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Status Replies posted by Metr0Land

  1. Happy Pi day all

  2. “Let’s see what you could have won” ... RIP Jim Bowen

  3. has been in the garden catching some rays in the lovely warm sunshine. A nice Chablis and some Comte cheese is going down rather well. Roll on Spring!

  4. Somebody contacted me a couple of weeks ago asking about a Craftsman class 120 DMU kit, I have deleted their message by mistake, are you that person ?

  5. Beware of cheap imitation Borises

  6. Math. It’s all fun and games until someone divides by zero.

  7. I can't believe Gary Numan is 60 today.

  8. Off to Yorkshire.....wish me luck!

  9. has received a scam "suspicious activity" text from Santander

  10. I'd really rather like a biscuit now, please.

  11. Annesley Woodhouse - "Best in Show" Mansfield 2018

  12. ...has woken up in Iowa City this morning!

  13. Snow's thawing fast now. Here one moment, gone the next.

  14. i will not be pushed filed stamped indexed briefed debriefed or numbered

  15. i will not be pushed filed stamped indexed briefed debriefed or numbered

  16. Cheap Day Return York/Kettering for show Saturday - 130 knicker!

  17. I've just been out into the Outer Air.

  18. Battled 300 miles thro' snow, got home, and promptly slipped on stairs and done my left knee in. Great. Oh, well - modelling!

  19. Here's a Nugget of a headline. Many chickens clucked a sigh of relief today and yesterday and the day before that. Their impending executions was put off due to the inability of DHL lorries to cross the road.

  20. has just had a missed call from overseas. The caller appears to be in the Vatican. Why would Pope Francis want to call me? #ecumenicalmatter

  21. Black strap molasses, yay!

  22. has just had a missed call from overseas. The caller appears to be in the Vatican. Why would Pope Francis want to call me? #ecumenicalmatter

  23. Been playing with Thomas the Tank Engine with my youngest daughter. Toot toot!

  24. British Gas - We're not happy until you aren't.

  25. Sheffield council tenants change of conditions have come through, what a bunch of idiots. Nowhere do they mention how to pay cash for your rent, they want it direct debit. Quick google shows the law says "as long as you have tried to pay with legal tender, you cannot be sued for monies owed". Chas is legal tender, so if they stop taking cash, doesn't that make them trying to have direct debit only illegal?

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