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RMweb Gold
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Status Replies posted by Metr0Land

  1. Failed my Yorkshire Citizenship application - didn't really like the Black Dyke brass band. Worried about being deported

  2. Annual stocktake at work. I may be some time....

  3. There maybe trouble ahead...

  4. think I've lost my bearings

  5. Apologies for the awful weather. It is all my fault because I set up my new compressor, spray gun and booth. Kiss of death to warm dry weather.

  6. Brilliant new tv channel 81. Freeview 'Talking Pictures. 'Lots of period details /scenes last night film 'Lost'. England 1956.previous night 1966 'Sea Pebbles'

  7. I've suffered a catastrophic loss of modelling mojo over the last 6 weeks or so...

  8. has started the week with his senior colleague ranting about the departure of Arsene Wenger. #arsenal #rabid #fan

  9. Blimey! AW leaving The Gunners....

  10. And The Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place

  11. Your call is important to us, thanks for holding..........

  12. Gents; if you’ve got the Hornby Green Blues might I recommend an airbrush application oh Tamiya X24 clear yellow.

  13. Tornado has failed near Sandy.. Was going like a sewing machine when it passed me.. https://www.flickr.com/photos/32297024@N08/41446723221/


  15. Hmmmm, a thread with no replies, a user with only 1 post, and it's been locked! There's got to be a back story there to wallow in someone else's misery.

  16. There seems more than the usual confrontational/argumentative type threads than usual. Is it because the weather's so cr@p and folks are getting cabin fever?

  17. is so thoroughly browned off with all this damp weather.

  18. Who's idea was it to get the new UK passport made in France.

  19. It was 20 years ago today, Sergeant Pepper taught the band to play

  20. found the snow was going parallel with the ground earlier....

  21. I'm going up the garden to my shed to make baseboards. If the snow sets in and I'm not back by lunch time please send a rescue party.

  22. Some people just never give up on a thread that outran it's course after 1 page...... it's now up to 4.

  23. Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you; Happy Birthday to you dear RMweb; Happy Birthday to you. 13 years old today.

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