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Everything posted by Grafarman

  1. The first section alone on planning, interpretation etc could prove a goldmine of information and lure many modellers away from the guesswork of fictional railways towards adopting a prototype location... But please, create books, not magazine articles (however much they offer you!); they last longer and are so much easier to reference! David
  2. The light brown deposits towards the front of the bogie I always attributed to mainline dust but I've also seen it on 40's in the yard - is it something more than just general dirt? I can see I've got a bit to do on the fleet when I revert Prestatyn back to the 70's... David
  3. Richard Deas did something similar with his N gauge 'Littlewood' - there's a useful set of pages describing 'Cascading Marshalling Yards' which you might find interesting - http://www.deas.net/littlewood/ David
  4. I clicked 'like' for these not because I approve of the subject but more that they are an excellent record of what were sad times for the 40's - keep posting! David
  5. Wonderful pictures of a beautiful loco; what more can one ask for...?! I must admit I tend to skim through the technical jargon bandied about regarding photography and the intimate details of the foibles of certain kits, preferring instead to study the building, detailing and running processes from the pictures provided; most of the modelling and picture quality on display here are far above my own abilities or equipment, but I can fully appreciate the skills required for both artforms and happily click the 'like' button accordingly. Long may this thread continue! David
  6. Very much seconded; I visit every time I'm in the area and never fail to come away with a bargain of some sort be it N, OO, loco, stock etc... My Dad haunts the place and has built up an enviable supply of items from their secondhand stock! They're on Ebay too at good prices if you look up their name...and they've just opened an extension to the original shop so even more room to drool browse! No other connection etc etc... David
  7. Really good news; I actually preferred it's BR green livery, but then I haven't seen it up close in black yet!! David
  8. Absolutely staggering Ron; any chance of seeing a loco and/or some stock against it to get the scale of it all? David
  9. Wondering if there should be a thread for Status Updates...

    1. Boris


      It'd be closed, locked or flushed within 30 seconds mate!!!

    2. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Are you sure it would take that long?

    3. Horsetan


      Well, where Boris is involved....

  10. Nearly blinded by a cyclist following my car last night with one of those super-bright quick-flashing headlight thingys...can't be legal, surely; what about people with photo-sensitive epilepsy?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      There's a bloke near us who uses one of those insanely bright headlamp things, and it's incredibly dazzling.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      I don't see how it can be stopped or mitigated unless someone tells the cyclist concerned about the effect of their flashing light, whether that's the unfortunate person affected by it, or a police officer (who might also have been adversely affected by it)...



    4. davefrk


      Being a former cyclist, I think the modern cyclist is his own worst enemy, red lights, undertaking, cutting in between traffic etc.etc. I got my eyes opened when I was commuting through Glasgow city a few years ago, absolute idiots some of them.

  11. Class 37's cruising round Prestatyn; 'Roll The Bones' on the stack whilst doing the ironing...niiiice :D

    1. MartinWales


      Not in a Rush then!

    2. Steve Purves

      Steve Purves

      Still after RR mk1s?

  12. Just got a reprieve at work; Redundancy suspended for the time being as too much work to be done!! *sigh of relief*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Best of luck and may the amount of work stay high for a long time!

    3. Grafarman
    4. New Haven Neil

      New Haven Neil

      Long term 'big picture' planning? NOT! LOL

  13. Great pic Rob; ok, I'm going to ask what may be a silly question now: this one doesn't have the blue stars on it, so was there any reason for that? Was it a timing thing, or were only certain locos thus fitted? None of the pics I have seem to feature them, so I'm assuming it was only for certain routes/locos? Thanks David
    1. 69843


      Ah, Madagascar (2)...

    2. Grafarman


      Mirrors so many conversations at my current workplace...!

  14. Ah, ok got it now...had to look it up though - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple_working Thank you David
  15. Great pics Steve; some good detail points there... Please forgive my ignorance, but what did the black stars signify above the buffers? David
  16. On my layout that's hard to avoid as most of the roads are on overbridges!!
  17. Excellent work Stephen, very realistic; looking forward to seeing it in situ... David
  18. Especially if you introduce R/C cars, helicopters etc...frequency carnage!
  19. I think it's a given that there must be something to agonise over on a layout, otherwise it becomes, well, same-y and a bit boring IMO...!! David
  20. I always liked the split headcode dominos, like this pic of 40143 passing through Prestatyn with a sulphur train 30/08/84: Copyright Dave Sallery, used with permission But my favourite 40 has to be 40104 (my N gauge model of which is currently gracing the RMweb masthead ) seen here storming through Prestatyn 30/08/84: Copyright Dave Sallery, used with permission David
  21. I have several shots of 40012 at Prestatyn during this time so was clearly something of a frequent visitor along the Coast... Great pics; keep 'em coming! David
  22. Excellent shot of 212 as 97407 - be interesting trying to get two sets of numbers on the side of a Farish 40! I guess the Crewe re-modelling didn't last that long though so limited time bracket for a model?
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