before Boris got in there....

  21. Absolutely; I'd also be interested to hear from any non-RMweb Model Rail readers who may be entering!
  22. just cannot keep pace with the PM and email traffic at the mo. Please bear with me.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BlackRat


      Good luck! :)

    3. halfwit


      Me neither. For too long now.

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Does this one count...?

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