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Status Replies posted by Metr0Land

  1. Just had a notification from Hattons that the NSE snowplough pre-order is being processed...yay!

  2. Is it just me or does it never stop raining in Blaenau Ffestiniog?

  3. Good Will Hunting

  4. is watching old Alan Whicker features for no apparent reason

  5. For the first time in my life, I don't have a cat.

  6. Strawberry flavoured grapes? What is the point of that?

  7. White Yorkshire Day Rabbits!

  8. 50 years ago today, Dad's Army, arguably Britain's best ever sitcom, first aired.

  9. 50 years ago today, Dad's Army, arguably Britain's best ever sitcom, first aired.

  10. Hmmm £1000+ of essential dental work, or two new O gauge locos? Decisions, decisions...

  11. Asked a shop if they stocked code 75. "No, it's rubbish". I disagree.

  12. If London vs Brussells = Bulgaria, what is the value of X?

  13. 3 measures gin, 1 measure vodka, 1/2 measure Lillet Blanc vermouth. Pour the gin, vodka and Lillet blanc into a cocktail shaker half-filled with cracked ice. Shake well, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a large, thin slice of lemon peel, and serve.

  14. Rosebay Willowherb is out.

  15. Forest of Dean Beavers (released today)

  16. Today is sunny, yesterday was sunny, tomorrow looks to be sunny, the outlook for the next two weeks is sunny.

  17. Today is sunny, yesterday was sunny, tomorrow looks to be sunny, the outlook for the next two weeks is sunny.

  18. 42 degrees outside the backdoor. East Anglia always rainy and cold

  19. The bowler's Holding the batsman's Willey

  20. wonders where the next announcement will come from.

  21. Munching my nuts...

  22. Why are telecommunication companies so hard to communicate with?

  23. Why are telecommunication companies so hard to communicate with?

  24. has free parking for at least the next couple of months....

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