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Status Replies posted by Metr0Land

  1. really want ot build a made up 1990s to 2020s era layout

  2. No wonder the railways are in a state if Charles Hawtrey is in charge!

  3. New memo to self. Must compete 1 Wagner a week, not half compete and leave it til later.

  4. _ . _ . _ _ . _ ..

  5. No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century...

  6. Well, Did You Evah

  7. Yes! That would be an ecumenical matter.

  8. Flying Scotsman departs London Victoria, setting off the fire alarms causing a full evacuation of the station. Oops.

  9. Scenes that some viewers might find distressing.....

  10. Northern Railway. The new timetable has seen the reintroduction of Pacers in the Hull, Bridlington and Scarborough service. Bad ride, not enough seats. Same old story that just goes on and on. Roll on December, 2019 and the new trains.

  11. is considering whether a laxative chocolate cake might make a good practical joke....

  12. I wonder if we'll see mk5 coaches in model form soon?

  13. So Meghan’s dress is by givenchy. I’ve been on the edge of my seat for days....

  14. Attractions include free entry into the coffee shop and gift shop.

  15. Imagine what Slough station will be like on Saturday...

  16. It’s the return of the LNER

  17. Did you keep the box it came in?

  18. How can Israel win Eurovision when they're not even in Europe !

  19. is pleased that 'Montalbano' is back with its warm and sunny setting having enjoyed this series of 'Salamander'

  20. How can Israel win Eurovision when they're not even in Europe !

  21. It’s a proud moment when your obscure hobby is alongside Barometer collecting and Duck keeping. The BLS magazine is the guest publication on HIGNFY

  22. Eurovision night whoopee, that’s me free to do Modelling related stuff for 3 or 4 hours ;-)

  23. That's all 18 TOPs HUOs ordered. Now to tell my Missus!

  24. That's all 18 TOPs HUOs ordered. Now to tell my Missus!

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