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Everything posted by Grafarman

  1. Came back after two weeks' holidays to find my job is 'at risk'...don't you love the Public Sector...?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Getting out early in a month, glad to say!

    3. skipepsi


      Lucky ............

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      And I know it!

  2. Having a clearout of my surplus N Gauge stuff; never realised there was so much!!

  3. As promised I popped in today for a look-see; very impressed with the ranges and varieties of stock on display, and the prices seemed pretty good too - so much so I walked out with a Tornado Pullman train pack for a third off the price!! Highly recommended; another satisfied customer here... David
  4. Birthday trip to Llangollen Railway today!

    1. bgman


      Many happy returns of the day!

      Now just mind the exhaust from the loco doesn't blow ALL ya candles out !

      Enjoy :)

  5. Prestatyn (the layout!) has gone all green and maroon today (with a touch of black!)

    1. Horsetan


      Prestatyn. It's better than Rhyl.

  6. I'll drive over to see you on Monday 28th when I'm up in Prestatyn! Looking forward to it... David
  7. Yes use Youtube then insert the link; much easier!! Be good to see it running... David
  8. Oh yes very nice I really like the shed particularly; did it all come ready finished or needed painting? David
  9. Is feeling rather muzzy after a double shot of Co-codamol and Ibuprofen... :P

    1. eastwestdivide


      Not suprised - but probably better than not taking them?

    2. Grafarman


      Indeed; trapped nerves in back = agony without the drugs!!

  10. Wonderful layout; just the thing for exhibitions where apart from the trains the interest is held by so many cameos and great buildings - love the aqueduct especially as I mentioned in the other thread - very well executed. You might want to check out Kal & Jaz's Arboretum Valley for examples of cameos and great features: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/72163-arboretum-valley-just-another-brick-in-the-wall/ Looking forward to seeing more pics and updates... David
  11. Can't believe Froome's out of Le Tour....

    1. Horsetan


      Yes, it's like Brazil crashing out of the World Cup.

    2. Grafarman


      Oh, didn't they win then...?!

    3. Horsetan


      I think they experienced problemas tecnicos.

  12. Anyone fancy quoting me for a finished 00 version?! I know my Dad would love one but there's no way I could make it to a high enough standard! David
  13. Eldest daughter on 7:08 to York for Uni visit; blagged a 1st Class seat too; humph!

  14. Bacon, Sausage, Black Pudding, Beans, Tomatoes, Toast and Brown Sauce; perfect weekend breakfast!

    1. trisonic


      Phew, lucky! If you had added "Fried Bread

    2. N15class


      But it needs a fried slice or two. Just had all clear from quack so can be rash for a while

    3. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Top Man...!!


  15. Could really go a tray of Krispy Kreme Doughnuts right about now...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Trebor


      make sure there half fat ones, then you can have twice as much!


    3. SHMD


      Part of my 5000 a day!

    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Some people round here are also quite partial to the "5 a day" packs of own-brand ones that Morrisons do.


      They might not be quite the same, but at least most of them are based around fruit - raspberry - strawberry - apple - lemon - fruit salad.


      (OK - I know their "fruit salad" is more like flavoured custard - but you get the idea.)

  16. Has bought 3 excellent coaches at a very reasonable price from Rails via Ebay :O - better go sit down for a while...

    1. Horsetan



  17. Has spent the afternoon barbequing...

    1. Horsetan


      Got any salmon?

  18. Euston to Mancs Picc today on a Pendolino; seat facing backwards, no table or electric socket, distinct 'waft' from the loo - felt like slumming it compared to the usual SV 221 to Prestatyn...!

    1. cravensdmufan


      Though I always found SV's to be extremely smelly too! Travelled on East Coast 2 days last week. Mk3's and Mk4's still very comfortable. Proper trains! Bring back BR!

  19. Did you take the blue pill or the red pill when you signed up...? David (aka Morpheus)
  20. Can't remember the last time I was in Pickering, but I've been looking for an excuse to visit ever since 44806 'went North' - now it'll be doubly enticing!! Will follow with interest...any timescale for the build as yet? David
  21. If it's the one I think it is, it's right next door to a certain famous preserved railway line where my favourite Black Five is now appearing having previously been resident at Llangollen!! Here's a google map which shows where I mean: Getting warm...?! David
  22. That's a beautiful rake of coaches, snaking through under the shadow of the castle - very evocative... Looking forward to seeing some videos once it's up and running! David
  23. Eastern region coaching stock variations have never previously meant much to me as I model 'the other side' of the country, but I have to say I'm finding all of these exchanges on diagrams, livery explanations and model conversions absolutely fascinating! What a wealth of knowledge and expertise is being displayed here; I feel privileged to be party to it all... Thank you for sharing... David
  24. All I can say is I wish I had a mother-in-law like yours...!! Top work with knife and brush; I would keep and use both and enjoy the variety... David
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