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Tony Davis

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Status Updates posted by Tony Davis

  1. So, is it a law, that, once you have solved an electrical problem on your layout, another problem, usually something that has worked reliably up to this point, will now fail?

    1. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      Probably a corollary of Murphy's Law.  But see Cunningham's Law ;)


    2. Compound2632


      All local manifestations of the Universal Law of Sod.


      Ward Cunningham is a known individual. I'm not sure if the identity of Murphy is known. Sod was an Old Testament Patriarch, the chief contractor for the Tower of Babel. 

  2. And next, the two Down brothers; Ben and Neal

  3. And here is the electronics engineer, Mr Ode and his two lovely daughters; Cath and Ann

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Kylestrome


      And here come Mr. & Mrs. Wire and their daughter Belle.

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      "Ding D0ng" Belle's electric! She turns them on.

    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Stop, my resistance is low.

  4. Installing Ubuntu 18.04 is a lot easier that Redhat 5.2

    1. Kylestrome


      Can I quote you on that ... ?

    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Yes, definitely, it even detected my wireless printers, I am really impressed.

  5. Cutting little tiles, lots and lots of little tiles

  6. Cataloguing my railway magazine collection

  7. Has anyone used their wife's eye-shadow to weather card buildings and/or rolling stock?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      But it's okay to tell her that I'm putting make-up on an expensive model?

    3. Horsetan


      Greasepaint, that's what you need.

    4. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Ah, the roar of the greasepaint, the smell of the crowd!

  8. Trying to stick plastic wire to ratio fence posts - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. westerhamstation


      I just paint the cotton with diluted enamel paint after gluing in place

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      I tried gluing the cotton with haffix superglue, to no avail, what did you use to glue it?


    4. westerhamstation


      just cheapo superglue

      have sent you a pm.

  9. HHGTTG is Back!!

    1. Hroth


      Don't Panic! (I'm ok, I've a few towels to hand...)

    2. BernardTPM


      Hillman Hunter! ROFL

  10. Stuck indoors and out of primer

  11. I know I don't have to say "please" or "thankyou" to Alexa, but it is easier to do so than to not do so.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Alexa ...should I take a dump..

    3. adb968008


      Alexa, is also Alexis in the Urals, and Sergei, Vladimir, Pietrov and a whole bunch of other people waiting for your card details.

    4. DCB


      They should have an East End security enabled Alexa which only responds to "Alexa [action] You slag" OMG just thought of a Welsh version.

  12. You know when you weather track with an airbrush,and you wipe the damp paint off with a cloth? Well, what if you don't wipe it, and it dries, and it is Vallejo Acrylic?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. scottystitch


      I use an old credit card type......card, to scrape it off.

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Extra hard scrub with the wood got it off, so thanks all.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Next time, cellulose thinners might be worth trying.

  13. The Duchess is broken, how will I get back from York?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      This was on the Facebook page today;

      We can now inform you that during an examination prior to last Saturday's planned tour to Holyhead it was discovered that the Duchess has a cracked large flue. During the past week our engineers, along with our volunteers, have removed the motion and on Monday of next week the locomotive will be towed back to the West Shed. The planned winter maintenance programme will commence almost immediately which will include the fitting of new elements. The...

    3. tractionman


      Thanks, hadn't spotted that, I was looking at the PRCLT website. I've been supporting the PRCLT since 1998, a very worthy cause!!

    4. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      There was more to the post but the comments section must have a character limit. It was the Christmas Rose trip I was hoping to behind it on.

  14. Note to self; It's called an HOT glue gun for a reason

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      I was convinced that I had switched off the soldering iron until 2 days later when I picked it up by the stand.... Then it was called an F**king hot soldering iron.

    3. Liam
    4. Tony Davis
  15. Can I leave Guhirne after 20:00?

    1. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      But the sign says the road is closed.

    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      And I mean THE road!

  16. Rhyl made me ill, I did yearn for Guyhirn

  17. so, if you are modelling and you need to pee but are thinking "I'll just do this bit first then go", well if the the bit you are doing is changing a scalpel blade, then always, always go for a pee first, because you will hurry and stick the blasted scalpel blade into your finger and bang goes any modelling for the evening...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      I lost a couple of weeks of modelling time last year to a knife-related injury, so you have my sympathy.

    3. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      Didn't get any sympathy from the wife either, "that will teach you!" - Well thankyou Florence-bloody-Nightingale!

    4. Liam


      Pity it's not November, then you could have said the pin for your poppy pronged your thumb and made it bleed - happened to me last year.

  18. Is it going to rain or not, make up your bl**dy mind!!

    1. Liam


      No clue, I'm on my travels in Europe.

  19. Herring Milts

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Is that the name of your new cameo layout?

    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      That's not a bad idea, thanks.

  20. Paint, though it's mostly in my hair and on my glasses. The joys of painting an Artexed ceiling.

    1. Huw Griffiths
    2. Tony Davis

      Tony Davis

      None! And now she wants me to do all the others because "the painted one makes the others look dull"

  21. Paint, though it's mostly in my hair and on my glasses. The joys of painting an Artexed ceiling.

  22. Booked another trip to Wales to see trains - Hooray!

  23. Another trip to Wales to see trains booked - Hooray!

  24. Finally built a static grass applicator, now I just need static grass

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