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Everything posted by Gilbert

  1. I use an empty syrup tin with a replaceable lid which I take to the recycling siteperiodically and put it in the metal skip. I tend to mention it to the staff on site but they are not bothered as I assume once its in the skip it does not get handled by real people again?
  2. Joe - the stick can be very basic - just wide enough for a switching lead. This is my Dock Street layout with my small off-scene track at left.
  3. Saturday's zoom sessions https://www.missendenrailwaymodellers.org.uk/index.php/virtual-missenden-recordings/
  4. Now open https://www.missendenrailwaymodellers.org.uk/index.php/virtual-missenden-autumn-2020/
  5. I suspect even Peco are more up-to-date than that....
  6. There are many types of Athearn GPs from Bluebox upwards....I've had one or two issues with their early Genesis sound locos..
  7. There are plenty of downloadable pdfs etc and if it goes to plan (.....and its a big "if"...) the Zooms will be available after the event on the main website. Thanks for the interest. Chris
  8. Can't speak for the GP38-2 but I have one each of their HO "sound value" S4s and GP7 and both are decent "middle of the road" models and runners. Chris
  9. Today - Thursday 15th - is the last day for registering for the zoom sessions - they close at midnight.
  10. I plan to get some track down and see how it all feels...
  11. Planned to be a straight replacement for DSS stockwise but in an urban setting with some shorter NPCS stuff available as well.
  12. I must start a new thread in case the new owner of Dock Street decides to update us ....under the circumstances my new one may be "Lock Street".......sorry....
  13. Marc- sadly all I've done is paint a (plain) backscene and start a bit of wiring...the plan is to assemble as many bits as possible before the big push rather than do little jobs along the way.. I have however been experimenting with card for structures though...a trial build of some downloaded Scalescenes retaining wall..
  14. I'm a bit busy with a new project at the moment....
  15. Mech Models or Model Junction if they are still open. I think Gaugemaster are a Walthers dealer as well.
  16. I've subscribed for the last year or so with no significant delays or issues. Location near Bristol FWIW. Chrs
  17. Don't encourage him.....we'll never hear the last of it...
  18. I tend to keep RTR locos in their manufacturer's boxes - fewer of them than with 4mm so not as onerous to unpack at exhibitions and probably safer...they have a lot of mass when they hit the floor.....don't ask me how I know... With kit built stuff such as Connoisseur 4f or JLTRT 22 I have previously invested in Parkside Arts individual boxes and while I don't think they are available any more other suppliers do something similar. Given the value of the locos I don't think the extra cost is too much... Chris
  19. "We need a bigger baseboard......."
  20. If he put that statement on FaceBook they'd flag it as untrue..........
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