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Status Updates posted by Coldgunner

  1. Its a boy Mrs Walker, its a boy!

    1. gwrrob


      A son, a son, a son...

  2. I don't wonder whether the glass is half full or half empty. I wonder who's been drinking my pint!

    1. Horsetan


      Probably Coachmann. Which may explain why he went to hospital LOL

    2. 46444


      You haven't been throwing diluted PVA over your trousers again have you? :-)

  3. Gahh, spilt half a pint of my water/PVA mix all over my trousers!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hippo


      Don't sit still for too long in case you set lol

    3. bcnPete


      don't sit near any ballast either!...

    4. cornamuse


      that is going to chafe next time you wear them :)

  4. Does anyone else think there something creepy and unnatural about the kids on toyboxes?

  5. Had a third go at the Kestrel pub, repainted the roof black and used rust on the brickwork. Seems to have worked.

  6. rmweb feels sluggish this evening, is it ok for everyone else?

    1. Tase


      Nope, its not just you. Its very sloooww...

  7. In the town, where I was born/lived a man, who sailed the seas/and he told me of his life/in the yellow, submarine

    1. Grafarman


      he was lyin'...I know; I am the Walrus...

    2. AndrewC


      We all code in a Java subroutine

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      High-vis submarine....

  8. Grr, trying to get on with this Airfix Corsair, but theres a mistake in the colours, it says sea blue but it should be midnight blue. Now I've got to go to the shops, which I didn't want to do today.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      They are that indeed, Kelly! Though a decent natural metal finish can be just as challenging to obtain...

    3. Kelly


      1216 025 there exist good solutions for the metal finish now i believe, alclad or something like that, from what i saw in a magazine a few years back, it worked really rather well.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Yeah, Alclad... These were not easily available over here at the time, so I never tried these.

  9. Did a fair bit of modelling today, I actuall feel knackered in 1:148 scale.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. muddys-blues


      DMU's modelling Mr Gunner ?

    3. Coldgunner


      nar, normal scenery and I've started my platform. Due to curvature I had to battle plasticard and hold it in place for a while.

    4. halfwit


      All that running...

  10. Run with plastikard today, this station will look great!

    1. halfwit


      Running with plasticard is ok, just don't run with scissors.

    2. Coldgunner


      heh, mean't to say 'Fun' lol.

  11. Didn't get the job :(, although my trip to brummyland wasn't entirely fruitless as I got to see 46235 at Thinktank.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coldgunner


      Its nigh on impossible to get an unobstructed photo of her as she is tucked in a corner. Although she's not behind a screen so you can touch her and have a look in the cab.

    3. Jon020


      Sorry about the job.... Thinktank - yes, but it's just a shame that she's stone cold. Feels very much like a mausoleum in there and shoved away in the corner. I tried some front end shots when I went... not very good - more of a record than photo excellence.



    4. TheSignalEngineer


      Present location is not as good as the old Science Museum, although my Great Grandfather was born a few yards from where CoB now stands. More atmosphere at the old place, and it was free admission.

  12. Farish DP1 is very photogenic, very easy to look sharp in most lighting, even with an awful cameraphone.

  13. Thinks he may have re-assembled his farish V2 wrong as its shorting on all wheels :|. Strip and re-assemble again tomorrow.

    1. muddys-blues


      That's the problem with kettles, you should get yourself some DMU's ;>)

    2. Coldgunner


      nuts to that, live steam N gauge anyone?

  14. Started sketching Greslington station onto the baseboard ready for the plasticard structure.

  15. I think a replacement signal box in order, my latest 'photoshoot' has revealed some serious problems with my build and post build modifications.

  16. Interview weren't too bad, went and had a nosey in thinktank after, saw City of Birmingham. Magnificient loco!

    1. TheSignalEngineer


      I remember when it was delivered to the old museum in Newhall St. Still got the pics somewhere.

    2. charles2


      I remember it in Newhall St. too! Other marvels were Spitfire & Hurricane planes and the one car I really wish I could have had - a Mini Metro (okay, so it was the 6R4 - 3.5litres of raw power - a fantastic rally car until the foreign manufacturers got teed off with it's winning performance and got it banned from rallying)! Miss that old place!

  17. Travelling to Brummy land (Birmingham) today for interview, today is gonna be a long one I think!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. halfwit


      Good luck with that.

    3. Horsetan


      In today's news, a Brummie-born lass living in Kent, who woke up to find she now has a French accent :-O

    4. beast66606
  18. wishes he could be the MGM lion... RRROOOOAAARRR, ROAAAR, ROOOOAAARRRR!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. QRModeller


      ^^ Heard that from many NSW and Victorian A-League fans.

    3. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      You can get medication for that condition... ;-)

    4. Horsetan


      Yes, CK, it's called "Tiger Balm". ;-)

  19. Grr, sorting out travel expenses with jobcentre is like a slow death. Painful and downright boring.

    1. devondynosoar118


      Everything with them is like that! Think of a happy place....

    2. Coldgunner


      I had a little mental holiday to Greslington, only to have nightmare of being glued to the floor...

  20. ...for we do not inherit the earth, we are merely the leaseholders.

  21. Just watched Titfield Thunderbolt for the first time in years, still puts a smile on my face.

  22. reticulating splines

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. eastwestdivide


      It's amazing what modern medicine can do.

    3. cromptonnut


      Oombla es tu ramano?

    4. Coldgunner


      flobadob blibblobblib

  23. ooh, another phone call.

    1. Jason T

      Jason T

      Please tell me that you don't work in a call centre and are over-exciteable

    2. Coldgunner
  24. ok, 3 plans at the moment. 1. Get Job 2. Move out into flat/house with room for OO gauge layout 3. Build OO gauge layout.

    1. halfwit


      4. Post layout progress on RMWeb.

    2. Coldgunner
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