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Everything posted by griffgriff

  1. Well you might have to wait for train or a tram after all the hordes have gotten off I don't deny that there are clear advantaged to high speed rail and there is no doubt that there are serious capacity issues on the network, I'm just not convinced this part of the network has the problem. Incidentally I have just had a look at a ATOC report published last year. It says that rail already has 79% of the passenger share between London and Manchester but the percentage is only 20% for all journeys between London and Glasgow (2010 figures). Admittedly there is potential between London and Birmingham where the figure was 30%. Just saying.
  2. I had to catch a few morning rush hour trains to Sheffield the other week from East Midlands Parkway... It was a 5 coach Meridian and each of the trains was pretty much running empty... if it was an HST I suspect there would have been an echo. I wonder what a super duper high speed train with an expensive tariff and going to a station half an hour out of Sheffield center would have been like
  3. A touch of the 'Vic Berry' there by the looks of it... only in reverse
  4. mmmm that doesn't sound very Cornish to me Jam and then CREAM
  5. Very true but you can get mini butler sinks that have a similar footprint but are better proportioned for your needs (in your new venture you might very well be doing a great deal of stripping and that sink is going to get some usage, it would be a shame to spray your tidy surroundings with mucky sink water)... but it's a great working space all the same.
  6. I don't want to sound like 'Mr You Don't Wanna Do It Like That' but I think you might find the sink will become irritatingly small to strip locos in (unless you're keeping to 2mm).... having said that I'm green with envy with all the other facilities you have to hand
  7. Not wanting to decry the rest of the project but this is fascinating stuff. For too long the workings of the railway have been ignored but it's this kind of research that uncovers how and why the railways developed and how and why we can model them in a much more convincing fashion.
  8. That Crompton looks like it has spent far too long on the WR
  9. I think the Derby NSE coaches got about a bit... I believe they worked peak time services to Matlock behind a pair of 20s during the early 1990s. I was living in Derby at the time but alas I was taking time out from the hobby, oh how I regret missing out on treats like those now
  10. You might find one in the 'Coors' Museum (Is that its name? Doesn't sound right) in Burton and the 'Flowerpot' in Derby has one on the bar for a lark. Can't remark on the quality of the Red Barrel but I remember drinking some cask Worthington E... I wasn't impressed
  11. I guess you might see a gum tree in Cornwall, it's the blue sky that's doubtful
  12. Is Dapol Dave in hiding with the plans at Moscow airport? Is he waiting for political asylum in some unnamed despot controlled state? No I didn't think so and I'm sure things are progressing, perhaps not to plan but progressing.
  13. The first ones convincing but the other three feature a totally unrealistic sky
  14. Don't tell Mrs. G but I've fallen in love with another... how could a model of something so functional look so darn good
  15. Make it dual fuel or better still stick a pantograph on the top like the Swiss did
  16. only when someones been eating them with chips
  17. Strange seeing Fisherton Sarum and Aberdeen Kirkhill in the same post as I went to Fisherton (as in Sarum) Manor middle school as a kid and I now work in Mickleover. Both excellent layouts but I believe Kirkhill needs to smell more of fish and it should feature some suicidal diving seagulls.
  18. Fitter could imply good health how about 'Fitters' because you might need more than one
  19. The way they move remind me of Daleks
  20. That's an oxymoron! You can't have vacuum and cleaner in the same phrase when referring to 50's, you can however have 'Dirty + Log'! Great weathering though
  21. Even well respected modellers make mistakes.
  22. Last Monday I was sat by the line at Sherbourne Castle... nice location but it was in need of a 50! Glad that the scheme fits, it would be a shame to 'bin' a structure so lovingly (and skillfully) conceived. The camera can be cruel but not so with your buildings I'm pleased to say, keep up the good work.
  23. I'm sure it's a relay room but whether it's purpose is signalling or communication I'm not certain, I'll just assign it to the S&T engineers. However thinking about it they did seem to appear at the same time as telegraph poles vanished (and replaced by cable troughs) also they're arrival didn't necessarily coincide with signalling improvements??? So my money is on at least some of them being exchanges for BR telephones. Hows that for a 'sit on the fence answer' Cheers Rob
  24. Switch the speaker phone on and then you will have two spare hands, type with one and design the etch with the other... simples. (BTW you don't have to sweep up too do you )
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