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Status Replies posted by Metr0Land

  1. change password

  2. Why does July 19th strike me as important?

  3. Don't seem to have had any announcements for a while.

  4. Has the nasty man gone away yet ?

  5. Trump told me to.......

  6. Got myself an amazon echo, what fun!

  7. noted that Rail Minister Jo Johnson(!) travelled to Cornwall by air for a meeting about rail links. The question about this was persistently dodged. There's a surprise.

  8. Was Dr Beeching right?

  9. Wimbledon... All the players who I've taken an irrational dislike to keep winning!

  10. Miffed. Great rail restorations episode 1 didnt record, and is not available to download :-(

  11. Well, I'm relieved that the Quidditch tournament is now over and that things can return to some semblance of normality.

  12. Just spent an afternoon in the casting shed, boy was it hot!

  13. why is it that here in the UK we don't have anything quite as grand as miniature wonderland

  14. What ever happened to........?

  15. Oh Gawd, another five days of idiotic over the top press coverage and that blooming Three Lions song...

  16. The bathroom towels are blue and yellow. Is this a sign?

  17. I hear that ******* Three Lions Song one more time there is going to be much unpleasantness....

  18. It must be the mussels & frites they eat

  19. Another countdown...

  20. Wonders how much he would get for his bottle of 7UP (other drinks aren't available) on Ebay. #frizzydrinkcrisis

  21. Is running out of Lynx...

  22. Next week looks a bit like this -

  23. is watching the South Korean goals against Germany on continuous loop....

  24. Eek, just checked my emails and realised I’ve got a job interview this afternoon, thought it was tomorrow! Cue benny Hill music while I get ready

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